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Weird object bug, vehicles spawning with objects - Printable Version

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Weird object bug, vehicles spawning with objects - AndreiWow - 22.10.2017

Um guys, I came across a weird bug which I can't really find. Vehicles spawn with a gate or building on them, the thing is that there is NO AttachObjectToVehicle in the WHOLE gamemode... like what the fuck.. how could it attach.

Any ideas? I could paste here lines of code but I don't even have idea what is causing this.

The bug happens after like one day of the server running without restart.

Re: Weird object bug, vehicles spawning with objects - kAn3 - 22.10.2017

Lol a car with a house on it? AWESOME!
Btw check where you create the vehicles, if you use custom funcs to create them and into all filterscripts you may be using

Re: Weird object bug, vehicles spawning with objects - maksicnm - 23.10.2017

Awesome idea for my RP server, thx <3