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Plugins didn't loaded - Printable Version

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Plugins didn't loaded - MrFantasy - 15.04.2017

Help me! Streamer and sscanf doesn't want to load in my host. But it works well with localhost. I'm using the latest version.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[02:16:08] Server Plugins
[02:16:08] --------------
[02:16:08]  Loading plugin: streamer
[02:16:08]   Failed.
[02:16:08]  Loading plugin: sscanf
[02:16:08]   Failed.
[02:16:08]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[02:16:08]  ==================
[02:16:08]   Whirlpool loaded
[02:16:08]  ==================
[02:16:08]   Loaded.
[02:16:08]  Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[02:16:08]   Loaded.
[02:16:08]  Loaded 2 plugins.

[02:16:08] Filterscripts
[02:16:08] ---------------
[02:16:08]   Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[02:16:08]   Loading filterscript 'mapping.amx'...
[02:16:09]   Loading filterscript 'yom_buttons.amx'...
[02:16:09]   Loaded 3 filterscripts.

[02:16:09] Script[gamemodes/Gamemode.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[02:16:09] Number of vehicle models: 0
gamemode0 Gamemode 1

filterscripts anims mapping yom_buttons

plugins streamer sscanf Whirlpool audio
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[09:35:52] Server Plugins
[09:35:52] --------------
[09:35:52]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.0 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:35:52]   Loaded.
[09:35:52]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[09:35:52]  ===============================

[09:35:52]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[09:35:52]          Version:  2.8.2        

[09:35:52]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[09:35:52]  ===============================

[09:35:52]   Loaded.
[09:35:52]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[09:35:52]  ==================
[09:35:52]   Whirlpool loaded
[09:35:52]  ==================
[09:35:52]   Loaded.
[09:35:52]  Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:35:52]   Loaded.
[09:35:52]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[09:35:52] Filterscripts
[09:35:52] ---------------
[09:35:52]   Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[09:35:52]   Loading filterscript 'mapping.amx'...
[09:35:52]   Loading filterscript 'yom_buttons.amx'...
[09:35:52]   Loaded 3 filterscripts.

[09:35:53]  ======================================= 
[09:35:53]  |                                     | 
[09:35:53]  |        YSI version 1.03.0011        | 
[09:35:53]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[09:35:53]  |                                     | 
[09:35:53]  |  Checking the latest YSI version..  | 
[09:35:53]  |                                     | 
[09:35:53]  ======================================= 
[09:35:53] MapFix by Nexius v2.9.1 loaded (include version).
[09:35:53] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7714
[09:35:59] ---------------------------------------------------------
[09:35:59] Roleplay...
[09:35:59] Loading..
[09:35:59] ---------------------------------------------------------
[09:36:34] Roleplay v1.0.0
[09:36:34] ----------------------------------

[09:36:34] Number of vehicle models: 82

Re: Plugins didn't loaded - Sebz - 15.04.2017

Are you using windows to localhost and linux to host the server? If so, get the .so versions of those plugins when on the public server.

Re: Plugins didn't loaded - MrFantasy - 15.04.2017

Originally Posted by Sebz
Посмотреть сообщение
Are you using windows to localhost and linux to host the server? If so, get the .so versions of those plugins when on the public server.
Both are windows. So I used .dll versions..

Re: Plugins didn't loaded - Sebz - 15.04.2017

Try compiling with the plugin crashdetect and then launching the server. It should better explain what/why the file/function isn't found.

Re: Plugins didn't loaded - Sew_Sumi - 15.04.2017

Originally Posted by Sebz
Посмотреть сообщение
Try compiling with the plugin crashdetect and then launching the server. It should better explain what/why the file/function isn't found.
What that won't tell you, is that the required runtimes are missing... Nor will it tell you if the files are corrupt.

Re: Plugins didn't loaded - Hackzzzz - 15.04.2017

If you are using an linux server on your host, add on server cfg .so at the end for all your plugins.

Ex: etc

Re: Plugins didn't loaded - Sew_Sumi - 15.04.2017

Originally Posted by MrFantasy
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Both are windows. So I used .dll versions..
Originally Posted by Hackzzzz
Посмотреть сообщение
If you are using an linux server on your host, add on server cfg .so at the end for all your plugins.

Ex: etc
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