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Server Restarts - Printable Version

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Server Restarts - Uvais - 27.07.2017

Previously i had an issue regarding a mysql uprocessed query issue but after that got fixed, i started getting a new issue. The server restart's itself after fully loading.
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[10:58:40] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[10:58:40] Server Plugins
[10:58:40] --------------
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:40]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:

[10:58:40]  ===============================

[10:58:40]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[10:58:40]          Version:  2.8.2        

[10:58:40]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[10:58:40]  ===============================

[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:40]  ==================
[10:58:40]   Whirlpool loaded
[10:58:40]  ==================
[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[10:58:40] Filterscripts
[10:58:40] ---------------
[10:58:40]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[10:58:40] SSCANF2 Loaded
[10:58:40] [WARNING] - Couldn't connect to radio station database... server will continue to operate normally.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[10:58:43] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[10:58:43] Server Plugins
[10:58:43] --------------
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:43]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:

[10:58:43]  ===============================

[10:58:43]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[10:58:43]          Version:  2.8.2        

[10:58:43]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[10:58:43]  ===============================

[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:43]  ==================
[10:58:43]   Whirlpool loaded
[10:58:43]  ==================
[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[10:58:43] Filterscripts
[10:58:43] ---------------
[10:58:43]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[10:58:43] SSCANF2 Loaded
[10:58:43] [WARNING] - Couldn't connect to radio station database... server will continue to operate normally.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
This is in the panel's log file:

Started server on port: 6666, with maxplayers: 1000 lanmode is OFF. line 2:  3597 Segmentation fault      ./samp03svr

Re: Server Restarts - Crystallize - 27.07.2017

Show us ongamemodeinit and load crashdetect

Re: Server Restarts - R4nd4ll - 27.07.2017


Re: Server Restarts - Uvais - 27.07.2017

public OnGameModeInit()
	new string[128];


	    print("[ERROR] - Unable to establish a connection with the MySQL server...");
	    return 0;

    radioConnectionID = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOSTNAME, MYSQL_USERNAME, "shoutcast", MYSQL_PASSWORD);

	    print("[WARNING] - Couldn't connect to radio station database... server will continue to operate normally.");
	    radioConnectionID = 0;

	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i ++)

	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "TRUNCATE TABLE shots");
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM houses", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_HOUSES, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM furniture", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_FURNITURE, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM garages", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_GARAGES, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM businesses", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_BUSINESSES, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM entrances", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_ENTRANCES, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM factions", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_FACTIONS, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM factionranks", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_FACTIONRANKS, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM factionskins", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_FACTIONSKINS, 0);
    mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM factionpay", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_FACTIONPAY, 0);
    mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM divisions", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_DIVISIONS, 0);
    mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM lands", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_LANDS, 0);
    mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM landobjects", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_LANDOBJECTS, 0);
    mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE ownerid = 0", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_VEHICLES, 0);
    mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM gangs", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_GANGS, 0);
    mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM gangranks", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_GANGRANKS, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM gangskins", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_GANGSKINS, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM points", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_POINTS, 0);
	mysql_tquery(connectionID, "SELECT * FROM turfs", "OnQueryFinished", "ii", THREAD_LOAD_TURFS, 0);


	Streamer_SetVisibleItems(STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, 1000);

    // Materials pickup 1
	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Materials pickup 1\nCost: $150\n/smugglemats to begin.", COLOR_YELLOW, 1421.6913, -1318.4719, 13.5547, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1318, 1, 1421.6913, -1318.4719, 13.5547);

	// Materials pickup 2
	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Materials pickup 2\nCost: $150\n/smugglemats to begin.", COLOR_YELLOW, 2393.4885, -2008.5726, 13.3467, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1318, 1, 2393.4885, -2008.5726, 13.3467);

