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Help with toys - Printable Version

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Help with toys - Crishe - 18.04.2017

Hello guys, i have a problem with the toys, i have the gamemode Optimus V3, the problem is that toys are not saved, i have researched a lot but i can not find the problem, Anyone help me please?

Here is the server_log:

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] Server Plugins
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] --------------
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   CrashDetect v4.18.1 is OK.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loaded.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  ===============================

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]          Version:  2.8.2        

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  ===============================

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loaded.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  Loading plugin: mysql.dll
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loaded.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 

*** Streamer Plugin v2.8.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loaded.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  Loading plugin: gvar.dll
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 

*** GVar Plugin v1.3 by Incognito loaded ***

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loaded.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] Ban list
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] --------
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  Loaded: samp.ban
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] Filterscripts
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] ---------------
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loading filterscript 'flymode.amx'...
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loading filterscript 'Estado.amx'...
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] Sistema de estado fue cargado correctamente.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] Por Spell

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loading filterscript 'kira.amx'...
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]   Loaded 3 filterscripts.

[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  ======================================= 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  |                                     | 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  |        YSI version 3.09.0684        | 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  |                                     | 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  ======================================= 
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  
[18/04/2017 16:06:39]  
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] Informacion de MySQL:
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 	- Host: ""
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 	- User: "root"
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 	- Database: "urbancenter"
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] 	- Password: ""
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] Intentando conectar ..
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'peajes.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'bigfoot.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:39] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'bigfootint.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:40] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'camioneros.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:40] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'oficinacamioneros.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:40] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'luis_chantal.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:40] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'rusaext.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:40] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'ita.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:40] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'scott_lawrence.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:41] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'clawson.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:41] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'papo.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:41] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'jean.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:41] *- Cargando archivo de mapas 'kira.txt'..			Cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:41] MAX_PLAYERS: 1000
[18/04/2017 16:06:42] *- Objetos tirados fueron cargados.
[18/04/2017 16:06:43] *- Plantas de marihuana cargadas.
[18/04/2017 16:06:43] *- Surtidores de combustible fueron cargados.
[18/04/2017 16:06:43] *- Sistema de Graffitis fue cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:43] *- Los datos del taller mecбnico fueron cargados.
[18/04/2017 16:06:43] *- Cбmaras de velocidad cargadas. (0/50)
[18/04/2017 16:06:43] *- Interiores fueron cargados.
[18/04/2017 16:06:43] *- Sistema de negocios cargado (51)
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de casas cargado (499)
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de interiores [CASAS] cargado (18)
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de familias cargado
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de garages cargado (179)
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de portones cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de televisores cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] -mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: "Modelos/Didiersachs_m.txt"
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] -mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: "Modelos/Didiersachs_f.txt"
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] -mSelection- WARNING: Reached maximum amount of items, increase "mS_TOTAL_ITEMS"
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de modelos cargado. (0.3x)
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de gangzones cargado.
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Sistema de contratos para hitman cargado (16)
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Los minerales fueron creados.
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] *- Conectando bots..
[18/04/2017 16:06:46] 

   =>> UrbanCenter RolePlay - V3 fue cargado correctamente (5017 ms)

[18/04/2017 16:06:46] Number of vehicle models: 117
[18/04/2017 16:06:47] Total de cuentas bancarias: 0
[18/04/2017 16:06:47] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[18/04/2017 16:06:47] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1
[18/04/2017 16:06:47] IP bloqueada por connectionflood.
[18/04/2017 16:06:48] [npc:join] Claudia has joined the server (0:
[18/04/2017 16:06:48] [npc:join] Truth has joined the server (1:
[18/04/2017 16:07:08] [connection] incoming connection: id: 2
[18/04/2017 16:07:09] [join] Cristian_Crishe has joined the server (2:
[18/04/2017 16:07:15] - Cuenta cargada ('Cristian_Crishe' - 1 ms).
[18/04/2017 16:07:44] [CMD] Cristian_Crishe: /comprar accesorios
[18/04/2017 16:07:47] 
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `Nombre` = 'Cristian_Crishe'' at line 1
Query: WHERE `Nombre` = 'Cristian_Crishe'
Callback: OnQueryFinish

[18/04/2017 16:07:53] [part] Cristian_Crishe has left the server (2:1)
And here the script to save toys:

stock ActualizarAccesorios(playerid, slot=-1)
	if(slot == -1)
		Loop(i, MAX_ACCESORIOS, 0)
			ActualizarAccesorios(playerid, i);
	else if(slot > -1 && slot < MAX_ACCESORIOS)
			querystr [200] = "UPDATE `Usuarios` SET ",
			str [50];

		A_Format (str, "`AttachModel_%d` = %d,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachModel][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachBone_%d` = %d,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachModel][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachPosx_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachPosx][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachPosy_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachPosy][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachPosz_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachPosz][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachAngx_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachAngx][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachAngy_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachAngy][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachAngz_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachAngz][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachEscx_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachEscx][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachEscy_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachEscy][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachEscz_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachEscz][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

		A_Format (str, "`AttachOcultado_%d` = %d ", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachOcultado][slot]);
		strcat (querystr, str);

  		A_Format (str, "WHERE `Nombre` = '%s'", pName (playerid));
		strcat (querystr, str);

		opmysql_tquery( str, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", playerid, query_type_unknown);
	return 1;