Forum accounts activation -
czop1223 - 11.07.2017
Hello, more than a week ago I invited my friend to SA-MP forums, but today his account is still not activated by admins (he clicked the link in activation e-mail on gmail)
When do you activate new accounts?
Re: Forum accounts activation - Astralis - 12.07.2017
Might be that it looked like a bot account then. That's the reason for it not getting activated.
Re: Forum accounts activation -
xMoBi - 12.07.2017
My account activation also took very long.
Re: Forum accounts activation -
iLearner - 12.07.2017
I had to message dugi over IRC to get my account activated, after waiting for a week.
Re: Forum accounts activation -
DowDaw - 12.07.2017
Probably cause only dugi and Kalcor who has access to admin control panel here so others aren't able to activate accounts, I believe only dugi who doing that job atm since Kalcor inactive lel.
Re: Forum accounts activation -
Regicide - 29.07.2018