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Help in coords - Printable Version

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Help in coords - Ayyash - 28.03.2017


Today I got a new problem please help me,

when i put this coords for my gm pwn it is showing errors,

C:\Users\nawas\Desktop\New Folder (5)\Life of Flying 0.3.7\gamemodes\LoF.pwn(762) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\nawas\Desktop\New Folder (5)\Life of Flying 0.3.7\gamemodes\LoF.pwn(762) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero

For This Coords

{"Los Santos Airport", 1732.1899,-2418.6309,14.4767},
i hope someone help me please

Re: Help in coords - [eLg]elite - 28.03.2017

Can I see the rest of the code around where the coords are being used?

Re: Help in coords - Ayyash - 28.03.2017

Originally Posted by JacobTr
Посмотреть сообщение
Can I see the rest of the code around where the coords are being used?
Sure, here is the coords where used,
please help me please

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <streamer>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <utils>
#include <fly>

stock SetPlayerPosOb(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z){
	return SetTimerEx("SetPlayerPosPublic",0,0,"ifff",playerid,x,y,z);
forward SetPlayerPosPublic(playerid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z);
public SetPlayerPosPublic(playerid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z)
	return 1;
#define SetPlayerPos SetPlayerPosOb

	print(" Life of Pilot");

    new a[][] =
        "Unarmed (Fist)",
        "Brass K"
    #pragma unused a

#define SQL_HOST "localhost"
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS "" //edit this once im gone and compile.
#define SQL_DB "lof_database"
#define TABLENAME "" // i dont know your sql details, show them up localhost is Host user is root pass nothing DB lof_database t

#define MAX_PLAYERS (51) // 50 - amount of max slots

#define HOSTNAME "Life of Pilot - Come & Fly With us."
new MaxPlayers = 50; //Change this whenever max-slots get changed.
new PlayersOnline = 0;
#define revision "Main English"

//Global Server Variables ------------------------------------------------------
new ServerMOTD[256];
new ServerMaxPlayers = 0;
new ServerMaxPlayersDate[64];
new ServerMaxPlayersTime[64];
new ServerTickets = 0;
new sTrackPlayers = 0; //On LoadStuff() set's to 1.
//---- Flight Streak -----
new ServerMaxFlightStreak,
//---- Flight Streak -----
//End of Global Server Variables -----------------------------------------------

#define MAX_AIRLINES 6
#define MAX_HOUSES 1000
#define aselect 1000
#define showit 1001
#define showit2 1002
#define astats 1003
#define adonation1 1004
#define amembers1 1005
#define afleet1 1006
#define abank1 1007
#define abank2 1008
#define abank3 1009
#define abank4 1010
#define asettings1 1011
#define asettings2 1012
#define asettings3 1013
#define asettings4 1014
#define asettings5 1015
#define afleet5 1016
#define buyfleet1 1017
#define editmember1 1018
#define afleet2 1019
#define buyfleet2 1023
#define motd1 1025
#define motd2 1020
#define motd3 1021
#define rankperm1 1022
#define rankperm2 1024
#define myhouses 1030
#define housemenu 1031
#define housesell1 1032
#define housesell2 1033
#define myvehicles1 1034
#define myvehicles2 1035
#define myvehicles3 1036
#define myvehicles4 1037
#define marketplace1 1038
#define marketplace2 1039
#define vipmenu1 1040
#define vipmenu2 1041
#define vipmenu3 1042
#define vipmenu4 1043
#define vipmenu5 1044
#define radio1 1044
//--- Player Settings [/settings]-----------------------------------------------
#define settings1 1046
#define settings2 1047
#define settings3 1048
#define settings4 1049 // 1050/1051 is used by VIP Sounds below.
#define settings5 1052 // VIP Sounds
#define settings6 1053 // Global Sounds
#define settings7 1054 // Start from 1056 (Connection Messages)
#define settings8 1057 // AutoWork
//--- Player Settings [/settings]-----------------------------------------------
#define vipsounds1 1048
#define namerequests1 1050
#define namerequests2 1051
#define coupon1 1055
#define coupon2 1056 //1057 is TAKEN

#define COLOR_IRC 0xBEB541FF
#define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF80000FF
//new User Colours
#define TEAM_CPILOT 0x008000FF
#define COLOR_VIP 0x84538AFF
#define COLOR_SKIN 0xFFA953FF
#define COLOR_AFK 0xC0C0C0FF
//End of User Colours
static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
//#define TEAM_MILITARY 0xF27900FF
//Textdraw crap - money
forward TextDrawDestroyTimer2(TextDrawID);
new Text:gTextStyle2[128];
new textcountP;
new CreatedCars[MAX_VEHICLES] = {INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, ...};
new gDestroyVehicle[MAX_VEHICLES];
new AdvertisementStatus = 0; //0 = available | 1 = busy.
new BuyingFleetPrice[MAX_PLAYERS];
new BuyingFleet[MAX_PLAYERS];
new NewSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
new OldSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingMemberRank[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingVehicleModel[MAX_PLAYERS];
new FuelWarned[MAX_PLAYERS];
//Prevent fuckup
new GettingBanned[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw0[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw2[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw3[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw4[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw5[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw6[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw7[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw8[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw9[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw10[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw11[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw12[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw13[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Clockzz;
new Text:AdTextdraw;

new POTD_Winner = 0;
new POTD_MaximumEarnt = 0;
new POTD_FinalAmount = 0;
new POTD_FinalAmount2 = 0; //To store last winner's cash

new AOTD_Winner = 50; //Default
new AOTD_WinnerName[128];
new AOTD_MaximumEarnt = 0;
new AOTD_FinalAmount = 0;
new AOTD_FinalAmount2 = 0; // To store last winner's cash.
new AOTD_Earnt[MAX_AIRLINES] = 0;

new ClaimingCouponName[64][MAX_PLAYERS];
new ClaimingCoupon[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ClaimingCouponReward[MAX_PLAYERS];

new SessionFlights[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SessionEarnt[MAX_PLAYERS];

new SessionStatus[MAX_PLAYERS];
new RconAttempts[MAX_PLAYERS];
new LookingAtStats[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SkinConfirmation[MAX_PLAYERS];
new VIPSoundWarning[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ActiveAdminSpy[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PreviewingSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PreviewingSkinOld[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PreviewingSkinTime[MAX_PLAYERS];

new NameChangeRequest[MAX_PLAYERS];

new ListeningToRadio[MAX_PLAYERS];

new VIPWarning[MAX_PLAYERS];

new TDLoaded[MAX_PLAYERS];
new IsLocatingVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];

new InHouse[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingHouse[MAX_PLAYERS];

new PurelySpawned[MAX_PLAYERS];

new EditingPermissions[MAX_PLAYERS];
new AirlineOffer[MAX_PLAYERS];

new Num1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Num2[MAX_PLAYERS];

new JustRegistered[MAX_PLAYERS];

new DistanceFlown1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new DistanceFlown2[MAX_PLAYERS];

new IsTracingHouse[MAX_PLAYERS];

