Quicksort algorithm implementation - Printable Version
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Quicksort algorithm implementation -
arad55 - 26.07.2017
I'm trying to implement a quicksort algorithm in Pawn to sort a double-dimension array.
The second dimension of the array includes two variables: Some ID and score.
I will be sorting the array by the score variable (qs_arr[index][1]).
Now, everything works fine when the array size is 20, even when it's 100. But, if I raise it to 200, it won't work anymore (I guess infinite loop or something, because it won't print the result in the console as it should).
This is the code:
pawn Code:
stock Clan_Quicksort2(qs_arr[sizeof(cs)][sizeof(cs[])], qs_start = 0, qs_end = -1+sizeof(qs_arr), times = 0)
new i = qs_start, j = qs_end;
new pivot = (qs_start + qs_end)/2;
new pivotval = qs_arr[pivot][1];
while(i <= j)
while(qs_arr[i][1] < pivotval)
while(qs_arr[j][1] > pivotval)
if(i <= j)
new qs_tmp[sizeof(cs[])];
qs_tmp = qs_arr[i];
qs_arr[i] = qs_arr[j];
qs_arr[j] = qs_tmp;
if(qs_start < j)
qs_arr = Clan_Quicksort2(qs_arr, qs_start, j, times+1);
if(i < qs_end)
qs_arr = Clan_Quicksort2(qs_arr, i, qs_end, times+1);
return qs_arr;
Do you see any reason it wouldn't work on large arrays?
Re: Quicksort algorithm implementation -
OneDay - 26.07.2017
Re: Quicksort algorithm implementation -
arad55 - 26.07.2017
Originally Posted by OneDay
I saw that already, but still trying to implement my own code.