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weapon-config unable to work - Printable Version

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weapon-config unable to work - aoky - 12.06.2017

PHP код:
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : warning 202number of arguments does not match definition
:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : warning 203symbol is never used"addsiren"
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : warning 213tag mismatch
:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\gamemodes\SCRP-R39.pwn(92) : warning 201redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "E_SHOT_INFO")
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\gamemodes\SCRP-R39.pwn(1279) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerShootPlayer")
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\gamemodes\SCRP-R39.pwn(1322) : warning 209: function "WC_OnPlayerConnect" should return a value
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664              Copyright 
(c1997-2006ITB CompuPhase 
Weapon-config is highly needed in our script and this happens.

Re: weapon-config unable to work - FaLLenGirL - 12.06.2017

PHP код:
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : warning 202number of arguments does not match definition
:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : warning 203symbol is never used"addsiren"
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : warning 213tag mismatch
:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\gamemodes\SCRP-R39.pwn(92) : warning 201redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "E_SHOT_INFO")
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\gamemodes\SCRP-R39.pwn(1279) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerShootPlayer")
C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\Small-County-RP-Release\gamemodes\SCRP-R39.pwn(1322) : warning 209: function "WC_OnPlayerConnect" should return a value
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664              Copyright 
(c1997-2006ITB CompuPhase 
Error 1: E_SHOT_INFO is defined twice, check your script there will be tow of E_SHOT_INFO, remove one.
Error 2: And check where u have addsiren and delete it. U don t use it.
Error 3: tag mismatch, it means that there in your script exist a definition of a variabile or something type GLOBAL, and u use the same name for a variable in a public, stock, command etc.

PHP код:
OnPlayerConnectplayerid )
xMAX_PLAYERS ]; you defined this twice but it is already defined global, change the variable name.
bla bla
return 1;

Error 4: function heading differs from prototype means that you have changed the name of a prototype function like this:

PHP код:
public OnPlayerConnectplayerid )
it will be changed to OnPlayerConnectplayeridwtf ); - that wtf it doesn't exist in the prototype of OnPlayerConnect 
Error 5: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerShootPlayer") make a forward for OnPlayerShootPlayer like this:

The public is:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)

The forward is:
PHP код:
forward OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost); 
Error 6: WC_OnPlayerConnect u forgot here return 1; at the end of the public.

I hope i helped you.. this are simple error .. u should have known them man...

Re: weapon-config unable to work - aoky - 12.06.2017

I did that already and it didn't fix it, thanks for the help.

I added the include into another script and it worked perfectly fine.

Re: weapon-config unable to work - aoky - 12.06.2017

Still can't fix it.

Re: weapon-config unable to work - aoky - 12.06.2017

Fixed it, change the OnPlayerGiveDamage to the correct weapon-config format which is OnPlayerDamage. Thanks for those who attempted to help if anyone has issues with this don't hesitate to send me a message.