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How to create multiple checkpoints (Streamer) - Printable Version

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How to create multiple checkpoints (Streamer) - Deroxi - 26.05.2017

Before you link me with tutorials, I do know how to make checkpoints. I want to make a robbing system and I do have it all figured out tho (with 1 store yet). But there are (for example) multiple Burger Shots in LS, does that mean I have to make a checkpoint (entrance, exit, robbing) for every single store or is there a simplier way?

Re: How to create multiple checkpoints (Streamer) - Kane - 26.05.2017

Mmartin made a multiple checkpoint streamer in 2013, pastebin link is above. It isn't on the SAMP forums though.

Installation: All you need to do is to include the file and call the init function in your OnGameModeInit (or you can change the Init function to a hook if you use y_hooks):
PHP код:
Use: With checkpoint.pwn you're able to set up multiple checkpoints on player's screen with unique extraid's. Example of a simple code:
PHP код:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"Stores were marked on the GPS.");
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"Welcome to grocery store.");
      }else if(
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"Welcome to hardware store.");

Pros: Multiple checkpoints shown at once, extra id's, support of worlds/interiors, ...
Cons: Can't set radius of the exact checkpoints, radius parameter only works for detecting of OnPlayerEnterSpecialCheckpoint

Re: How to create multiple checkpoints (Streamer) - Deroxi - 26.05.2017

But that would mean that I still need to define every single BurgerShot. And set each checkpoint to teleport the player to a seperate burgershot

Re: How to create multiple checkpoints (Streamer) - Vince - 26.05.2017

The interior is always the same so you only need one checkpoint. You can keep track of which location a player entered by using virtual worlds (assuming custom EnEx system).

Re: How to create multiple checkpoints (Streamer) - Deroxi - 26.05.2017

But that would still mean I need to define every single entrance?