	// Hospital exit
	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("(( /exit ))", COLOR_GREY2, -45.3173, 157.9171, 999.0613, 20.0);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Loading dock\n/load and pick a load\nto begin delivery.", COLOR_YELLOW, -63.4372, -1121.4932, 1.1103, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, -63.4372, -1121.4932, 1.1103);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Mechanic components\n/buycomps to purchase.", COLOR_YELLOW, 2330.0369, -2315.4553, 13.5469, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, 2330.0369, -2315.4553, 13.5469);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Drivers test\nCost: $500\n/taketest to begin.", COLOR_YELLOW, -2033.2953, -117.4508, 1035.1719, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, -2033.2953, -117.4508, 1035.1719);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Grotti dealership\n/buyvehicle to view catalog.\n/upgradevehicle for upgrades.", COLOR_YELLOW, 542.0433, -1293.5909, 17.2422, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1274, 1, 542.0433, -1293.5909, 17.2422);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Paintball arena\n/enter to play paintball!", COLOR_YELLOW, 1738.7400, -1269.8062, 13.5433, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1254, 1, 1738.7400, -1269.8062, 13.5433);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Name changes\nCost: $7500/level\n/changename to request one.", COLOR_YELLOW, 362.0502, 173.6520, 1008.3828, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, 362.0502, 173.6520, 1008.3828);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Drug smuggling\nCost: $500\n/smuggledrugs to begin smuggling.", COLOR_YELLOW, 52.0937, -292.2513, 1.7001, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1279, 1, 52.0937, -292.2513, 1.7001);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Meth cookoff\nRequires ephedrine\n/cookmeth to begin cooking.", COLOR_YELLOW, 1.2179, 2.8095, 999.4284, 10.0, .interiorid = 2, .worldid = 10);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1577, 1, 1.2179, 2.8095, 999.4284, .interiorid = 2, .worldid = 10);

	CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Banking commands\n/bankhelp for more help.", COLOR_YELLOW, 1667.4260, -972.6691, 683.6873, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, 1667.4260, -972.6691, 683.6873);

	gEphedrineStockText = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Raw ephedrine\nStock: 100\n/buydrug ephedrine [amount]", COLOR_YELLOW, 323.7289, 1117.4187, 1083.8828, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1577, 1, 323.7289, 1117.1797, 1083.8828);

	gSeedsStockText = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Marijuana seeds\nStock: 100\n/buydrug seeds [amount]", COLOR_YELLOW, 321.8347, 1117.1797, 1083.8828, 10.0);
	CreateDynamicPickup(1578, 1, 321.8347, 1117.1797, 1083.8828);

	gCocaineText = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Cocaine\nStock: 100\n/buydrug cocaine [amount]", COLOR_YELLOW, 2342.7766, -1187.0839, 1027.9766, 10.0);
    CreateDynamicPickup(1575, 1, 2342.7766, -1187.0839, 1027.9766);

	gVIPHealth = CreateDynamicPickup(1240, 1, -2653.8220, 1407.3859, 906.2734, .worldid = 7, .interiorid = 3);
	gVIPArmor = CreateDynamicPickup(1242, 1, -2653.8613, 1413.2609, 906.2734, .worldid = 7, .interiorid = 3);

    gParachutes[0] = CreateDynamicPickup(371, 1, 1542.9038, -1353.0352, 329.4744); // Star tower
	gParachutes[1] = CreateDynamicPickup(371, 1, 315.9415, 1010.6052, 1953.0031); // Andromada interior

	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(staticEntrances); i ++)
	    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s\n/enter to go inside.", staticEntrances[i][eName]);

	    CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, staticEntrances[i][ePosX], staticEntrances[i][ePosY], staticEntrances[i][ePosZ]);
	    CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_GREY1, staticEntrances[i][ePosX], staticEntrances[i][ePosY], staticEntrances[i][ePosZ], 10.0);

	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(jobLocations); i ++)
	    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s\n{E6E6E6}/join to get job.", jobLocations[i][jobName]);

	    CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, jobLocations[i][jobX], jobLocations[i][jobY], jobLocations[i][jobZ]);
	    CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_YELLOW, jobLocations[i][jobX], jobLocations[i][jobY], jobLocations[i][jobZ], 10.0);

	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(atmMachines); i ++)
	    CreateDynamicObject(19324, atmMachines[i][atmX], atmMachines[i][atmY], atmMachines[i][atmZ], 0.0, 0.0, atmMachines[i][atmA]);
	    CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("ATM machine\n/atm to withdraw cash.", COLOR_YELLOW, atmMachines[i][atmX], atmMachines[i][atmY], atmMachines[i][atmZ] + 0.4, 10.0);