new Text3D:AirlineText[MAX_VEHICLES];
new gHour = 0;
new gMinutes = 0;
new GlobalStatus = 0;
new PlayerLogged[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerSpawned[MAX_PLAYERS];
new LookingAtAirline[MAX_PLAYERS];
new shifthour;
new ghour = 0;
new gminute = 0;
new gsecond = 0;
new realtime = 1;
new timeshift = -1;
new randomtimer;
new onlinetimer;
new SelectedSpawn[MAX_PLAYERS];
new VehicleDeletionWarning[MAX_PLAYERS];
new tempinterior[MAX_PLAYERS];
new vfuel[MAX_VEHICLES];
new Float:tempX[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:tempY[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:tempZ[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:tempA[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SpectatedID[MAX_PLAYERS];
new WasSpectating[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SpectateType[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Hours[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Minutes[MAX_PLAYERS];
new MissionVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];
new FirstAPName[MAX_PLAYERS][50];
new FinalAPName[MAX_PLAYERS][50];
new WantsRecording[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TimeTakenHrs[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TimeTakenMins[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TypeFlight[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ServerRestarting = 0;
//0 - None
//1 - Andro
//2 - AT400
//3 - Shamal
//4 - Dodo
//5 - Nevada
//6 - Maverick
//7 - News Maverick
//8 - Police Maverick
//9 - Leviathan
//10 - Seasparrow
//11 - Sparrow
//12 - Cargobob
//13 - Raindance
//14 - Hunter
//15 - Skimmer
//16 - Cropduster
//17 - Beagle
//18 - Hydra
new ChosenClass[MAX_PLAYERS];
new MissionStage[MAX_PLAYERS];
//0 - None
//1 - Heading to pickup
//2 - Picked up, heading to drop off
new WorkPay[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:Pos1[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos2[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos3[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos12[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos22[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos32[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new StartedMission[MAX_PLAYERS];

new EditingRank[MAX_PLAYERS];

new CanAdvertiseAgain[MAX_PLAYERS];


forward ConnectMySQL();
forward PlaySound(soundid);
forward UpdateSkin(playerid);
forward RegisterAccount(playerid, password[]);
forward PlayerLogin(playerid,password[]);
forward LoadTextdraws();
forward UnloadTextdraws(playerid);
forward DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, dialogid);
forward SaveAccount(playerid);
forward SaveHouse(houseid);
forward SaveVehicle(vehicleid);
forward ReloadHouse(houseid);
forward ReloadVehicle(vehicleid);
forward FixHour(hour);
forward YourOnline(playerid);
forward YourOffline(playerid);
forward SyncTime();
forward ShowVIPMenu(playerid);
forward UpdateTextdraw();
forward ShowAds();
forward HideAds();
forward AntiCheat();
forward UpdateIRC();
forward UpdateClock(); //ANTI CHEAT IN THIS
forward StartMission(playerid);
forward CheckBanned(playerid);
forward IsAtGasStation(playerid);
forward RandomTimer();
forward timer_update();
forward ChangeWeather();
forward RandomMsg();
forward ShowAirlines(playerid);
forward ResetMissionData(playerid);
forward ResetPlayerData(playerid);
forward AdvertisementUpdate(playerid);
forward ShowHouses(playerid);
forward ShowVehicles(playerid);
forward ShowMarketplace(playerid);
forward ShowSettings(playerid);
forward RemoveObjectsForPlayer(playerid);
forward OnlineTimer();
forward LoadObjects();
forward LoadStuff();
forward SaveStuff();
forward CheckIPS(playerid);
forward LoadAirline(airlineid);
forward SaveAirline(airlineid);
forward GetEndLocation(playerid);
forward FinishMission(playerid);
forward RevertSkin(playerid);
forward UpdatePlayerColour(playerid);
forward RestartServer();
forward ShowRole(playerid);
forward HideNotice(playerid);
forward UpdateScore(playerid);
forward PlayerNotice(playerid,notice[]);
forward ABroadCast(color,const string[],level);
forward SendAdminMessage(color, string[]);
forward SendHiddenMessage(string[]);
forward SendVIPMessage(color, string[]);
forward SendAirlineMessage(color, string[], airlineid);
forward KillCar(vehicleid);
forward ShowAirlineStats(playerid);
forward ShowDonations(playerid);
forward ShowMembers(playerid);
forward ShowNCs(playerid);
forward ShowRadio(playerid);
forward ShowVIPSounds(playerid);
forward ShowFleet(playerid);
forward ShowBank(playerid);
forward ShowPlayerSettings(playerid);
forward GiveAirlineBonus(playerid);
forward RespawnPlayer(playerid);
forward PutIntoHouse(playerid, houseid);
forward UpdateMap();
forward SaveComponent(vehicleid,componentid);
//Special Defines
#define COLOR_ERROR 0xFF3300FF
#define COLOR_GREEN  0x14A326FF
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x1B8AE4FF
#define COLOR_ADMIN 0x42CF18FF
#define COLOR_ME 0x8D52A7FF
#define COLOR_HOUSE 0x50AAC5FF
#define MSGBLUE 1B8AE4
#define COLOR_RADIO 0x5F5F5FFF
//Sprint-f SHIT ----------------------------------------------------------------
#if !defined ____sprintf
#define ____sprintf

    #define SPRINTF_MAX_STRING 4092
    #define SPRINTF_DEBUG_STRING "[sprintf debug] '%s'[%d]"



#if defined SPRINTF_DEBUG
    new const _s@V[] = SPRINTF_DEBUG_STRING;
    #define sprintf(%1) (format(_s@T, SPRINTF_MAX_STRING, %1), printf(_s@V, _s@T, strlen(_s@T)), _s@T)
    #define sprintf(%1) (format(_s@T, SPRINTF_MAX_STRING, %1), _s@T)

//Sprint-f SHIT ----------------------------------------------------------------
new spoiler[20][0] = {
new nitro[3][0] = {
new fbumper[23][0] = {
new rbumper[22][0] = {
new exhaust[28][0] = {
new bventr[2][0] = {
new bventl[2][0] = {
new bscoop[4][0] = {
new rscoop[17][0] = {
new lskirt[21][0] = {
new rskirt[21][0] = {
new hydraulics[1][0] = {
new base[1][0] = {
new rbbars[4][0] = {
new fbbars[2][0] = {
new wheels[17][0] = {
new clights[2][0] = {
enum MapSystem_E
	bool:IsPlane[611],//some serious fast checking if a model is a plane
	bool:IsHelios[611],//is a helicopter
	bool:IsAircraft[611],//is a plane of helicopter

