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Setting a timer - Printable Version

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Setting a timer - aoky - 27.06.2017

PHP код:
if (PlayerHealth <= 25)
Character[hitid][BrutalM] == && playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
GetPlayerPos(hitidBMPos[hitid][0], BMPos[hitid][1], BMPos[hitid][2]);
Character[hitid][BrutalM] = 1;
Character[hitid][CanAccept] = 0;
LegHit[hitid] = 0;
AllowDamage[playerid] = 1;
format(DTextSsizeof(DTextS), "(( %s is currently injured, type /damages %i for more info. ))"GetName(hitid), hitid);
label[hitid] = Create3DTextLabel(DTextSCOLOR_REDBMPos[hitid][0], BMPos[hitid][1], BMPos[hitid][2], 10.00);
Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(label[hitid], hitid000.7);
format(strsizeof(str),"%s was brutally wounded by %s.",GetRoleplayName(hitid),GetRoleplayName(playerid));
This is the main bit. It's not putting him into BrutalM = 1; because damage gets returned as 0; due to the AllowDamage function.
PHP код:
AllowDamage[playerid] = 1;
PHP код:
public AllowDamageTimer(playerid)
AllowDamage[playerid] = 1;

PHP код:
    if(AllowDamage[hitid] == 1)
AllowDamage[hitid] == 0)
How else can I do this to make it so when BrutalM = 1; he can't take damage for 3 seconds?

Re: Setting a timer - NaS - 27.06.2017

Use a new variable (eg. "AllowDamageTick") and save the tick count instead of setting the timer (returned by GetTickCount()).

When getting damage, do GetTickCount() - AllowDamageTick and if that value is greater than 3000 set AllowDamage to 1 again, otherwise deny the damage.

Also, when a player gets brutally wounded, shouldn't it set

AllowDamage[playerid] = 0;
instead of setting it to 1?