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Show, hide textdraw - Printable Version

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Show, hide textdraw - Bussyman - 18.04.2017


I just met strange bug i have never meet before. I'am hiding textdraw and showing again, but i don't see them like.

TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, ... );
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,... );

I'am using this in ondialogresponse, textdraw is hiding, but not showing again, when i use in onplayerstate working, it's totally shit, i don't understand how this can by.

Re: Show, hide textdraw - Astralis - 18.04.2017

Use Timers to show and hide.

Re: Show, hide textdraw - Bussyman - 18.04.2017

Why? i just need hide and show another, or it's impossible to do?

Re: Show, hide textdraw - GangstaSunny. - 18.04.2017

I also have never meet this problem before. But Astralis is right.
Use a timer (like 100ms for example) to show the textdraw again. This CAN be a solution.

Re: Show, hide textdraw - Bussyman - 18.04.2017

i tried even 1000ms not worked.

Re: Show, hide textdraw - GangstaSunny. - 18.04.2017

... well, show code

Re: Show, hide textdraw - Bussyman - 18.04.2017

I fixed.