new MapSystem[MapSystem_E];
new Text:TextdrawNotice[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:TextdrawNoticeText[MAX_PLAYERS];
native sscanf(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...);
native unformat(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...) = sscanf;
stock Float:GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:PointX, Float:PointY, Float:PointZ) return floatsqroot(floatadd(floatadd(floatpower(floatsub(X, PointX), 2.0), floatpower(floatsub(Y, PointY), 2.0)), floatpower(floatsub(Z, PointZ), 2.0)));
enum RMessages
new Messages[][RMessages] =
	{"[WARNING] Never ask to be an administrator - You Will Get A Warning!"},
	{"[HELP] If you are ever stuck for help - use /help, or ask in main chat!"},
	{"[AIRLINES] Being in an airline is bonus cash - Ask the airlines staff to join! (/airlines)"},
	{"[FORUMS] Have you visited our /forums? - Be sure to register for the latest news!"},
	{"[FORUMS] The development team is always open for suggestions - Go to the /forums to suggest a feature!"},
	{"[INVITES] Invites Your All Friends To Register in Server And The /Forums!"},
	{"[REPORT] Caught someone breaking a rule? Type /report, or report them on the /forums!"},
	{"[PERSONAL MESSAGE] To talk privately with friends - use /pm to avoid spamming the main chat!"},
	{"[RULES] Dont forget to read the /rules before playing!"},
	{"[EMAIL] Make sure you link your email to your account with /changeemail!"},
	{"[PASS] Make sure you have a secure password - /changepass!"},
	{"[WARNING] LoP Administrators will never ask you for your password - Do not give your password to anyone!"},
	{"[BUG] If you have found a bug - Be sure to report it on the /forums With The Picture!"},
	{"[NEWS] Please Register in /Forums Because We Everyday Changing The Server IP Address!"},
	{"[VEHICLES] To purchase a private vehicle - Take a look around /marketplace to find vehicles for sale!"},
	{"[HOUSES] To purchase a house - Explore San Andreas and find a house for sale!"},
	{"[ADVERTISEMENT] To make an advertisement to the server - Type /advertisement [text]."},
	{"[CALL SIGN] To change your radio callsign, type /changecallsign."},
	{"[ATC] To talk to ATC, and to other pilots - use @(text)."}
enum TLocation
	LocationName[50], // The name of the location
	Float:LocX, // The X-position of the location
	Float:LocY, // The Y-position of the location
	Float:LocZ // The Z-position of the location
//-------- AT.400 + Andromada Compatible ---------------------------------------
new ALocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"LSA Gate A", 1738.3202,-2425.8325,14.4741}, // Location 1
	{"LSA Gate B", 1641.5100,-2423.1333,14.4730},
	{"LSA Gate C", 1562.1697,-2428.0403,14.4765},
	{"LVA Gate A", 1561.0095,1397.6116,11.7708},
	{"LVA Gate B", 1574.6689,1539.6458,11.7481},
	{"SFA Gate B", -1382.1825,-225.9442,15.0717},
	{"SFA Gate C", -1323.3275,-255.5832,15.0703},
	{"Stoneland Int. Gate C", 2717.9512,681.2523,11.2553},
	{"Stoneland Int. Gate D", 2742.9993,679.6970,11.2612}
//-------- Dodo + Shamal Compatible --------------------------------------------
new DSLocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"Prickle Pine Airport Gate A", 1109.0206,2563.8406,10.9826},
	{"Bayside Airport Gate C", -2454.9817,2540.1506,24.7591},
	{"Palomino Creek Airport Gate C", 1919.4451,-483.7521,26.3312},
	{"Palomino Creek Airport Gate D", 1885.7271,-502.4863,26.3312},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional Gate C", 2799.7319,2767.1943,10.8687},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional Gate D", 2815.5737,2757.7551,10.8687},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional Gate F", 2831.6379,2749.2725,10.8687},
	{"Montgomery Airport Gate D", 1277.0098,410.7339,20.3572},
	{"Montgomery Airport Gate C", 1292.0890,431.3974,20.3372},
	{"Angel Pine Airport Gate C", -1798.5845,-2992.4514,8.4916},
	{"Angel Pine Airport Gate D", -1808.1495,-2987.5530,8.4916},
	{"Blueberry Airport Gate C", 11.0526,-95.6858,4.2813},
	{"Blueberry Airport Gate D", 9.1205,-118.0340,4.2433},
	{"Shady Creek Airport Gate D", -1352.9548,-2176.4211,27.6743},
	{"Shady Creek Airport Gate E", -1336.2051,-2182.0254,26.7054},
	{"Shady Creek Airport Gate F", -1313.5453,-2185.2051,26.7054},
	{"Santa Maria Airport Gate D", 43.1413,-1717.3152,4.8812},
	{"Santa Maria Airport Gate F", 38.5412,-1703.2230,4.8205},
	{"Indiana Airport Gate C", -694.9243,1272.1669,12.2733},
	{"Indiana Airport Gate D", -681.6368,1270.1713,12.2733}
//-------- Nevada Compatible ---------------------------------------------------
new NLocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"Los Santos Countryside", -112.3393,-1360.7817,360.2108},
	{"San Fierro Field", -2327.2917,197.1902,305.3922},
	{"Whetstone", -2335.9360,-2410.7107,234.1891}
//------- Helicopter Compatible ------------------------------------------------
new HELILocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"Los Santos Airport HP-A", 1765.7803,-2285.3062,26.9636},
	{"San Fierro Airport HP-A", -1222.9742,-11.2715,14.3233},
	{"San Fierro Airport HP-B", -1184.3068,23.9801,14.3240},
