How To.. -
Man43 - 12.08.2017
How to i can create array for multi-interiors? Can you give me a example? Thank you.
Re: How To.. -
coool - 13.08.2017
what are multi-interiors?
Re: How To.. -
KizZweLL - 13.08.2017
Explaining your problem more detailed is not just helping yourself but helping others to fix your problem.
can you explain more what do you want to know about creating multi-interiors and by saying MULTI-INTERIORS what do you mean by that?
Re: How To.. -
Man43 - 13.08.2017
I will explain to you what I mean
I worked as a criminal and police station Server and did a lot of settings and you did shops like 24/7 and Burger and many others, the problem with Shops.
"Why do I do two of the interior itself there is a problem I've done a shop Burger when I enter the shop and see him did not see the shop itself means a lot of the second Burger shop ... Do you understand me?
Why do not you understand? I will explain to you more
"When I do two of the Burger shop and work the point to enter and exit when I enter the shop at the point of entry it works but when I get out of the exit point I will get out of the other Burger shop I do not know why this problem gets me I work everything legal and busy".
Do you want a Codes for my worked?... i'll give u wait...
PHP код:
//In The top script: this point for enter shop Dynamic Checkpoints
new Burger[6];
// And this for Exit point Dynamic Pickups
new Burger1[10];
// And here code for enter shop //
if(checkpointid == Burger[1]) // Burger
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 366.0355,-73.2948,1001.5078);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 10);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You can rob this store typing: /robbery.");
if(checkpointid == Burger[2]) // Burger
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 366.0355,-73.2948,1001.5078);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 10);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You can rob this store typing: /robbery.");
// this both codes for enteris Burger Shop because im making 2shop burger already.
//And here codes for Exit point burgers alot of players told me to make like this and i did but still not work.
if(pickupid == Burger1[1])
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2363.6062,2071.2256,10.8203);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
if(pickupid == Burger1[2])
if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)== 20)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2469.3982,2034.7217,11.0625);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
return 1;
If there something wrong Please tell me And fix it please guys....
Im already have a server if u want see this problem at my server tell me in PM Please...
Re: How To.. -
pabloalber84ban - 13.08.2017
Change VirtualWorld for differents virtual worlds for every shop.
Re: How To.. -
RedRex - 13.08.2017
Hey if he changing the world for every shop In San Andreas there are +1000 Shop how he will did for every same interior another world?!
Re: How To.. -
denNorske - 13.08.2017
Originally Posted by RedRex
Hey if he changing the world for every shop In San Andreas there are +1000 Shop how he will did for every same interior another world?!
As far as I know, a possible way could be to set the virtual world to whatever Interior you're in. If you're not okay that you can see players from world 0 or any other world that's in use somewhere else, you can add a little value and plus it with the interior value.
PHP код:
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 15);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 15+9571); //Here is 9571 or whatever number you'd like, the magic number that avoids conflicts with other virtual worlds. Just an example. A define would do better, just be creative.
Other than that you easily detect who's in which worlds and set them into the same "random" world when entering a shop. Many solutions.
Re: How To.. -
Man43 - 14.08.2017
I Tried to change the virtualworld but still not worked bro... how to i can fix it?? Please help me guys
Re: How To.. -
denNorske - 14.08.2017
In your explanation above, it sounds like you can see all the other interiors than the interior itself?
That's because you've set the wrong interior id. Try to set the correct one and try again
Re: How To.. -
Man43 - 16.08.2017
Dude its still not work... how to fix it.
Im using this for
exit From burger but not worked.
PHP код:
if(pickupid == Burger1[1])
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2363.6062,2071.2256,10.8203);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 5);
if(pickupid == Burger1[2])
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2469.3982,2034.7217,11.0625);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 5);
Its worked to exits from burger But because i have 2pickups on Burger they teleport me to Second burger shop ... why? help me.