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Injury System like LS:RP - Printable Version

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Injury System like LS:RP - valelele - 22.06.2017

How can i make if hitid( player shooted) is in car and i want to him get in injured system.
If he is on foot it's working but if it's on car it don't
Here is script

		if(health < 50 && GetPVarInt(hitid, "Dead") == 0)
			SetPlayerHealth(hitid, 50);
			SetTimerEx("Wounded", 0, 0, "ii", playerid, hitid);
    if(GetPVarInt(hitid, "Dead") == 6)
		GetPlayerPos(hitid, x, y, z);
		PlayerInfo[hitid][pInjuriesText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("(( THIS PLAYER IS NOW DEAD ))", COLOR_ERROR, x, y, z, 25.0, hitid, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(hitid), GetPlayerInterior(hitid), -1, 20.0);
		SendClientMessage(hitid, 0xFFFF00AA, "-> You're now dead. You need to wait 60 seconds and then you'll get the ability to /respawnme.");
		SetPVarInt(hitid, "Dead", 7);
		return 0;

forward Wounded(playerid, hitid);
public Wounded(playerid, hitid)
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, stringdamage[128], damagetext[128];
	SetPVarInt(hitid, "Dead", 6);
	ApplyAnimationEx(hitid, "WUZI", "CS_Dead_Guy", 4.0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
	GameTextForPlayer(hitid, "~b~BRUTTALY WOUNDED", 5000, 3);
	GetPlayerPos(hitid, x, y, z);
	format(stringdamage, sizeof(stringdamage), "(( Has been injured %d times, \n/damages %d for more information.\n ))", CountDamages(hitid), hitid);
	PlayerInfo[hitid][pInjuriesText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringdamage, COLOR_ERROR, x, y, z, 25.0, hitid, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(hitid), GetPlayerInterior(hitid), -1, 20.0);
	SendClientMessage(hitid, COLOR_ERROR, "You were brutally wounded, now if a medic or anyone else doesn't save you, you will die.");
	SendClientMessage(hitid, COLOR_ERROR, "To accept death type /acceptdeath.");
	format(damagetext, sizeof(damagetext), "(( Has been injured %d times, /damages %d for more information. ))", CountDamages(hitid), hitid);
	SendClientMessage(hitid, COLOR_ERROR, damagetext);
	return 1;

Re: Injury System like LS:RP - JasonRiggs - 22.06.2017

PLEASE, Hire a scripter and stop "How can I", "How to make that", "How to bla bla bla"!!

Whatever, You should use something like if the player is in a car eject him..

Re: Injury System like LS:RP - valelele - 22.06.2017

I just want to finish this system!

Re: Injury System like LS:RP - Rocket16 - 22.06.2017

Is it because the testlos is fucked up?

Re: Injury System like LS:RP - Kane - 22.06.2017

Your system is flawed. I imagine it doesn't work either with melee weapons OR fists?

Unless you've got it setup under take/give dmg for other weapons.

Anyway, just use OnPlayerTakeDamage. There's no plausible way of doing it with OnPlayerWeaponShot FOR players in a vehicle.

PHP код:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, .. )
health 50 && GetPVarInt(hitid"Dead") == 0)

BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER doesn't work if a player is inside a vehicle.