	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(minerPositions); i ++)
	    CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("/mine\nto begin mining.", COLOR_YELLOW, minerPositions[i][0], minerPositions[i][1], minerPositions[i][2], 25.0);

	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(arrestPoints); i ++)
	    CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("/arrest\nto arrest a suspect.", COLOR_YELLOW, arrestPoints[i][0], arrestPoints[i][1], arrestPoints[i][2], 7.0);
	    CreateDynamicPickup(1247, 1, arrestPoints[i][0], arrestPoints[i][1], arrestPoints[i][2]);

	// Login screen
	LoginScreen[0] = TextDrawCreate(19.000000, 191.000000, "~y~Recent updates:~n~~w~- n/a.");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(LoginScreen[0], 255);
	TextDrawFont(LoginScreen[0], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(LoginScreen[0], 0.189999, 1.100000);
	TextDrawColor(LoginScreen[0], -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(LoginScreen[0], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(LoginScreen[0], 1);

	LoginScreen[1] = TextDrawCreate(321.000000, 427.000000, "The player record count is ~y~0~w~, achieved on n/a.");
	TextDrawAlignment(LoginScreen[1], 2);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(LoginScreen[1], 255);
	TextDrawFont(LoginScreen[1], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(LoginScreen[1], 0.210000, 1.000000);
	TextDrawColor(LoginScreen[1], -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(LoginScreen[1], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(LoginScreen[1], 1);

	LoginScreen[2] = TextDrawCreate(527.000000, 191.000000, "~y~Top ten players:~n~~w~- n/a");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(LoginScreen[2], 255);
	TextDrawFont(LoginScreen[2], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(LoginScreen[2], 0.189999, 1.100000);
	TextDrawColor(LoginScreen[2], -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(LoginScreen[2], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(LoginScreen[2], 1);

	LoginScreen[3] = TextDrawCreate(314.000000, 9.000000, "Lightning Roleplay~n~~b~Revision "SERVER_REVISION);
	TextDrawAlignment(LoginScreen[3], 2);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(LoginScreen[3], 255);
	TextDrawFont(LoginScreen[3], 0);
	TextDrawLetterSize(LoginScreen[3], 0.430000, 1.799999);
	TextDrawColor(LoginScreen[3], -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(LoginScreen[3], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(LoginScreen[3], 1);

	// Website textdraw
	WebsiteTD = TextDrawCreate(501.000000, 6.000000, "");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(WebsiteTD, 255);
	TextDrawFont(WebsiteTD, 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(WebsiteTD, 0.250000, 1.000000);
	TextDrawColor(WebsiteTD, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(WebsiteTD, 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(WebsiteTD, 1);
	// Time textdraw
	TimeTD = TextDrawCreate(575.000000, 20.000000, "12:34");
	TextDrawAlignment(TimeTD, 2);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(TimeTD, 255);
	TextDrawFont(TimeTD, 3);
	TextDrawLetterSize(TimeTD, 0.430000, 1.790000);
	TextDrawColor(TimeTD, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(TimeTD, 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(TimeTD, 1);

	// Animation textdraw
	AnimationTD = TextDrawCreate(435.000000, 426.000000, "Press ~r~~k~~PED_SPRINT~~w~ to stop animation");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(AnimationTD, 255);
	TextDrawFont(AnimationTD, 2);
	TextDrawLetterSize(AnimationTD, 0.260000, 1.299999);
	TextDrawColor(AnimationTD, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(AnimationTD, 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(AnimationTD, 1);

