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Setpass - Loinal - 21.07.2017

PHP код:
pData[playerid][Admin] >= 7)
query[320], name[24], newpass[34],query1[320];
sscanf(params"s[24]s[34]"namenewpass)) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_YELLOW"USAGE: /setpassword <PlayerName> <NewPassword>");
AccountExists(name)) return SendClientMessage(playeridred"Account does not exists");
mysql_format(mysqlquerysizeof(query),"SELECT `Password` FROM `players` WHERE `Username` = '%e'");
format(query1sizeof(query1), "You have changed %s's password to %s"namenewpass);
format(IRCsizeof(IRC), "1,8* Admin %s (ID: %d) changed %s's password.",GetName(playerid), playeridname);
    else return 
forward ChangePlayerPassword(admincPlayer[], newpassword[]);
ChangePlayerPassword(admincPlayer[], newpassword[])
mysql_format(mysqlquerysizeof(query), "UPDATE `players` SET Password=SHA1('%s') WHERE `Username` = '%e'"newpasswordcPlayer);

That command doesn't change the password why?

Re: Setpass - DobbysGamertag - 21.07.2017

Why are you using SHA1 firstly?, it's no longer secure (source).

Aren't tquery's supposed to be threaded? IE: Called outside of the function.

Re: Setpass - Vince - 21.07.2017

Let me just circumvent the entire question by saying that this is bad practice. Admins (and other people for that matter) have no business with a player's password. If a player forgets his password you generate a new random password and you mail it to the e-mail address that you have on file. Then the player can login with that temporary password and set a new password himself by conventional means.

Also never broadcast a password in plain text. There's a reason that you see dots or asterisks when typing a password. It's so people reading over your shoulder can't see your password. If you then loudly announce in the chat "you have changed your password to "MyBrotherIsAnIdiot"" then those people will have a nice conversation.

Re: Setpass - Loinal - 21.07.2017

Originally Posted by Vince
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Let me just circumvent the entire question by saying that this is bad practice. Admins (and other people for that matter) have no business with a player's password. If a player forgets his password you generate a new random password and you mail it to the e-mail address that you have on file. Then the player can login with that temporary password and set a new password himself by conventional means.

Also never broadcast a password in plain text. There's a reason that you see dots or asterisks when typing a password. It's so people reading over your shoulder can't see your password. If you then loudly announce in the chat "you have changed your password to "MyBrotherIsAnIdiot"" then those people will have a nice conversation.
ok ty for informations but now that problem is same changing password is not working even if i will make it only for players to change their passwords