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How do i disable these.. - Printable Version

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How do i disable these.. - ItzColaBoi - 27.06.2017

I've found the command EnablePlayerStuntBonus or something like that, ive removed it from the GM, but it still gives me the stunt bonus.How do i remove them tho?Thanks in advance.

Re: How do i disable these.. - Kane - 27.06.2017

You're meant to be using EnableStuntBonusForAll if you want to disable it globally.

PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()

Re: How do i disable these.. - ItzColaBoi - 28.06.2017

Originally Posted by Arthur Kane
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You're meant to be using EnableStuntBonusForAll if you want to disable it globally.

PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()

Thanks man!