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DestroyVeh after an amount of time after the vehicle has been spawned - Printable Version

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DestroyVeh after an amount of time after the vehicle has been spawned - muka - 30.09.2017

Ok, so I have this :

- ok, so this is when the player will request the vehicle.
case 0:
		            GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, angle);
		            GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					ticau_veh1 = CreateVehicle(481, x, y, z, angle, 144, 145, 125, 0);
					vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
					i[playerid] = 1;
					delay(playerid, vehicleid);
					return 1;
- these are the fuctions for destroying the vehicle after 5 seconds if the player is not inside

public delay(playerid, vehicleid)
    SetTimerEx("destroy_veh", 5000, 1, "d");

public destroy_veh(playerid, vehicleid)
    if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)==1)
		delay(playerid, vehicleid);
But it's not working. What did I do wrong ?

Re: DestroyVeh after an amount of time after the vehicle has been spawned - J0sh... - 30.09.2017

You aren't specifying the playerid or vehicleid in SetTimerEx.

PHP код:
Also you should remove the delay() inside destroy_veh because a new timer will check it.

Re: DestroyVeh after an amount of time after the vehicle has been spawned - TakeiT - 30.09.2017

Why not just set the respawn time in CreateVehicle and not worry about any extra code?

Re: DestroyVeh after an amount of time after the vehicle has been spawned - jlalt - 30.09.2017

^ because that's respawn time not destroy time.

Note: your timers auto reset / repeat value set to true but you never kill them, either disable the repeat or store their Id and kill them when finished.

Re: DestroyVeh after an amount of time after the vehicle has been spawned - muka - 01.10.2017

Thanks, it's working !