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http with php - Printable Version

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http with php - Bussyman - 18.04.2017


I i'am using http to call to php file, there i want to load something, like 10 last killer names, and send again to my callback. I don't know how to make answer, i know need use echo, but if there 10 names, how to echo that? and how in callback get it values.

Re: http with php - OsteeN - 18.04.2017

You could use JSON.

Re: http with php - Zav1337 - 18.04.2017

Like OsteeN said, you could use JSON. I made small script for you. This is how your php file could look like if you use JSON.

PHP код:
<table width="500">
        <td> Killer </td>
        <td> Weapon </td>
        <td> Player </td>
$json json_decode(file_get_contents("JSON URL"));
$json->kills as $data)
        if (
$i++ == 10) break;