Problem with OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup - Printable Version
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Problem with OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup -
None1337 - 07.09.2017
I have a problem with OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup
When a player is in a Dynamic PickUp, its show this message
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, td1[playerid]);
PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, td1[playerid], "Here you can type /exam to start.");
The problem is, when he leave the pickup the textdraw doesn't disappear, how can i fix?
Same with OnPlayerPickUpPickup.
Re: Problem with OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup -
MP2 - 08.09.2017
I wrote an include for this very problem.
It uses the SA-MP pickup system however, not the streamer. You just need to change the functions and callbacks to the streamer ones.
Example code:
pawn Код:
new myPickup;
public OnGameModeInit()
myPickup = ELP_CreatePickup(...);
return 1;
public OnEnterLeavePickup(playerid, pickupid, enterleave)
if(pickupid == myPickup)
// Player entered pickup - show textdraw
// Player left pickup - destroy textdraw
return 1;