Checkpoints not showing - Printable Version
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Checkpoints not showing -
GGRPSkripter - 05.06.2017
Hello fams,
I'm currently making new job for my server, simple one. Going from A checkpoint to B, from B to C and so on. I'm doing this job like any other that i've done. I'm facing one problem that i'm currently unable to solve on my own. When i start job with my command.
CMD:startjob(playerid, params[])
if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) <= DostavljacPaketa[0] && GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) >= DostavljacPaketa[3]) return 1;
DostavljaPakete[playerid] = 1;
CheckpointX[playerid] = -2106.9138;
CheckpointY[playerid] = -269.4246;
CheckpointZ[playerid] = 35.1084;
CheckpointR[playerid] = 6.0;
h_SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, CheckpointX[playerid], CheckpointY[playerid], CheckpointZ[playerid], CheckpointR[playerid]);
return 1;
This part works fine. It set my variable to 1, just so i can check it later when player enter checkpoint if he is actually doing job and also checkpoint works fine. But the problem i got is in
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
. When i enter into that checkpoint nothing actually happens. Literally nothing especially not another checkpoint showing. Here is that part of code.
if(PI[playerid][Posao] == POSAO_DOSTAVLJACA_PAKETA)
if(Vid >= DostavljacPaketa[0] && Vid <= DostavljacPaketa[3] && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 6.0, -2106.9138, -269.4246, 35.1084) && DostavljaPakete[playerid] == 1)
CheckpointX[playerid] = -2079.7021;
CheckpointY[playerid] = -296.1814;
CheckpointZ[playerid] = 35.4141;
CheckpointR[playerid] = 6.0;
DostavljaPakete[playerid] = 2;
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, CheckpointX[playerid], CheckpointY[playerid], CheckpointZ[playerid], CheckpointR[playerid]);
//h_SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -2111.9641,-223.0582,35.3125, 6.0);
Can someone point me what am I doing wrong here, because i can't find my misstake.
Thank you in advance.
Re: Checkpoints not showing -
GGRPSkripter - 05.06.2017
Anyone? ^_^
Re: Checkpoints not showing -
ThomasEvil - 05.06.2017
Sorry but it looks like your code is ready to delete and make new one.
Try this tutorial for making job it's not that hard.