Freeze time - Printable Version
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Freeze time -
Melktert - 14.04.2017
How do I for example, set the global time for every player to midnight, then let it stay midnight constantly, not changing time at all?
Re: Freeze time -
Bolex_ - 14.04.2017
Re: Freeze time -
Melktert - 14.04.2017
I do know that, but how do I freeze it on a specific time
Re: Freeze time -
Bolex_ - 14.04.2017
Could u explain what you want? World time, player time ?
I gave you example
public OnGameModeInit()
Re: Freeze time -
LEOTorres - 14.04.2017
The time is frozen upon the usage of that function by default, unless other parts of your script change it.
Alternatively, you may perhaps have TogglePlayerClock() enabled which would make the SetWorldTime function redundant.
Re: Freeze time -
Sjn - 14.04.2017
You probably have either gl_realtime filterscript loaded or used TogglePlayerClock function in your script. Check and remove em. (or possibly server sided time system)
Re: Freeze time -
Melktert - 14.04.2017
Ah thanks guys.