	#if defined SERVER_INTRO
		// Server intro by Josh & Emmet
		introTextdraws[0] = TextDrawCreate(660.000000, -59.000000, "_");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[0], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[0], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[0], 0.500000, 19.000000);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[0], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[0], 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[0], 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(introTextdraws[0], 1);
		TextDrawUseBox(introTextdraws[0], 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(introTextdraws[0], 255);
		TextDrawTextSize(introTextdraws[0], -50.000000, 0.000000);

		introTextdraws[1] = TextDrawCreate(651.000000, 338.000000, "_");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[1], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[1], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[1], 0.500000, 19.000000);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[1], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[1], 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[1], 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(introTextdraws[1], 1);
		TextDrawUseBox(introTextdraws[1], 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(introTextdraws[1], 255);
		TextDrawTextSize(introTextdraws[1], -50.000000, 0.000000);

		introTextdraws[2] = TextDrawCreate(249.000000, 144.000000, "Lightning Gaming");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[2], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[2], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[2], 0.400000, 2.099999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[2], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[2], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[2], 1);

		introTextdraws[3] = TextDrawCreate(331.000000, 161.000000, "Presents...");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[3], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[3], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[3], 0.300000, 1.799999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[3], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[3], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[3], 1);

		introTextdraws[4] = TextDrawCreate(288.000000, 156.000000, "Grand~n~ Theft~n~Auto");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[4], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[4], 3);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[4], 0.750000, 2.999999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[4], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[4], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[4], 1);

		introTextdraws[5] = TextDrawCreate(261.000000, 233.000000, "Lightning Roleplay");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[5], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[5], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[5], 0.599999, 2.699999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[5], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[5], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[5], 1);

		introTextdraws[6] = TextDrawCreate(513.000000, 176.000000, "Management");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[6], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[6], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[6], 0.579999, 2.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[6], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[6], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[6], 1);

		introTextdraws[7] = TextDrawCreate(555.000000, 201.000000, "JEinstein~n~Unlimited");
		TextDrawAlignment(introTextdraws[7], 2);
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[7], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[7], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[7], 0.189999, 1.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[7], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[7], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[7], 1);

		introTextdraws[8] = TextDrawCreate(26.000000, 153.000000, "Development");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[8], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[8], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[8], 0.579999, 2.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[8], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[8], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[8], 1);

		introTextdraws[9] = TextDrawCreate(44.000000, 178.000000, "Unlimited~n~JEinstein");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[9], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[9], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[9], 0.189999, 1.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[9], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[9], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[9], 1);

		introTextdraws[10] = TextDrawCreate(33.000000, 219.000000, "Mapping");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[10], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[10], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[10], 0.579999, 2.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[10], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[10], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[10], 1);

		introTextdraws[11] = TextDrawCreate(65.000000, 246.000000, "Unlimited~n~Lance Lanvins");
		TextDrawAlignment(introTextdraws[11], 2);
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[11], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[11], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[11], 0.189999, 1.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[11], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[11], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[11], 1);

		introTextdraws[12] = TextDrawCreate(145.000000, 144.000000, "Beta Testing");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[12], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[12], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[12], 0.579999, 2.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[12], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[12], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[12], 1);

		introTextdraws[13] = TextDrawCreate(192.000000, 168.000000, "Franklyn V Menace~n~Lui Drayton~n~Chris Shocker~n~Max Mabbitt~n~Lazlow V Rocks~n~Lance Lanvins");
		TextDrawAlignment(introTextdraws[13], 2);
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[13], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[13], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[13], 0.189999, 1.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[13], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[13], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[13], 1);

		introTextdraws[14] = TextDrawCreate(428.000000, 208.000000, "Suggestions");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[14], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[14], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[14], 0.579999, 2.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[14], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[14], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[14], 1);

		introTextdraws[15] = TextDrawCreate(469.000000, 233.000000, "Lazlow_V_Rocks~n~Unlimited~n~JEinstein");
		TextDrawAlignment(introTextdraws[15], 2);
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[15], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[15], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[15], 0.189999, 1.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[15], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[15], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[15], 1);

		introTextdraws[16] = TextDrawCreate(293.000000, 140.000000, "Credits");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[16], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[16], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[16], 0.639998, 2.599997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[16], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[16], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[16], 1);

		introTextdraws[17] = TextDrawCreate(321.000000, 165.000000, "Incognito~n~BlueG~n~******~n~Unlimited~n~JEinstein~n~Admin team~n~Helper team~n~Beta testers~n~Our players!");
		TextDrawAlignment(introTextdraws[17], 2);
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[17], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[17], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[17], 0.189999, 1.399997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[17], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[17], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[17], 1);

