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[FilterScript] Bar Betting system [Unique] - Printable Version

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Bar Betting system [Unique] - SeanDenZYR - 03.06.2017

Bar Betting System

Hai guys, today i bring you my script called "Bar Betting". Sounds differen't huh? Well this is how it works.

First, You Do /barbets, and it will show you a list of Drinks.
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Usage: \"barbets <bet-name>\"");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Bet Names: GrapeDrank($2,500), OrangeJuice($5,000), AppleJuice($10,000)");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Bet Names: Coke($25,000), Pepsi($50,000), LightBeer($100,000), Beer($250,000)");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Bet Names: RedWine($600,000), Champagne($1,200,000), Water($2,600,000)");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Bet Names: Lemonade($4,100,000), Milkshake($8,700,000), Zonrox($13,000,000)");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Bet Names: Domex($50,000,000), PepperDrink($75,000,000), Bleach($100,000,000)");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Note: You will buy the drink, if you win, you get double the prize of the drink,");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Note: If you lose, you get nothing. EXAMPLE: You bought PEPSI(50k) and you won,");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SYNTAX] {FFFFFF}Note: You get 100k.");
Second, you choose a drink to buy, via /barbets <drinkname>, for example you choose red wine, you will lose 600k cause you will buy the drink, but if you win, you get 1,200,000.

Win Message:
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[BARBETS] {FFFFFF}You have won $(Winning Money) from a bar bet!");

Lose Message:
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[BARBETS] {FFFFFF}You lost, better luck next time!");

High Winning Message:
format(message, sizeof(message), "{FF0000}[BROADCAST] {00FF04}%s Has Just Won $(Winning Money) from a bar bet!",name);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, string);


Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - coool - 03.06.2017

download link?

Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - SeanDenZYR - 03.06.2017

oh lol sec.

Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - Fairuz - 03.06.2017

Nothing special or unique.
1 star.

Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - Pottus - 03.06.2017

Originally Posted by Dice_
View Post
Nothing special or unique.
1 star.
It is horrible, so much repeat code this could be written in less than 200 lines of code easily.

Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - Dayrion - 03.06.2017

Originally Posted by Dice_
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Nothing special or unique.
1 star.
Originally Posted by Pottus
View Post
It is horrible, so much repeat code this could be written in less than 200 lines of code easily.
^ Totally agree.

I thought it will be an unique idea with a complex system or stuff like that. No, it's a command with random(6) everywhere without any optimization ..

Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - Bernadeath - 04.06.2017

Pretty nice.

Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - Cyboorg - 15.06.2017

Not working,i type Bleach,and still if i won i get 2500 if i lose ,i get -2500 !!

Re: Bar Betting system [Unique] - Astralis - 29.06.2017

Originally Posted by Dice_
View Post
Nothing special or unique.
1 star.
I however like the idea of this bar betting system.