help find right hex - Printable Version
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help find right hex -
Bussyman - 14.04.2017
Can anybody help me, what is hex code in minimap this zones? if i take with hex picker, color still is bad, i don't know how to make same transperent. That i could use in function GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid,gangzone, xxx);
Re: help find right hex -
LEOTorres - 14.04.2017
Use this colour "0xFFFFFF00" for transparent.
Also, check out: for an explanation of how colour transparency works.
Re: help find right hex -
Bussyman - 14.04.2017
I tried, but i still don't receive same, like in picture...

help find right hex
Re: help find right hex -
Vince - 14.04.2017
You know that purple is red and blue, right? And you know that RGB means Red-Green-Blue, right? So then you mix a little red with blue to get a shade of purple. And then you use an opacity of about 40%. So try something like: 0x
Re: help find right hex -
Bussyman - 14.04.2017
Purple i get, how to get green? i get too dark or light