		introTextdraws[18] = TextDrawCreate(391.000000, 161.000000, "Several months of development...");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[18], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[18], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[18], 0.240000, 1.599999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[18], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[18], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[18], 1);

		introTextdraws[19] = TextDrawCreate(421.000000, 175.000000, "To make this script possible");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[19], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[19], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[19], 0.240000, 1.599999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[19], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[19], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[19], 1);

		introTextdraws[20] = TextDrawCreate(29.000000, 161.000000, "Providing you with limitless opportunities");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[20], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[20], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[20], 0.240000, 1.599999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[20], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[20], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[20], 1);

		introTextdraws[21] = TextDrawCreate(29.000000, 175.000000, "One update at a time.");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[21], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[21], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[21], 0.240000, 1.599999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[21], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[21], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[21], 1);

		introTextdraws[22] = TextDrawCreate(204.000000, 152.000000, "Where your options are truely limitless");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[22], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[22], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[22], 0.240000, 1.599999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[22], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[22], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[22], 1);

		introTextdraws[23] = TextDrawCreate(281.000000, 125.000000, "~w~Welcome to..."); // 258.00
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[23], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[23], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[23], 0.649998, 2.699997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[23], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[23], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[23], 1);

		introTextdraws[24] = TextDrawCreate(258.000000, 146.000000, "Lightning Roleplay");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[24], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[24], 0);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[24], 0.649998, 2.699997);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[24], 144559871);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[24], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[24], 1);

		introTextdraws[25] = TextDrawCreate(202.000000, 342.000000, "Thank you for watching this quick introduction.~n~Let's wrap this up, then you can register.");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(introTextdraws[25], 255);
		TextDrawFont(introTextdraws[25], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(introTextdraws[25], 0.240000, 1.599999);
		TextDrawColor(introTextdraws[25], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(introTextdraws[25], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(introTextdraws[25], 1);
I am using emmet's gamemode. Limitless RP.

Logs with Crashdetect:
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[12:32:22] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[12:32:22] Server Plugins
[12:32:22] --------------
[12:32:22]  Loading plugin:
[12:32:22]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[12:32:22]   Loaded.
[12:32:22]  Loading plugin:
[12:32:22]   CrashDetect v4.13.1 is OK.
[12:32:22]   Loaded.
[12:32:22]  Loading plugin:

[12:32:22]  ===============================

[12:32:22]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[12:32:22]          Version:  2.8.2        

[12:32:22]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[12:32:22]  ===============================

[12:32:22]   Loaded.
[12:32:22]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:32:22]   Loaded.
[12:32:22]  Loading plugin:
[12:32:22]  ==================
[12:32:22]   Whirlpool loaded
[12:32:22]  ==================
[12:32:22]   Loaded.
[12:32:22]  Loading plugin:
[12:32:22]   Loaded.
[12:32:22]  Loaded 6 plugins.

[12:32:22] Filterscripts
[12:32:22] ---------------
[12:32:22]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[12:32:23] SSCANF2 Loaded
[12:32:23] [WARNING] - Couldn't connect to radio station database... server will continue to operate normally.
[12:32:23] [debug] Server crashed while executing lrp.amx
[12:32:23] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[12:32:23] [debug] #0 native fread () [0809be20] from samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #1 00025e68 in ?? () from lrp.amx
[12:32:23] [debug] #2 000fb51c in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () from lrp.amx
[12:32:23] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () [080dfac0] from samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #4 00006f4c in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () from lrp.amx
[12:32:23] [debug] #5 native CallLocalFunction () [080dfac0] from samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #6 00001228 in public Itter_OnGameModeInit () from lrp.amx
[12:32:23] [debug] #7 native CallLocalFunction () [080dfac0] from samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #8 00000654 in public OnGameModeInit () from lrp.amx
[12:32:23] [debug] Native backtrace:
[12:32:23] [debug] #0 0018009b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #1 0017b2d2 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #2 0017bebc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #3 0017c366 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #4 0017fcec in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #5 005c9410 in ?? ()
[12:32:23] [debug] #6 00384ba7 in fgetpos () from /lib/
[12:32:23] [debug] #7 0809b4e0 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #8 0809bf43 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #9 080950e4 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #10 00178b9c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #11 0017ed38 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #12 001851f8 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #13 0017b218 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #14 0017eaa9 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #15 004ee826 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #16 080dfd62 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #17 080950e4 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #18 00178b9c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #19 0017ed38 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #20 001851f8 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #21 0017b218 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #22 0017eaa9 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #23 004ee826 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #24 080dfd62 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #25 080950e4 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #26 00178b9c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #27 0017ed38 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #28 001851f8 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #29 0017b218 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #30 0017eaa9 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #31 004ee826 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #32 080dfd62 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #33 080950e4 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #34 00178b9c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #35 0017ed38 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #36 001851f8 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #37 0017b218 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #38 0017eaa9 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #39 004ee826 in ?? () from plugins/
[12:32:23] [debug] #40 080a503b in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #41 080ab922 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #42 080aa0fd in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[12:32:23] [debug] #43 0033ad26 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/
[12:32:23] [debug] #44 0804b4e1 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

