SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [22:54:47] filterscripts = "" (string) [22:54:47] [22:54:47] Server Plugins [22:54:47] -------------- [22:54:47] Loading plugin: [22:54:47] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded *** [22:54:47] Loaded. [22:54:47] Loaded 1 plugins. [22:54:47] [22:54:47] Filterscripts [22:54:47] --------------- [22:54:47] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [22:54:47] --------------------------------------------------------- [22:54:47] Server Ligado: [10/07/2017 22:54:47] [22:54:47] --------------------------------------------------------- [22:54:47] ----------------------------- [22:54:47] *** GM - BPV RPG Iniciado *** [22:54:47] ----------------------------- [22:54:47] [BPV]: 36 Orgs Carregadas [22:54:47] [MORRO] Dono do Morro = 0 [22:54:47] [Pedreira] Dono da Pedreira = 0 [22:54:47] [BPV]: 219 Casas Carregadas Com sucesso! [22:54:47] [BPV]: 6 Empresas Carregadas [22:54:47] [BPV]: 25 Empresas Especiais Carregadas [22:54:47] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap() [22:54:47] ===========[Carregando Elei��es]============ [22:54:47] Sistema de Elei��es Carregado! Canditatos: 4 [22:54:47] ===========[Abrindo Admins]============ [22:54:47] Sistema de Admin Carregado! Vagas: 26 [22:54:47] Sistema de Helper Carregado! Vagas: 26 [22:54:47] [PlayVirtual] 1721 Objetos Carregados! [22:54:47] [22:54:47] [22:54:47] *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [22:54:47] *~~ Brasil PlayVirtual v1.0 ~~* [22:54:47] *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [22:54:47] *~~ Criador: zCyan_HosTeD ~~* [22:54:47] *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [22:54:47] [22:54:47] Number of vehicle models: 90 [22:54:59] [connection] MEU_IP requests connection cookie. [22:55:00] [connection] incoming connection: MEU_IP id: 0 [22:55:31] [connection] MEU_IP requests connection cookie. [22:55:32] [connection] incoming connection: MEU_IP id: 0 [22:55:33] [join] zCyan_HosTeD has joined the server (0:MEU_IP)
EnableTirePopping() function is removed. Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3 AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap() |