FUNKCIJA:OnLoadBizzFurnitures( ) { new content[ 512 ], rows, i = 0, id, count = GetTickCount(), furnitureTexture1[30], furnitureTexture2[30], furnitureTexture3[30], furnitureTexture4[30], furnitureTexture5[30], furnitureNon[] = "-1|-1|-1"; mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `bfurniture`" ); mysql_store_result( ); rows = mysql_num_rows(); if ( rows ) { while( mysql_retrieve_row() ) { mysql_get_field("Id", content); id = strval( content ); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fId ] = id; mysql_get_field("ObjectId", content ); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fObjectId ] = strval( content ); mysql_get_field("BizId", content ); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fHouseId ] = strval( content ); mysql_get_field("TxdId0", furnitureTexture1 ); mysql_get_field("TxdId1", furnitureTexture2 ); mysql_get_field("TxdId2", furnitureTexture3 ); mysql_get_field("TxdId3", furnitureTexture4 ); mysql_get_field("TxdId4", furnitureTexture5 ); mysql_get_field("Name", BizzFurniture[ id ][ fName ] ); mysql_get_field("Pos_X", content); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fPos ][ 0 ] = floatstr( content ); mysql_get_field("Pos_Y", content); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fPos ][ 1 ] = floatstr( content ); mysql_get_field("Pos_Z", content); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fPos ][ 2 ] = floatstr( content ); mysql_get_field("Pos_RX", content); BizzFurniture[ id ][ frPos ][ 0 ] = floatstr( content ); mysql_get_field("Pos_RY", content); BizzFurniture[ id ][ frPos ][ 1 ] = floatstr( content ); mysql_get_field("Pos_RZ", content); BizzFurniture[ id ][ frPos ][ 2 ] = floatstr( content ); mysql_get_field("Price", content); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fPrice ] = strval( content ); foreach(Biznes,b) { if( BizzFurniture[ id ][ fHouseId ] == bInfo[ b ][ bID ] ) { bfObject[ id ] = CreateDynamicObject( BizzFurniture[ id ][ fObjectId ], BizzFurniture[ id ][ fPos ][ 0 ], BizzFurniture[ id ][ fPos ][ 1 ], BizzFurniture[ id ][ fPos ][ 2 ], BizzFurniture[ id ][ frPos ][ 0 ], BizzFurniture[ id ][ frPos ][ 1 ], BizzFurniture[ id ][ frPos ][ 2 ], BUSINESS_VIRTUAL_WORLD+b ); break; } } if( strcmp(furnitureTexture1, furnitureNon, false) ) { new firstID, firstTexture[20], secondTexture[20], oObject, oTxdName[ 18 ], oTextureName[ 18 ], foColour; sscanf(furnitureTexture1, "p<|>ds[20]s[20]", firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture); GetDynamicObjectMaterial( bfObject[ id ], 0, oObject, oTxdName, oTextureName, foColour ); SetDynamicObjectMaterial(bfObject[ id ], 0, firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture, foColour ); } if( strcmp(furnitureTexture2, furnitureNon, false) ) { new firstID, firstTexture[20], secondTexture[20], oObject, oTxdName[ 18 ], oTextureName[ 18 ], foColour; sscanf(furnitureTexture2, "p<|>ds[20]s[20]", firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture); GetDynamicObjectMaterial( bfObject[ id ], 1, oObject, oTxdName, oTextureName, foColour ); SetDynamicObjectMaterial(bfObject[ id ], 1, firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture, foColour ); } if( strcmp(furnitureTexture3, furnitureNon, false) ) { new firstID, firstTexture[20], secondTexture[20], oObject, oTxdName[ 18 ], oTextureName[ 18 ], foColour; sscanf(furnitureTexture3, "p<|>ds[20]s[20]", firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture); GetDynamicObjectMaterial( bfObject[ id ], 2, oObject, oTxdName, oTextureName, foColour ); SetDynamicObjectMaterial(bfObject[ id ], 2, firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture, foColour ); } if( strcmp(furnitureTexture4, furnitureNon, false) ) { new firstID, firstTexture[20], secondTexture[20], oObject, oTxdName[ 18 ], oTextureName[ 18 ], foColour; sscanf(furnitureTexture4, "p<|>ds[20]s[20]", firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture); GetDynamicObjectMaterial( bfObject[ id ], 3, oObject, oTxdName, oTextureName, foColour ); SetDynamicObjectMaterial(bfObject[ id ], 3, firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture, foColour ); } if( strcmp(furnitureTexture5, furnitureNon, false) ) { new firstID, firstTexture[20], secondTexture[20], oObject, oTxdName[ 18 ], oTextureName[ 18 ], foColour; sscanf(furnitureTexture5, "p<|>ds[20]s[20]", firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture); GetDynamicObjectMaterial( bfObject[ id ], 4, oObject, oTxdName, oTextureName, foColour ); SetDynamicObjectMaterial(bfObject[ id ], 4, firstID, firstTexture, secondTexture, foColour ); } i++; } } printf("[BIZNIO BALDAI] Бkrauta %d baldш per %d ms", i, GetTickCount() - count ); }
mysql_get_field("Id", content); id = strval( content ); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fId ] = id; mysql_get_field("ObjectId", content ); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fObjectId ] = strval( content );
id = cache_get_field_content_int(content, "Id"); BizzFurniture[ id ][ fId ] = id; BizzFurniture[ id ][ fObjectId ] = cache_get_field_content_int(content, "ObjectId");
FUNKCIJA:OnLoadBizzFurnitures( )
return mysql_tquery(gSQLConnection, "SELECT * FROM bfurniture", "OnLoadBizFurniture", "");
forward OnLoadBizFurniture();
public OnLoadBizFurniture()
// define everything
for(new i; i <= cache_num_rows(); i++)
// for strings
cache_get_field_content(i, "Id", content);
// for integers
BizzFurniture[ id ][ fObjectId ] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "ObjectId");
printf("... print");
return true;
You should use threaded queries, however they're handled differently. They use callbacks, however you can also save cache for later use outside of it with cache_save, cache_set_active, cache_is_valid, etc.
pawn Код:
rezultatas = mysql_query(Handle, "SELECT * FROM `bfurniture`"); rows = cache_num_rows(); if ( rows ) { while(cache_get_row_count(Handle)) {