	{"Bayside Marina HP-A", -2227.2913,2325.4553,7.7224},
	{"Verdeant Meadows HP-A", 365.3646,2537.9160,16.8347},
	{"Emerald Isle HP-A", 2094.2500,2415.3455,74.7552},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-A", 2822.6416,2671.1785,10.9994},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-B", 2835.0061,2671.4453,10.8909},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-C", 2845.1877,2670.8596,10.8894},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-D", 2854.4290,2670.8481,10.8920},
	{"Angel Pine Airport HP-A", -1759.2014,-2898.6067,10.9281},
	{"Angel Pine Airport HP-B", -1730.4406,-2920.7380,10.9281},
	{"Verdeant Bluffs HP-A", 986.7355,-2155.8159,15.4281},
	{"Santa Maria Beach HP-A", 52.1325,-1770.9048,7.0281}
//----- Skimmer/Boats Compatible -----------------------------------------------
new BOATLocations[][TLocation] =
	{"Bayside Seaport A", -2203.7356,2421.7729,2.5803},
	{"Bayside Seaport B", -2231.7341,2449.0798,2.5744},
	{"Bayside Seaport C", -2250.8843,2429.4451,2.5731},
	{"Bayside Seaport D", -2225.6475,2404.8301,2.5785},
	{"Palisades Seaport A", -2954.1018,497.7353,2.6167},
	{"Palisades Seaport B", -2984.8962,499.0645,2.6183},
	{"Red County Seaport A", 1627.7302,567.9797,1.9596},
	{"Red County Seaport B", 2294.3337,513.1888,2.0050},
	{"Red County Seaport C", 2355.4585,513.1550,1.7950},
	{"Esplande North Seaport A", -1717.2863,1437.0093,1.8961},
	{"Esplande North Seaport B", -1507.2793,1302.3727,1.5326},
	{"Esplande North Seaport C", -1567.7971,1261.4723,2.0222},
	{"Palomino Creek Seaport B", 1973.0605,-248.6441,1.9003},
	{"Palomino Creek Seaport C", 1998.0090,-242.0531,1.9926},
	{"Palomino Creek Seaport A", 2104.1963,-92.8493,1.4733},
	{"Playa del Seville Seaport A", 2950.1167,-2051.3328,1.4801},
	{"Los Santos Seaport A", 2708.5076,-2309.0400,2.2150},
	{"Los Santos Seaport B", 2519.1272,-2269.1116,1.8145},
	{"Los Santos Seaport C", 2309.7991,-2412.6677,1.8298},
	{"Los Santos Seaport D", 2353.7417,-2522.3364,1.7421},
	{"Los Santos Seaport E", 2449.6047,-2718.7253,2.0806},
	{"Fallen Tree Seaport A", -333.0670,-467.9439,1.6440},
	{"Angel Pine Airport Seaport A", -1759.5175,-3006.3638,1.8954},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport A", 116.5295,-1821.3625,-0.6251},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport B", 95.9396,-1804.0206,-0.5448},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport C", 73.8296,-1804.1655,-0.4247},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport D", 52.5124,-1804.2556,-0.2099},
	{"Indiana Seaport A", -608.7407,1277.1222,-1.1850}
//----- Cropduster Compatible [STAGE 1 - PICK UP SEEDS] ------------------------
new CD1Locations[][TLocation] =
	{"Flint County Seed Depot", -1094.9493,-1621.2086,76.3672},
	{"Flint County Seed Depot", -270.5169,-2151.5566,28.7311}
//----- Cropduster Compatible [STAGE 2 - DROP OFF SEEDS @ RACE CHECKPOINTS.] ---
new CD2Locations[][TLocation] =
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -267.6216,-1518.1316,20.2993},
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -264.3980,-1376.5297,24.5172},
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -409.3886,-1328.5957,40.8713},
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -520.2924,-1339.5139,35.1951},
	{"Blueberry Farmland", -136.0905,127.7290,12.6521},
	{"Blueberry Farmland", -176.6971,46.5675,10.8071},
	{"Blueberry Farmland", -234.7424,-33.6160,16.6925},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1927.1514,203.4721,38.8304},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1974.3995,195.8955,34.9598},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1990.7018,215.9787,32.3300},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1945.2769,230.0906,32.9333}
//----- Beagle Compatible [STAGE 2 - DROP OFF CARGO] ---------------------------
new CARGOLocations[][TLocation] =
	{"Los Santos Beach", 289.4194,-1832.4514,44.3939},
	{"Las Venturas Station", 2799.5442,1149.1533,43.9896},
	{"Las Venturas Desert", 2.0027,2452.5654,39.5609},
	{"San Fierro Zombotech", -1953.3134,664.2141,244.1103},
	{"San Fierro Beach", -2894.3640,-99.0863,40.9341},
	{"Angel Pine Gas Station", -1555.9890,-2769.9434,103.7273}
//----- Hydra Compatible -------------------------------------------------------
new HYDRALocations[][TLocation] =
	{"Area 51 Military Base", 309.3832,2038.3633,18.3638},
	{"San Fierro Carrier", -1314.3152,494.5123,18.9576},
	{"Verdeant Meadows", 385.3608,2540.9385,17.4236},
	{"Ocean Docks Military Base", 2741.4343,-2466.0979,14.5982},
	{"Whetstone Carrier", -2956.0918,-2680.8987,15.3136}
//--------------------------END OF ENUM'S FOR MISSIONS--------------------------
enum GPSInfo
public KillCar(vehicleid)
	DestroyVehicle(vehicleid);                      // destroy vehicle
	gDestroyVehicle[vehicleid] = 0;
	return 1;
stock IsAirVehicle(carid)
    new AirVeh[] = { 592, 577, 511, 512, 593,
		  			 520, 553, 476, 519, 460,
					 513, 548, 425, 417, 487,
					 488, 497, 563, 447, 469
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(AirVeh); i++)
        if(GetVehicleModel(carid) == AirVeh[i]) return 1;
    return 0;

