Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
Outbreak - 31.01.2009
I've set a 30 second timer. I want to display the amount of seconds as it ticks down to zero, its a SetTimerEx so i only want the seconds ticking down to display for the players the timer is running for, not for everyone in the server.
I want the first 20 seconds to be white and the last 10 seconds to be red. How do i do this?
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
harrold - 31.01.2009
Create a public variable and put it on the seconds you want (30)
Then create a timer of 1 second that take every second 1 - 30
then show the textdraw/gametext to then it work
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
Outbreak - 02.02.2009
I'm wanting to do it the same way as its done for the /countdown command.
If thats possible?
Just one timer showing each second as it goes...
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
Backwardsman97 - 02.02.2009
That's what he said to do. You just want it done for
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
Outbreak - 02.02.2009
Want it done for me? Pfff don't waste my topic with uninformative answers.
I've already done it that way, wondering if theres another way.
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
Backwardsman97 - 02.02.2009
What's the need for another way? To show on just that certain player's screen.
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
AlExAlExAlEx - 02.02.2009
i think he wants Emo style /kill
Starting to cut
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
Outbreak - 02.02.2009
emo style /kill
I'm just wanting to dislplay each number as timer runs.
For a tdm, where they have 30 seconds to select weapons from a menu when then spawn in the tdm area.
I think I figured out two shorter ways though, so I'll give each a try.
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
AlExAlExAlEx - 02.02.2009
better give them 3 secs to choose the weapons..not 30
Re: Timer help, display seconds counting down. -
Donny_k - 02.02.2009
I just posted a snippet in the "GameModes" sub in the "Usefull Snippets" thread which will help you.