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[HELP] Y_ini creates multiple lines! - Printable Version

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[HELP] Y_ini creates multiple lines! - Charly123 - 26.05.2017

Hello.. I have problem with y_ini. When i login for the first time, everything is okay. But every next login Y_ini copies some of few lines and paste them.


SORRY for language. I am creating my GM. But you can see that these lines are already written up above.
Please help

Re: [HELP] Y_ini creates multiple lines! - Vince - 26.05.2017

Don't use spaces or special characters.

Re: [HELP] Y_ini creates multiple lines! - Charly123 - 26.05.2017

INI_Int("Dozvola za auto",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDozvolaA]);
You think something like this?

Re: [HELP] Y_ini creates multiple lines! - Deroxi - 26.05.2017

Maybe use: _
So: Dozvola_za_auto

Re: [HELP] Y_ini creates multiple lines! - Charly123 - 26.05.2017

Originally Posted by Vince
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Don't use spaces or special characters.
Originally Posted by Deroxi
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Maybe use: _
So: Dozvola_za_auto
Thank you guys! This worked!