new Float:Zones[][GPSInfo] = {
{ "Unknown",               		  -410.00,  1403.30,    -3.00,  -137.90,  1681.20,   200.00},
{ "Aldea Malvada",               -1372.10,  2498.50,     0.00, -1277.50,  2615.30,   200.00},
{ "Angel Pine",                  -2324.90, -2584.20,    -6.10, -1964.20, -2212.10,   200.00},
{ "Arco del Oeste",               -901.10,  2221.80,     0.00,  -592.00,  2571.90,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2646.40,  -355.40,     0.00, -2270.00,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2831.80,  -430.20,    -6.10, -2646.40,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2361.50,  -417.10,     0.00, -2270.00,  -355.40,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2667.80,  -302.10,   -28.80, -2646.40,  -262.30,    71.10},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2470.00,  -355.40,     0.00, -2270.00,  -318.40,    46.10},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2550.00,  -355.40,     0.00, -2470.00,  -318.40,    39.70},
{ "Back o Beyond",               -1166.90, -2641.10,     0.00,  -321.70, -1856.00,   200.00},
{ "Battery Point",               -2741.00,  1268.40,    -4.50, -2533.00,  1490.40,   200.00},
{ "Bayside",                     -2741.00,  2175.10,     0.00, -2353.10,  2722.70,   200.00},
{ "Bayside Marina",              -2353.10,  2275.70,     0.00, -2153.10,  2475.70,   200.00},
{ "Beacon Hill",                  -399.60, -1075.50,    -1.40,  -319.00,  -977.50,   198.50},
{ "Blackfield",                    964.30,  1203.20,   -89.00,  1197.30,  1403.20,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield",                    964.30,  1403.20,   -89.00,  1197.30,  1726.20,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Chapel",            1375.60,   596.30,   -89.00,  1558.00,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Chapel",            1325.60,   596.30,   -89.00,  1375.60,   795.00,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1197.30,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1277.00,  1163.30,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1166.50,   795.00,   -89.00,  1375.60,  1044.60,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1277.00,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1315.30,  1087.60,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1375.60,   823.20,   -89.00,  1457.30,   919.40,   110.90},
{ "Blueberry",                     104.50,  -220.10,     2.30,   349.60,   152.20,   200.00},
{ "Blueberry",                      19.60,  -404.10,     3.80,   349.60,  -220.10,   200.00},
{ "Blueberry Acres",              -319.60,  -220.10,     0.00,   104.50,   293.30,   200.00},
{ "Caligula's Palace",            2087.30,  1543.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1703.20,   110.90},
{ "Caligula's Palace",            2137.40,  1703.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "Calton Heights",              -2274.10,   744.10,    -6.10, -1982.30,  1358.90,   200.00},
{ "Chinatown",                   -2274.10,   578.30,    -7.60, -2078.60,   744.10,   200.00},
{ "City Hall",                   -2867.80,   277.40,    -9.10, -2593.40,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Come-A-Lot",                   2087.30,   943.20,   -89.00,  2623.10,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1323.90, -1842.20,   -89.00,  1701.90, -1722.20,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1323.90, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1440.90, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1370.80, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1384.90,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1463.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1667.90, -1430.80,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1583.50, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1758.90, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1667.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1430.80,   110.90},
{ "Conference Center",            1046.10, -1804.20,   -89.00,  1323.90, -1722.20,   110.90},
{ "Conference Center",            1073.20, -1842.20,   -89.00,  1323.90, -1804.20,   110.90},
{ "Cranberry Station",           -2007.80,    56.30,     0.00, -1922.00,   224.70,   100.00},
{ "Creek",                        2749.90,  1937.20,   -89.00,  2921.60,  2669.70,   110.90},
{ "Dillimore",                     580.70,  -674.80,    -9.50,   861.00,  -404.70,   200.00},
{ "Doherty",                     -2270.00,  -324.10,    -0.00, -1794.90,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Doherty",                     -2173.00,  -222.50,    -0.00, -1794.90,   265.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1982.30,   744.10,    -6.10, -1871.70,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1871.70,  1176.40,    -4.50, -1620.30,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1700.00,   744.20,    -6.10, -1580.00,  1176.50,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1580.00,   744.20,    -6.10, -1499.80,  1025.90,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -2078.60,   578.30,    -7.60, -1499.80,   744.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1993.20,   265.20,    -9.10, -1794.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1463.90, -1430.80,   -89.00,  1724.70, -1290.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1724.70, -1430.80,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1250.90,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1463.90, -1290.80,   -89.00,  1724.70, -1150.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1370.80, -1384.90,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1170.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1724.70, -1250.90,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1150.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1370.80, -1170.80,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1378.30, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1026.30,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1391.00, -1026.30,   -89.00,  1463.90,  -926.90,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1507.50, -1385.20,   110.90,  1582.50, -1325.30,   335.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2632.80, -1852.80,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1668.10,   110.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2632.80, -1668.10,   -89.00,  2747.70, -1393.40,   110.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2747.70, -1668.10,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1498.60,   110.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2747.70, -1498.60,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1120.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2421.00, -1628.50,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1454.30,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2222.50, -1628.50,   -89.00,  2421.00, -1494.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2266.20, -1494.00,   -89.00,  2381.60, -1372.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2381.60, -1494.00,   -89.00,  2421.00, -1454.30,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2281.40, -1372.00,   -89.00,  2381.60, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2381.60, -1454.30,   -89.00,  2462.10, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2462.10, -1454.30,   -89.00,  2581.70, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "Easter Basin",                -1794.90,   249.90,    -9.10, -1242.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Easter Basin",                -1794.90,   -50.00,    -0.00, -1499.80,   249.90,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1499.80,   -50.00,    -0.00, -1242.90,   249.90,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1794.90,  -730.10,    -3.00, -1213.90,   -50.00,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1213.90,  -730.10,     0.00, -1132.80,   -50.00,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1242.90,   -50.00,     0.00, -1213.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1213.90,   -50.00,    -4.50,  -947.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1315.40,  -405.30,    15.40, -1264.40,  -209.50,    25.40},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1354.30,  -287.30,    15.40, -1315.40,  -209.50,    25.40},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1490.30,  -209.50,    15.40, -1264.40,  -148.30,    25.40},
{ "Easter Bay Chemicals",        -1132.80,  -768.00,     0.00,  -956.40,  -578.10,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Chemicals",        -1132.80,  -787.30,     0.00,  -956.40,  -768.00,   200.00},
{ "El Castillo del Diablo",       -464.50,  2217.60,     0.00,  -208.50,  2580.30,   200.00},
{ "El Castillo del Diablo",       -208.50,  2123.00,    -7.60,   114.00,  2337.10,   200.00},
{ "El Castillo del Diablo",       -208.50,  2337.10,     0.00,     8.40,  2487.10,   200.00},
{ "El Corona",                    1812.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  1970.60, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "El Corona",                    1692.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1842.20,   110.90},
{ "El Quebrados",                -1645.20,  2498.50,     0.00, -1372.10,  2777.80,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade East",              -1620.30,  1176.50,    -4.50, -1580.00,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade East",              -1580.00,  1025.90,    -6.10, -1499.80,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade East",              -1499.80,   578.30,   -79.60, -1339.80,  1274.20,    20.30},
