format - Printable Version
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format -
Bussyman - 04.09.2017
What is difference between %i and %d ?
Re: format -
Zeth - 04.09.2017
There is no difference in it, both are same. Check
this for more information.
Re: format -
10MIN - 04.09.2017
Technically there is a difference, but isn't important... The
i from
%i means
integer aka not fractional number. The
d from
%d means
decimal aka numbers in base 10, aka normal numbers.
Re: format -
Bussyman - 04.09.2017
So there is not specific situations when should i need to use %i or %d ?
Re: format -
Paulice - 04.09.2017
Both are the same, check the wiki.
Specifier | Meaning |
%i | Integer (whole number) |
%d | Integer (whole number) |
%s | String |
%f | Floating-point number (Float: tag) |
%c | ASCII character |
%x | Hexadecimal number |
%b | Binary number |
%% | Literal '%' |
%q | Escape a text for SQLite. (Added in 0.3.7 R2) |
Re: format -
Bussyman - 04.09.2017
But in php function sscanf they are different? so in sa-mp function sscanf?
Re: format -
Paulice - 04.09.2017
"D" there is basically "f" in PAWN (this includes SSCANF).
Use "i" and "d" for integers, use "f" for floating point numbers (or fractions/decimals/whatever).