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IRC Channel Regisering proplem - Printable Version

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IRC Channel Regisering proplem - Zorono - 12.07.2017

Hey all, please do anyone know how to fix this error on regisering my IRC Channel
[ChanServ]You must be a channel operator in #mychannel in order to register it.
please some help
Note: my IRC Server

please some help

Re: IRC Channel Regisering proplem - SpaceX - 13.07.2017

1. Did you register? If not, use /msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <email>

2. After registering, authenticate your account from your e-mail.

3. Join your channel using: /join #mychannel

4. Finally, register your channel using: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #mychannel


You've to go into your channel first before registering it.

Re: IRC Channel Regisering proplem - iLearner - 13.07.2017

You've to replace #mychannel with your channel name.

Re: IRC Channel Regisering proplem - Zorono - 13.07.2017

Originally Posted by SpaceX
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1. Did you register? If not, use /msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <email>

2. After registering, authenticate your account from your e-mail.

3. Join your channel using: /join #mychannel

4. Finally, register your channel using: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #mychannel


You've to go into your channel first before registering it.
1- iam already have an registered account on
2- authenticated
3- tried rejoining my channel from channel ( with your Command and then tried registerting my channel but the same error...

Originally Posted by iLearner
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You've to replace #mychannel with your channel name.
i tried
/msg ChanServ REGISTER mychannel
but got this erro(s)
Invalid parameters for REGISTER. 
Syntax: REGISTER <#channel>
Edit: i had contacted's operators support team (#operhelp) and they gave me my lost Channel premssions. Thanks guys for your help

Re: IRC Channel Regisering proplem - SpaceX - 14.07.2017

All you needed to do was add a # in your Code before mychannel.

Anyhow, great to hear that your problem is fixed.