{ "Esplanade North",             -2533.00,  1358.90,    -4.50, -1996.60,  1501.20,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade North",             -1996.60,  1358.90,    -4.50, -1524.20,  1592.50,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade North",             -1982.30,  1274.20,    -4.50, -1524.20,  1358.90,   200.00},
{ "Fallen Tree",                  -792.20,  -698.50,    -5.30,  -452.40,  -380.00,   200.00},
{ "Fallow Bridge",                 434.30,   366.50,     0.00,   603.00,   555.60,   200.00},
{ "Fern Ridge",                    508.10,  -139.20,     0.00,  1306.60,   119.50,   200.00},
{ "Financial",                   -1871.70,   744.10,    -6.10, -1701.30,  1176.40,   300.00},
{ "Fisher's Lagoon",              1916.90,  -233.30,  -100.00,  2131.70,    13.80,   200.00},
{ "Flint Intersection",           -187.70, -1596.70,   -89.00,    17.00, -1276.60,   110.90},
{ "Flint Range",                  -594.10, -1648.50,     0.00,  -187.70, -1276.60,   200.00},
{ "Fort Carson",                  -376.20,   826.30,    -3.00,   123.70,  1220.40,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2270.00,  -430.20,    -0.00, -2178.60,  -324.10,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2178.60,  -599.80,    -0.00, -1794.90,  -324.10,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2178.60, -1115.50,     0.00, -1794.90,  -599.80,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2178.60, -1250.90,     0.00, -1794.90, -1115.50,   200.00},
{ "Frederick Bridge",             2759.20,   296.50,     0.00,  2774.20,   594.70,   200.00},
{ "Gant Bridge",                 -2741.40,  1659.60,    -6.10, -2616.40,  2175.10,   200.00},
{ "Gant Bridge",                 -2741.00,  1490.40,    -6.10, -2616.40,  1659.60,   200.00},
{ "Ganton",                       2222.50, -1852.80,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1722.30,   110.90},
{ "Ganton",                       2222.50, -1722.30,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1628.50,   110.90},
{ "Garcia",                      -2411.20,  -222.50,    -0.00, -2173.00,   265.20,   200.00},
{ "Garcia",                      -2395.10,  -222.50,    -5.30, -2354.00,  -204.70,   200.00},
{ "Garver Bridge",               -1339.80,   828.10,   -89.00, -1213.90,  1057.00,   110.90},
{ "Garver Bridge",               -1213.90,   950.00,   -89.00, -1087.90,  1178.90,   110.90},
{ "Garver Bridge",               -1499.80,   696.40,  -179.60, -1339.80,   925.30,    20.30},
{ "Glen Park",                    1812.60, -1449.60,   -89.00,  1996.90, -1350.70,   110.90},
{ "Glen Park",                    1812.60, -1100.80,   -89.00,  1994.30,  -973.30,   110.90},
{ "Glen Park",                    1812.60, -1350.70,   -89.00,  2056.80, -1100.80,   110.90},
{ "Green Palms",                   176.50,  1305.40,    -3.00,   338.60,  1520.70,   200.00},
{ "Greenglass College",            964.30,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1197.30,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Greenglass College",            964.30,   930.80,   -89.00,  1166.50,  1044.60,   110.90},
{ "Hampton Barns",                 603.00,   264.30,     0.00,   761.90,   366.50,   200.00},
{ "Hankypanky Point",             2576.90,    62.10,     0.00,  2759.20,   385.50,   200.00},
{ "Harry Gold Parkway",           1777.30,   863.20,   -89.00,  1817.30,  2342.80,   110.90},
{ "Hashbury",                    -2593.40,  -222.50,    -0.00, -2411.20,    54.70,   200.00},
{ "Hilltop Farm",                  967.30,  -450.30,    -3.00,  1176.70,  -217.90,   200.00},
{ "Hunter Quarry",                 337.20,   710.80,  -115.20,   860.50,  1031.70,   203.70},
{ "Idlewood",                     1812.60, -1852.80,   -89.00,  1971.60, -1742.30,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1812.60, -1742.30,   -89.00,  1951.60, -1602.30,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1951.60, -1742.30,   -89.00,  2124.60, -1602.30,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1812.60, -1602.30,   -89.00,  2124.60, -1449.60,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     2124.60, -1742.30,   -89.00,  2222.50, -1494.00,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1971.60, -1852.80,   -89.00,  2222.50, -1742.30,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    1996.90, -1449.60,   -89.00,  2056.80, -1350.70,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2124.60, -1494.00,   -89.00,  2266.20, -1449.60,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2056.80, -1372.00,   -89.00,  2281.40, -1210.70,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2056.80, -1210.70,   -89.00,  2185.30, -1126.30,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2185.30, -1210.70,   -89.00,  2281.40, -1154.50,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2056.80, -1449.60,   -89.00,  2266.20, -1372.00,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2623.10,   943.20,   -89.00,  2749.90,  1055.90,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2685.10,  1055.90,   -89.00,  2749.90,  2626.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2536.40,  2442.50,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2542.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2625.10,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2442.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         2498.20,  2542.50,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2626.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         2237.40,  2542.50,   -89.00,  2498.20,  2663.10,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         2121.40,  2508.20,   -89.00,  2237.40,  2663.10,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1938.80,  2508.20,   -89.00,  2121.40,  2624.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1534.50,  2433.20,   -89.00,  1848.40,  2583.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1848.40,  2478.40,   -89.00,  1938.80,  2553.40,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1704.50,  2342.80,   -89.00,  1848.40,  2433.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1377.30,  2433.20,   -89.00,  1534.50,  2507.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway South",         1457.30,   823.20,   -89.00,  2377.30,   863.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway South",         2377.30,   788.80,   -89.00,  2537.30,   897.90,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway West",          1197.30,  1163.30,   -89.00,  1236.60,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway West",          1236.60,  2142.80,   -89.00,  1297.40,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Juniper Hill",                -2533.00,   578.30,    -7.60, -2274.10,   968.30,   200.00},
{ "Juniper Hollow",              -2533.00,   968.30,    -6.10, -2274.10,  1358.90,   200.00},
{ "K.A.C.C. Military Fuels",      2498.20,  2626.50,   -89.00,  2749.90,  2861.50,   110.90},
{ "Kincaid Bridge",              -1339.80,   599.20,   -89.00, -1213.90,   828.10,   110.90},
{ "Kincaid Bridge",              -1213.90,   721.10,   -89.00, -1087.90,   950.00,   110.90},
{ "Kincaid Bridge",              -1087.90,   855.30,   -89.00,  -961.90,   986.20,   110.90},
{ "King's",                      -2329.30,   458.40,    -7.60, -1993.20,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "King's",                      -2411.20,   265.20,    -9.10, -1993.20,   373.50,   200.00},
{ "King's",                      -2253.50,   373.50,    -9.10, -1993.20,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1457.30,   863.20,   -89.00,  1777.40,  1143.20,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1375.60,   919.40,   -89.00,  1457.30,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1277.00,  1087.60,   -89.00,  1375.60,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1315.30,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1375.60,  1087.60,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1236.60,  1163.40,   -89.00,  1277.00,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Las Barrancas",                -926.10,  1398.70,    -3.00,  -719.20,  1634.60,   200.00},
{ "Las Brujas",                   -365.10,  2123.00,    -3.00,  -208.50,  2217.60,   200.00},
{ "Las Colinas",                  1994.30, -1100.80,   -89.00,  2056.80,  -920.80,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2056.80, -1126.30,   -89.00,  2126.80,  -920.80,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2185.30, -1154.50,   -89.00,  2281.40,  -934.40,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2126.80, -1126.30,   -89.00,  2185.30,  -934.40,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2747.70, -1120.00,   -89.00,  2959.30,  -945.00,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2632.70, -1135.00,   -89.00,  2747.70,  -945.00,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2281.40, -1135.00,   -89.00,  2632.70,  -945.00,   110.90},
{ "Las Payasadas",                -354.30,  2580.30,     2.00,  -133.60,  2816.80,   200.00},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1236.60,  1203.20,   -89.00,  1457.30,  1883.10,   110.90},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1457.30,  1203.20,   -89.00,  1777.30,  1883.10,   110.90},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1457.30,  1143.20,   -89.00,  1777.40,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1515.80,  1586.40,   -12.50,  1729.90,  1714.50,    87.50},
{ "Last Dime Motel",              1823.00,   596.30,   -89.00,  1997.20,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Leafy Hollow",                -1166.90, -1856.00,     0.00,  -815.60, -1602.00,   200.00},
