Help with Mysql - Printable Version
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Help with Mysql -
Shaun8 - 07.06.2017
I cannot connect mysql with my server. I wanna run it on localhost for scripting and all. I always get this when i try to open the server.
Mysql Status :
So i wanted to run this script just for learning i'm a newbie scripter. I use XAMPP. Can u help me with this stuff? Help would be appriciated
Re: Help with Mysql -
Eoussama - 07.06.2017
Make sure you're connecting to the database with no errors, debug your code
Re: Help with Mysql -
Shaun8 - 07.06.2017
Im trying to run CCNR script but idk how its not connecting to the mysql. Can u gimme any links for tutorials?
I tried the Ccnr on XAMPP tutorial but still it wont work
Re: Help with Mysql -
Stones - 07.06.2017
Is there a message in the console that says something like " Can't connect to database " ?
Re: Help with Mysql -
Shaun8 - 07.06.2017
Nope u can see on the logs that it didnt say anything