PHP Warning – yii\base\ErrorException
escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons
1. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 259
* Note that escapeshellarg and escapeshellcmd are inadequate for our purposes, especially on Windows.
* @param string $string The string to be validated
* @return bool
private function _isShellSafe($string)
// Future-proof
if (escapeshellcmd($string) !== $string || !in_array(escapeshellarg($string), array("'$string'", "\"$string\""))) {
return false;
$length = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$c = $string[$i];
// All other characters have a special meaning in at least one common shell, including = and +.
// Full stop (.) has a special meaning in cmd.exe, but its impact should be negligible here.
// Note that this does permit non-Latin alphanumeric characters based on the current locale.
2. yii\base\ErrorHandler::handleError(2, 'escapeshellcmd() has been disabl...', '/home/vol9_6/', 259, ...)
3. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 259 – escapeshellcmd('')
* @return bool
private function _isShellSafe($string)
// Future-proof
if (escapeshellcmd($string) !== $string || !in_array(escapeshellarg($string), array("'$string'", "\"$string\""))) {
return false;
$length = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$c = $string[$i];
4. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 288 – Swift_Transport_MailTransport::_isShellSafe('')
* @return string|null
private function _formatExtraParams($extraParams, $reversePath)
if (false !== strpos($extraParams, '-f%s')) {
if (empty($reversePath) || false === $this->_isShellSafe($reversePath)) {
$extraParams = str_replace('-f%s', '', $extraParams);
} else {
$extraParams = sprintf($extraParams, $reversePath);
5. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 176 – Swift_Transport_MailTransport::_formatExtraParams('-f%s', '')
$headers = str_replace("\r\n.", "\r\n..", $headers);
$subject = str_replace("\r\n.", "\r\n..", $subject);
$body = str_replace("\r\n.", "\r\n..", $body);
$to = str_replace("\r\n.", "\r\n..", $to);
if ($this->_invoker->mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers, $this->_formatExtraParams($this->_extraParams, $reversePath))) {
if ($evt) {
$this->_eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent($evt, 'sendPerformed');
} else {
6. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 85 – Swift_Transport_MailTransport::send(Swift_Message, [])
$sent = 0;
try {
$sent = $this->_transport->send($message, $failedRecipients);
} catch (Swift_RfcComplianceException $e) {
foreach ($message->getTo() as $address => $name) {
$failedRecipients[] = $address;
7. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 146 – Swift_Mailer::send(Swift_Message)
$address = $message->getTo();
if (is_array($address)) {
$address = implode(', ', array_keys($address));
Yii::info('Sending email "' . $message->getSubject() . '" to "' . $address . '"', __METHOD__);
return $this->getSwiftMailer()->send($message->getSwiftMessage()) > 0;
* Creates Swift mailer instance.
* @return \Swift_Mailer mailer instance.
8. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 262 – yii\swiftmailer\Mailer::sendMessage(humhub\components\mail\Message)
9. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 48 – yii\mail\BaseMailer::send(humhub\components\mail\Message)
10. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 137 – yii\mail\BaseMessage::send()
], [
'token' => $this->token,
'registrationUrl' => $registrationUrl
$mail->setSubject(Yii::t('UserModule.views_mails_UserInviteSelf', 'Welcome to %appName%', ['%appName%' => Yii::$app->name]));
} elseif ($this->source == self::SOURCE_INVITE && $this->space !== null) {
if($module->sendInviteMailsInGlobalLanguage) {
Yii::$app->language = Yii::$app->settings->get('defaultLanguage');
11. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 110 – humhub\modules\user\models\Invite::sendInviteMail()
if ($existingInvite !== null) {
$this->token = $existingInvite->token;
if ($this->allowSelfInvite() && $this->validate() && $this->save()) {
return true;
return false;
12. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 80 – humhub\modules\user\models\Invite::selfInvite()
return $this->onAuthSuccess($login->authClient);
// Self Invite
$invite = new Invite();
$invite->scenario = 'invite';
if ($invite->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $invite->selfInvite()) {
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax) {
return $this->renderAjax('register_success_modal', ['model' => $invite]);
} else {
return $this->render('register_success', ['model' => $invite]);
13. humhub\modules\user\controllers\AuthController::actionLogin()
14. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 57 – call_user_func_array([humhub\modules\user\controllers\AuthController, 'actionLogin'], [])
15. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 156 – yii\base\InlineAction::runWithParams(['r' => 'user/auth/login'])
16. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 523 – yii\base\Controller::runAction('login', ['r' => 'user/auth/login'])
17. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 102 – yii\base\Module::runAction('user/auth/login', ['r' => 'user/auth/login'])
18. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 380 – yii\web\Application::handleRequest(humhub\components\Request)
19. in /home/vol9_6/ at line 25 – yii\base\Application::run()
require(__DIR__ . '/protected/humhub/config/web.php'),
(is_readable(__DIR__ . '/protected/config/dynamic.php')) ? require(__DIR__ . '/protected/config/dynamic.php') : [],
require(__DIR__ . '/protected/config/common.php'),
require(__DIR__ . '/protected/config/web.php')
(new humhub\components\Application($config))->run();
Yii Framework
2017-08-13, 23:53:28
Yii Framework/2.0.12
No entiendo,pero segun tengo entendido dijistes "activado" sera algo de verificaciуn?
cuando una persona entra a la pagina y quiere registrarse salta este error.