v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[20:30:28] Server Plugins
[20:30:28] --------------
[20:30:28] Loading plugin: streamer
[20:30:28] Failed.
[20:30:28] Loaded 0 plugins.
[20:30:28] Filterscripts
[20:30:28] ---------------
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'ladmin4v2.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'ServerProtector.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'Tunar.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'laser.amx'...
[20:30:28] Unable to load filterscript 'laser.amx'.
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'objetos.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'Animacoes.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'enquete.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'HGps.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'xenon.amx'...
[20:30:28] Xenon Extremo por 0110 0110 0110 romerorodriges
[20:30:28] --------------------------------------
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'SerialBan.amx'...
Serialbanner loaded
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'Textdraws.amx'...
[20:30:28] Unable to load filterscript 'Textdraws.amx'.
[20:30:28] Loading filterscript 'Objetoss.amx'...
[20:30:28] Loaded 10 filterscripts.
[20:30:28] Script[gamemodes/ZNS.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:30:28] Number of vehicle models: 0
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password a
maxplayers 100
port 7777
hostname [BRASIL] Mata-Mata Vida Diferenciada® 2017| #ForgeHost |
gamemode0 ZNS
filterscripts ladmin4v2 ServerProtector Tunar laser objetos Animacoes enquete HGps xenon SerialBan Textdraws Objetoss
plugins streamer
query 1
weburl www.serverbvd.forumeiros.com
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
lagcompmode 0
language Portuguкs-Brasil
print(" Blank Gamemode by your name here");
[20:30:28] Loading plugin: streamer [20:30:28] Failed.
[20:30:28] Loading plugin: streamer [20:30:28] Failed. |