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CreateDynamicCP Help - Printable Version

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CreateDynamicCP Help - ChandraLouis - 03.05.2017

The checkpoint that i created didn't show up.

Here's the code.
pawn Code:
Zone[ALHAMBRA] = CreateZone(1807, -1752.5, 1952, -1608.5);
CP[ALHAMBRA] = CreateDynamicCP(-1835.8862,-1682.5370,13.3710, 3, 0,0,-1,100.0);

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - Oshery - 03.05.2017

Put these codes you wrote about on OnGameModeInit
And you will have to put the lines i give you below in your OnPlayerConnect
GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, Zone[ALHAMBRA], CP[ALHAMBRA]);
that will show the player the gang zone you made while he is connecting the server

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - ChandraLouis - 03.05.2017

CP[ALHAMBRA] is a Dyanmic Checkpoint that i created for capturing turf.
But, it's not created at all in game.

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - ChandraLouis - 04.05.2017


Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - Toroi - 04.05.2017

Can you test with a pickup instead of a checkpoint?

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - Vince - 04.05.2017

Use Streamer_Update if you create it on the fly in front of a player otherwise it won't show up until the player leaves and then re-enters the area.

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - Logic_ - 04.05.2017

Did you compile and replace the script? Try printing out something beneath the creation of the dynamic CP. Try creating another checkpoint without defining it to a variable. This can help you in identifying your problem.

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - ChandraLouis - 05.05.2017

Still, it's not working.
Is there anything wrong with the code?

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - ShihabSoft - 05.05.2017

Make sure, you don't have any other checkpoint already created, if else destroy it. And also importantly make sure, the player interior ID, world IDs are equal to the checkpoint.

Re: CreateDynamicCP Help - ShihabSoft - 05.05.2017

As a last resort you may need to try creating a pickup instead of CP. And do you mind posting a partial top and bottom lines of those code. Not sure if any conflicts with other codes.