{ "Lil' Probe Inn",                -90.20,  1286.80,    -3.00,   153.80,  1554.10,   200.00},
{ "Linden Side",                  2749.90,   943.20,   -89.00,  2923.30,  1198.90,   110.90},
{ "Linden Station",               2749.90,  1198.90,   -89.00,  2923.30,  1548.90,   110.90},
{ "Linden Station",               2811.20,  1229.50,   -39.50,  2861.20,  1407.50,    60.40},
{ "Little Mexico",                1701.90, -1842.20,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1722.20,   110.90},
{ "Little Mexico",                1758.90, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Los Flores",                   2581.70, -1454.30,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1393.40,   110.90},
{ "Los Flores",                   2581.70, -1393.40,   -89.00,  2747.70, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1249.60, -2394.30,   -89.00,  1852.00, -2179.20,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1852.00, -2394.30,   -89.00,  2089.00, -2179.20,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1382.70, -2730.80,   -89.00,  2201.80, -2394.30,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1974.60, -2394.30,   -39.00,  2089.00, -2256.50,    60.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1400.90, -2669.20,   -39.00,  2189.80, -2597.20,    60.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     2051.60, -2597.20,   -39.00,  2152.40, -2394.30,    60.90},
{ "Marina",                        647.70, -1804.20,   -89.00,   851.40, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Marina",                        647.70, -1577.50,   -89.00,   807.90, -1416.20,   110.90},
{ "Marina",                        807.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,   926.90, -1416.20,   110.90},
{ "Market",                        787.40, -1416.20,   -89.00,  1072.60, -1310.20,   110.90},
{ "Market",                        952.60, -1310.20,   -89.00,  1072.60, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Market",                       1072.60, -1416.20,   -89.00,  1370.80, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Market",                        926.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1370.80, -1416.20,   110.90},
{ "Market Station",                787.40, -1410.90,   -34.10,   866.00, -1310.20,    65.80},
{ "Martin Bridge",                -222.10,   293.30,     0.00,  -122.10,   476.40,   200.00},
{ "Missionary Hill",             -2994.40,  -811.20,     0.00, -2178.60,  -430.20,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery",                   1119.50,   119.50,    -3.00,  1451.40,   493.30,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery",                   1451.40,   347.40,    -6.10,  1582.40,   420.80,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery Intersection",      1546.60,   208.10,     0.00,  1745.80,   347.40,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery Intersection",      1582.40,   347.40,     0.00,  1664.60,   401.70,   200.00},
{ "Mulholland",                   1414.00,  -768.00,   -89.00,  1667.60,  -452.40,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1281.10,  -452.40,   -89.00,  1641.10,  -290.90,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1269.10,  -768.00,   -89.00,  1414.00,  -452.40,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1357.00,  -926.90,   -89.00,  1463.90,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1318.10,  -910.10,   -89.00,  1357.00,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1169.10,  -910.10,   -89.00,  1318.10,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    768.60,  -954.60,   -89.00,   952.60,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    687.80,  -860.60,   -89.00,   911.80,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    737.50,  -768.00,   -89.00,  1142.20,  -674.80,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1096.40,  -910.10,   -89.00,  1169.10,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    952.60,  -937.10,   -89.00,  1096.40,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    911.80,  -860.60,   -89.00,  1096.40,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    861.00,  -674.80,   -89.00,  1156.50,  -600.80,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland Intersection",      1463.90, -1150.80,   -89.00,  1812.60,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "North Rock",                   2285.30,  -768.00,     0.00,  2770.50,  -269.70,   200.00},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2373.70, -2697.00,   -89.00,  2809.20, -2330.40,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2201.80, -2418.30,   -89.00,  2324.00, -2095.00,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2324.00, -2302.30,   -89.00,  2703.50, -2145.10,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2089.00, -2394.30,   -89.00,  2201.80, -2235.80,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2201.80, -2730.80,   -89.00,  2324.00, -2418.30,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2703.50, -2302.30,   -89.00,  2959.30, -2126.90,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2324.00, -2145.10,   -89.00,  2703.50, -2059.20,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Flats",                 -2994.40,   277.40,    -9.10, -2867.80,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Ocean Flats",                 -2994.40,  -222.50,    -0.00, -2593.40,   277.40,   200.00},
{ "Ocean Flats",                 -2994.40,  -430.20,    -0.00, -2831.80,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Octane Springs",                338.60,  1228.50,     0.00,   664.30,  1655.00,   200.00},
{ "Old Venturas Strip",           2162.30,  2012.10,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2202.70,   110.90},
{ "Palisades",                   -2994.40,   458.40,    -6.10, -2741.00,  1339.60,   200.00},
{ "Palomino Creek",               2160.20,  -149.00,     0.00,  2576.90,   228.30,   200.00},
{ "Paradiso",                    -2741.00,   793.40,    -6.10, -2533.00,  1268.40,   200.00},
{ "Pershing Square",              1440.90, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1583.50, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Pilgrim",                      2437.30,  1383.20,   -89.00,  2624.40,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "Pilgrim",                      2624.40,  1383.20,   -89.00,  2685.10,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "Pilson Intersection",          1098.30,  2243.20,   -89.00,  1377.30,  2507.20,   110.90},
{ "Pirates in Men's Pants",       1817.30,  1469.20,   -89.00,  2027.40,  1703.20,   110.90},
{ "Playa del Seville",            2703.50, -2126.90,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1534.50,  2583.20,   -89.00,  1848.40,  2863.20,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1117.40,  2507.20,   -89.00,  1534.50,  2723.20,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1848.40,  2553.40,   -89.00,  1938.80,  2863.20,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1938.80,  2624.20,   -89.00,  2121.40,  2861.50,   110.90},
{ "Queens",                      -2533.00,   458.40,     0.00, -2329.30,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Queens",                      -2593.40,    54.70,     0.00, -2411.20,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Queens",                      -2411.20,   373.50,     0.00, -2253.50,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Randolph Industrial Estate",   1558.00,   596.30,   -89.00,  1823.00,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Redsands East",                1817.30,  2011.80,   -89.00,  2106.70,  2202.70,   110.90},
{ "Redsands East",                1817.30,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2011.90,  2342.80,   110.90},
{ "Redsands East",                1848.40,  2342.80,   -89.00,  2011.90,  2478.40,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1236.60,  1883.10,   -89.00,  1777.30,  2142.80,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1297.40,  2142.80,   -89.00,  1777.30,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1377.30,  2243.20,   -89.00,  1704.50,  2433.20,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1704.50,  2243.20,   -89.00,  1777.30,  2342.80,   110.90},
{ "Regular Tom",                  -405.70,  1712.80,    -3.00,  -276.70,  1892.70,   200.00},
{ "Richman",                       647.50, -1118.20,   -89.00,   787.40,  -954.60,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       647.50,  -954.60,   -89.00,   768.60,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       225.10, -1369.60,   -89.00,   334.50, -1292.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       225.10, -1292.00,   -89.00,   466.20, -1235.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                        72.60, -1404.90,   -89.00,   225.10, -1235.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                        72.60, -1235.00,   -89.00,   321.30, -1008.10,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30, -1235.00,   -89.00,   647.50, -1044.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30, -1044.00,   -89.00,   647.50,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30,  -860.60,   -89.00,   687.80,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30,  -768.00,   -89.00,   700.70,  -674.80,   110.90},
{ "Robada Intersection",         -1119.00,  1178.90,   -89.00,  -862.00,  1351.40,   110.90},
{ "Roca Escalante",               2237.40,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2536.40,  2542.50,   110.90},
