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Am I retarded or what.. - Printable Version

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Am I retarded or what.. - Prokill911 - 12.10.2017

Hey, So I've recently come back to samp after 2 n half years and I fucking hate DINI like with a passion, If this was SQL It'd be piece of cake..

But for some reason, this command DOES not work and I can't figure out why not.
PHP код:
CMD:unban(playeridparams[]) {
PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) {
sscanf(params"s[128]"name)) {
format(name2sizeof(name2), "%s"name);
udb_Exists(name2) && PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 1) {
format(file,sizeof(file),"/ladmin/users/%s.sav",udb_encode(name2) );
isbanned dini_Int(file"banned");
isbanned == 1) {
format(msgsizeof(msg), "%s has been unbanned"name2);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1msg);
                } else {
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"This player is not banned!");
            } else {
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"Player not found, no ban removed!"); //Always exits too this line
return 1;
        } else {
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"USAGE: /unban [accountname]");

Now, If I unban lets say "Prokill" it will work it lets me unban that account, but now if I change that name too; Prokill_ Or Prokill_123
The second I add that underscore It all goes too shit..
Anyone have any ideas?

Found out that when a user registers for example: Test_Test, It saves it as "Test_00Test" same with [Test] "00Test00".. can't find why or where it's doing this

Re: Am I retarded or what.. - Luke_James - 12.10.2017

Convert it to SQL then? dini is redundant.

Re: Am I retarded or what.. - Prokill911 - 12.10.2017

The entire script is Dini and i aint got time or patience to sit an do that lol.

Re: Am I retarded or what.. - Luis- - 12.10.2017

It’d be worth converting in the long run, trust me. I know it’ll be a pain, i’ve done it myself.