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Time convert - Printable Version

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Time convert - ImTobi - 24.10.2017

Hey To all,
How can i convert the time fom milliseconds to seconds or minutes?

Re: Time convert - CodeStyle175 - 24.10.2017

PHP код:
format(s,sizeof(s),"%02d:%02d",min,floatround(sec min*60));

Re: Time convert - ImTobi - 24.10.2017

i mean like, i have a command to jail someone, but i must give the time in milliseconds

Re: Time convert - kingmk - 24.10.2017

Originally Posted by ImTobi
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Hey To all,
How can i convert the time fom milliseconds to seconds or minutes?
1 millisecond = 0.001 seconds

Try this function.

forward ConvertMilliseconds(millisecond, &hours, &minutes, &seconds) 
public ConvertMilliseconds(millisecond, &hours, &minutes, &seconds) 
       if (millisecond < 0) return false;
       sec = millisecond / 1000; 
       minutes = secs / 60; seconds = secs % 60;
       hours = minutes / 60; minutes = minutes % 60;
       return true;
How to use?
new h, m, s;
ConvertMilliseconds(4126623, h, m, s);
printf("12335454667 milliseconds:  %d: %d: %d", h, m, s);

Re: Time convert - ImTobi - 24.10.2017

here's the whole command

CMD:arrest(playerid, params[])
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5,1525.4839,-1677.7625,5.8906))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"Du bist nicht am Arrest Punkt.");
new otherplayerid, grund[128], Zeit;
if(sscanf(params, "uis[128]",otherplayerid,Zeit,grund))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"INFO: /arrest [id][Zeit in Millisekunden][grund]");
if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(otherplayerid) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"Der Spieler hat keine Wanteds.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Der Spieler ist nicht online!");
return 1;
SetPlayerPos(otherplayerid,263.8904,77.4725,1001.0 391);
SetPlayerInterior(otherplayerid, 6);
sInfo[playerid][payday] += 1500;
SetTimerEx("unarrest",Zeit,false,"i",otherplayerid );
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(isPlayerInFrakt(i, 2))
if(onlspdduty[playerid] == false)return SCM(playerid,adminrot,"Du bist nicht im Dienst.");
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"HQ: Der Spieler %s[%i] wurde festgenommen. Grund: %s",sInfo[otherplayerid][rpname],otherplayerid,grund);
return 1;

Re: Time convert - kingmk - 24.10.2017

Originally Posted by ImTobi
Посмотреть сообщение
here's the whole command

CMD:arrest(playerid, params[])
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5,1525.4839,-1677.7625,5.8906))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"Du bist nicht am Arrest Punkt.");
new otherplayerid, grund[128], Zeit;
if(sscanf(params, "uis[128]",otherplayerid,Zeit,grund))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"INFO: /arrest [id][Zeit in Millisekunden][grund]");
if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(otherplayerid) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"Der Spieler hat keine Wanteds.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Der Spieler ist nicht online!");
return 1;
SetPlayerPos(otherplayerid,263.8904,77.4725,1001.0 391);
SetPlayerInterior(otherplayerid, 6);
sInfo[playerid][payday] += 1500;
SetTimerEx("unarrest",Zeit,false,"i",otherplayerid );
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(isPlayerInFrakt(i, 2))
if(onlspdduty[playerid] == false)return SCM(playerid,adminrot,"Du bist nicht im Dienst.");
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"HQ: Der Spieler %s[%i] wurde festgenommen. Grund: %s",sInfo[otherplayerid][rpname],otherplayerid,grund);
return 1;
I recommend u to use english when u codding, cuz i don't undestood your scripts.

Re: Time convert - ImTobi - 24.10.2017

Originally Posted by kingmk
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I recommend u to use english when u codding, cuz i don't undestood your scripts.
CMD:arrest(playerid, params[])
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5,1525.4839,-1677.7625,5.8906))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"You are not at the arrest Point.");
new otherplayerid, reason[128], Time;
if(sscanf(params, "uis[128]",otherplayerid,Time,reason))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"INFO: /arrest [id][Time][Reason]");
if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(otherplayerid) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"The Player doesn't have wanteds.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"The Player isn't online!");
return 1;
SetPlayerPos(otherplayerid,263.8904,77.4725,1001.0 391);
SetPlayerInterior(otherplayerid, 6);
sInfo[playerid][payday] += 1500;
SetTimerEx("unarrest",Time,false,"i",otherplayerid );
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(isPlayerInFrakt(i, 2))
if(onlspdduty[playerid] == false)return SCM(playerid,adminrot,"You are not on duty.");
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"HQ: The Player %s[%i] got arrested. Reason: %s",sInfo[otherplayerid][rpname],otherplayerid,Reason);
return 1;

Re: Time convert - CodeStyle175 - 24.10.2017

are you stupid?

Re: Time convert - Danisoni - 24.10.2017

1000 ms is 1 second, so you can easily calculate.

*** edit - here is calculation in minutes

SetTimerEx("unarrest",(1000*60)*minutes,false,"i",otherplayerid );

Re: Time convert - NeewFooX - 25.10.2017

Originally Posted by ImTobi
Посмотреть сообщение
CMD:arrest(playerid, params[])
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5,1525.4839,-1677.7625,5.8906))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"You are not at the arrest Point.");
new otherplayerid, reason[128], Time;
if(sscanf(params, "uis[128]",otherplayerid,Time,reason))return SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"INFO: /arrest [id][Time][Reason]");
if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(otherplayerid) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,adminrot,"The Player doesn't have wanteds.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"The Player isn't online!");
return 1;
SetPlayerPos(otherplayerid,263.8904,77.4725,1001.0 391);
SetPlayerInterior(otherplayerid, 6);
sInfo[playerid][payday] += 1500;
SetTimerEx("unarrest",Time,false,"i",otherplayerid );
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(isPlayerInFrakt(i, 2))
if(onlspdduty[playerid] == false)return SCM(playerid,adminrot,"You are not on duty.");
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"HQ: The Player %s[%i] got arrested. Reason: %s",sInfo[otherplayerid][rpname],otherplayerid,Reason);
return 1;
yes ...