Zombie System (AI) V2 -
StrikerZ - 16.09.2017
I'm working on a scratch script for my server, it's basically based on The Walking Dead movie.
Just finished the zombie system, would like to hear some feedback and improvements.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Eoussama - 16.09.2017
Cool, it wouldn't fly, but what about them being under bridges? Inside of tunnels?
What about them teleporting to people through walls?
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 16.09.2017
Originally Posted by Eoussama
Cool, it wouldn't fly, but what about them being under bridges? Inside of tunnels?
What about them teleporting to people through walls?
I haven't thought about it till yet, because I've no idea to detect walls and stuff, this is my first time working with MapAndreas and NPCS.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Ivan_Ino - 16.09.2017
this is an example how i did it a more than year ago with ColAndreas, and it can be much better than that if you're using CA
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
HeisenGiromB - 16.09.2017
well good
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 17.09.2017
The new version is out, contains some more features.
• Zombies can't pass through walls
• If a player is on a wall, the zombie will change its route.
• Zombie's detection level decreases if we go by crouching
• Zombies get attracted by sounds like shooting a gun.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
ToiletDuck - 17.09.2017
Wow Great, What plugin you're using? Are you using Col Andreas?
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 18.09.2017
Originally Posted by ToiletDuck
Wow Great, What plugin you're using? Are you using Col Andreas?
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Kaperstone - 18.09.2017
I like your mods, although it looks like you have tons of them (on the first video)
Suggestion: When a zombie sees a player, it will increase the visibility.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 19.09.2017
Originally Posted by Kaperstone
I like your mods, although it looks like you have tons of them (on the first video)
Suggestion: When a zombie sees a player, it will increase the visibility.
I had much more than used in video, had to uninstall some for smooth recording.
About the suggestion, its already there in the script.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Eduardof077 - 19.09.2017
Originally Posted by Sunehildeep
The new version is out, contains some more features.
• Zombies can't pass through walls
• If a player is on a wall, the zombie will change its route.
• Zombie's detection level decreases if we go by crouching
• Zombies get attracted by sounds like shooting a gun.
Suggestion: When the player is floating the zombie should be not also its should be the zombie is under of the player when the player floating :/ Others zombie bot is like that
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 19.09.2017
Originally Posted by Eduardof077
Suggestion: When the player is floating the zombie should be not also its should be the zombie is under of the player when the player floating :/ Others zombie bot is like that
Yes it's like that, zombie won't fly, it'll stay on the ground under the player.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Chickenmofo - 20.09.2017
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Paulice - 20.09.2017
[SUGGESTION] If seen, make zombies go up buildings/high places the way players went up (implying players aren't just going to use jetpacks all over the server).
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 21.09.2017
Originally Posted by Paulice
[SUGGESTION] If seen, make zombies go up buildings/high places the way players went up (implying players aren't just going to use jetpacks all over the server).
If it were stairs or a path to go up, they'll follow them, if player jumped to get on a house or anything then they won't follow them.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Paulice - 21.09.2017
Originally Posted by Sunehildeep
If it were stairs or a path to go up, they'll follow them, if player jumped to get on a house or anything then they won't follow them.
So it's already a thing? (Including jumping over walls players can?)
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 21.09.2017
Originally Posted by Paulice
So it's already a thing? (Including jumping over walls players can?)
If a player jumps over a wall, zombie won't jump. I tried my best to make it look like a real zombie system.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Paulice - 21.09.2017
Originally Posted by Sunehildeep
If a player jumps over a wall, zombie won't jump. I tried my best to make it look like a real zombie system.
Depends how you define a zombie dumb and slow is not how I do like others don't either.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
StrikerZ - 21.09.2017
Originally Posted by Paulice
Depends how you define a zombie dumb and slow is not how I do like others don't either.
I won't really call them "slow" because their speed and detection level depends on the state of the player.
Re: Zombie System (AI) -
Corvantes - 21.09.2017
Cool mate,