Re: Server Restarts - Crystallize - 27.07.2017

Seems like there is a problem in mysql queries is your database correctly configured? Im on phone and cannot propery test but the error seems to be coming ongamemodeinit

Re: Server Restarts - DonaldDuck - 27.07.2017

Originally Posted by Uvais
View Post
Previously i had an issue regarding a mysql uprocessed query issue but after that got fixed, i started getting a new issue. The server restart's itself after fully loading.
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[10:58:40] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[10:58:40] Server Plugins
[10:58:40] --------------
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:40]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:

[10:58:40]  ===============================

[10:58:40]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[10:58:40]          Version:  2.8.2        

[10:58:40]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[10:58:40]  ===============================

[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:40]  ==================
[10:58:40]   Whirlpool loaded
[10:58:40]  ==================
[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:40]   Loaded.
[10:58:40]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[10:58:40] Filterscripts
[10:58:40] ---------------
[10:58:40]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[10:58:40] SSCANF2 Loaded
[10:58:40] [WARNING] - Couldn't connect to radio station database... server will continue to operate normally.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[10:58:43] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[10:58:43] Server Plugins
[10:58:43] --------------
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:43]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:

[10:58:43]  ===============================

[10:58:43]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[10:58:43]          Version:  2.8.2        

[10:58:43]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[10:58:43]  ===============================

[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:43]  ==================
[10:58:43]   Whirlpool loaded
[10:58:43]  ==================
[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loading plugin:
[10:58:43]   Loaded.
[10:58:43]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[10:58:43] Filterscripts
[10:58:43] ---------------
[10:58:43]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[10:58:43] SSCANF2 Loaded
[10:58:43] [WARNING] - Couldn't connect to radio station database... server will continue to operate normally.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
This is in the panel's log file:

Started server on port: 6666, with maxplayers: 1000 lanmode is OFF. line 2:  3597 Segmentation fault      ./samp03svr
I`m pretty sure you forgot to setup your sql (anyways your using limitless script). You need to upload the sql file to your phpmyadmin, and then goto pwn and setup your sql.


#define MYSQL_HOSTNAME "" //your host
#define MYSQL_DATABASE "limitless-rp" //your DB name
#define MYSQL_USERNAME "root" //your username
#define MYSQL_PASSWORD "" //your password

Re: Server Restarts - Xeon™ - 27.07.2017

well, you'all wrrong i guess? (if you are not pls proove me)

here you go

[12:32:23] [debug] #0 native fread () [0809be20] from samp03svr

seems like you try to read an invalid handle using fread (that make server crash)

you must complie using -d3 to get more info in debug (line of bug)

Re: Server Restarts - Uvais - 27.07.2017

The database is perfectly configured and the server runs fine on my pc (windows).

Re: Server Restarts - Xeon™ - 27.07.2017

Originally Posted by Uvais
View Post
The database is perfectly configured and the server runs fine on my pc (windows).
Originally Posted by XeonMaster
View Post
well, you'all wrrong i guess? (if you are not pls proove me)

here you go

seems like you try to read an invalid handle using fread (that make server crash)

you must complie using -d3 to get more info in debug (line of bug)

Re: Server Restarts - Uvais - 27.07.2017

Can you be more specific ? I mean i cant get you. How can i compile using -d3?