{ "Roca Escalante",               2536.40,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2625.10,  2442.50,   110.90},
{ "Rockshore East",               2537.30,   676.50,   -89.00,  2902.30,   943.20,   110.90},
{ "Rockshore West",               1997.20,   596.30,   -89.00,  2377.30,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Rockshore West",               2377.30,   596.30,   -89.00,  2537.30,   788.80,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                          72.60, -1684.60,   -89.00,   225.10, -1544.10,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                          72.60, -1544.10,   -89.00,   225.10, -1404.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         225.10, -1684.60,   -89.00,   312.80, -1501.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         225.10, -1501.90,   -89.00,   334.50, -1369.60,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         334.50, -1501.90,   -89.00,   422.60, -1406.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         312.80, -1684.60,   -89.00,   422.60, -1501.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         422.60, -1684.60,   -89.00,   558.00, -1570.20,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         558.00, -1684.60,   -89.00,   647.50, -1384.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         466.20, -1570.20,   -89.00,   558.00, -1385.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         422.60, -1570.20,   -89.00,   466.20, -1406.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         466.20, -1385.00,   -89.00,   647.50, -1235.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         334.50, -1406.00,   -89.00,   466.20, -1292.00,   110.90},
{ "Royal Casino",                 2087.30,  1383.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1543.20,   110.90},
{ "San Andreas Sound",            2450.30,   385.50,  -100.00,  2759.20,   562.30,   200.00},
{ "Santa Flora",                 -2741.00,   458.40,    -7.60, -2533.00,   793.40,   200.00},
{ "Santa Maria Beach",             342.60, -2173.20,   -89.00,   647.70, -1684.60,   110.90},
{ "Santa Maria Beach",              72.60, -2173.20,   -89.00,   342.60, -1684.60,   110.90},
{ "Shady Cabin",                 -1632.80, -2263.40,    -3.00, -1601.30, -2231.70,   200.00},
{ "Shady Creeks",                -1820.60, -2643.60,    -8.00, -1226.70, -1771.60,   200.00},
{ "Shady Creeks",                -2030.10, -2174.80,    -6.10, -1820.60, -1771.60,   200.00},
{ "Sobell Rail Yards",            2749.90,  1548.90,   -89.00,  2923.30,  1937.20,   110.90},
{ "Spinybed",                     2121.40,  2663.10,   -89.00,  2498.20,  2861.50,   110.90},
{ "Starfish Casino",              2437.30,  1783.20,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2012.10,   110.90},
{ "Starfish Casino",              2437.30,  1858.10,   -39.00,  2495.00,  1970.80,    60.90},
{ "Starfish Casino",              2162.30,  1883.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  2012.10,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1252.30, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1378.30, -1026.30,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1252.30, -1026.30,   -89.00,  1391.00,  -926.90,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1252.30,  -926.90,   -89.00,  1357.00,  -910.10,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                        952.60, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1096.40,  -937.10,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1096.40, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1252.30, -1026.30,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1096.40, -1026.30,   -89.00,  1252.30,  -910.10,   110.90},
{ "The Camel's Toe",              2087.30,  1203.20,   -89.00,  2640.40,  1383.20,   110.90},
{ "The Clown's Pocket",           2162.30,  1783.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1883.20,   110.90},
{ "The Emerald Isle",             2011.90,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2237.40,  2508.20,   110.90},
{ "The Farm",                    -1209.60, -1317.10,   114.90,  -908.10,  -787.30,   251.90},
{ "The Four Dragons Casino",      1817.30,   863.20,   -89.00,  2027.30,  1083.20,   110.90},
{ "The High Roller",              1817.30,  1283.20,   -89.00,  2027.30,  1469.20,   110.90},
{ "The Mako Span",                1664.60,   401.70,     0.00,  1785.10,   567.20,   200.00},
{ "The Panopticon",               -947.90,  -304.30,    -1.10,  -319.60,   327.00,   200.00},
{ "The Pink Swan",                1817.30,  1083.20,   -89.00,  2027.30,  1283.20,   110.90},
{ "The Sherman Dam",              -968.70,  1929.40,    -3.00,  -481.10,  2155.20,   200.00},
{ "The Strip",                    2027.40,   863.20,   -89.00,  2087.30,  1703.20,   110.90},
{ "The Strip",                    2106.70,  1863.20,   -89.00,  2162.30,  2202.70,   110.90},
{ "The Strip",                    2027.40,  1783.20,   -89.00,  2162.30,  1863.20,   110.90},
{ "The Strip",                    2027.40,  1703.20,   -89.00,  2137.40,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "The Visage",                   1817.30,  1863.20,   -89.00,  2106.70,  2011.80,   110.90},
{ "The Visage",                   1817.30,  1703.20,   -89.00,  2027.40,  1863.20,   110.90},
{ "Unity Station",                1692.60, -1971.80,   -20.40,  1812.60, -1932.80,    79.50},
{ "Valle Ocultado",               -936.60,  2611.40,     2.00,  -715.90,  2847.90,   200.00},
{ "Verdant Bluffs",                930.20, -2488.40,   -89.00,  1249.60, -2006.70,   110.90},
{ "Verdant Bluffs",               1073.20, -2006.70,   -89.00,  1249.60, -1842.20,   110.90},
{ "Verdant Bluffs",               1249.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  1692.60, -1842.20,   110.90},
{ "Verdant Meadows",                37.00,  2337.10,    -3.00,   435.90,  2677.90,   200.00},
{ "Verona Beach",                  647.70, -2173.20,   -89.00,   930.20, -1804.20,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                  930.20, -2006.70,   -89.00,  1073.20, -1804.20,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                  851.40, -1804.20,   -89.00,  1046.10, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                 1161.50, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1323.90, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                 1046.10, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1161.50, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      787.40, -1310.20,   -89.00,   952.60, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      787.40, -1130.80,   -89.00,   952.60,  -954.60,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      647.50, -1227.20,   -89.00,   787.40, -1118.20,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      647.70, -1416.20,   -89.00,   787.40, -1227.20,   110.90},
{ "Whitewood Estates",             883.30,  1726.20,   -89.00,  1098.30,  2507.20,   110.90},
{ "Whitewood Estates",            1098.30,  1726.20,   -89.00,  1197.30,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  1970.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  2089.00, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2089.00, -2235.80,   -89.00,  2201.80, -1989.90,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2089.00, -1989.90,   -89.00,  2324.00, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2201.80, -2095.00,   -89.00,  2324.00, -1989.90,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2541.70, -1941.40,   -89.00,  2703.50, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2324.00, -2059.20,   -89.00,  2541.70, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2541.70, -2059.20,   -89.00,  2703.50, -1941.40,   110.90},
{ "Yellow Bell Station",          1377.40,  2600.40,   -21.90,  1492.40,  2687.30,    78.00},
// Main Zones
{ "Los Santos",                     44.60, -2892.90,  -242.90,  2997.00,  -768.00,   900.00},
{ "Las Venturas",                  869.40,   596.30,  -242.90,  2997.00,  2993.80,   900.00},
{ "Bone County",                  -480.50,   596.30,  -242.90,   869.40,  2993.80,   900.00},
{ "Tierra Robada",               -2997.40,  1659.60,  -242.90,  -480.50,  2993.80,   900.00},
{ "Tierra Robada",               -1213.90,   596.30,  -242.90,  -480.50,  1659.60,   900.00},
{ "San Fierro",                  -2997.40, -1115.50,  -242.90, -1213.90,  1659.60,   900.00},
{ "Red County",                  -1213.90,  -768.00,  -242.90,  2997.00,   596.30,   900.00},
{ "Flint County",                -1213.90, -2892.90,  -242.90,    44.60,  -768.00,   900.00},
{ "Whetstone",                   -2997.40, -2892.90,  -242.90, -1213.90, -1115.50,   900.00}

Re: Help in coords - [eLg]elite - 28.03.2017

The line of code you said was giving you the error doesn't seem to be in the code you posted?

Re: Help in coords - Ayyash - 28.03.2017

Originally Posted by JacobTr
Посмотреть сообщение
The line of code you said was giving you the error doesn't seem to be in the code you posted?
Sorry i forget to post this coords, this is the error coords,

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <streamer>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <utils>
#include <fly>

stock SetPlayerPosOb(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z){
	return SetTimerEx("SetPlayerPosPublic",0,0,"ifff",playerid,x,y,z);
forward SetPlayerPosPublic(playerid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z);
public SetPlayerPosPublic(playerid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z)
	return 1;
#define SetPlayerPos SetPlayerPosOb

	print(" Life of Pilot");

    new a[][] =
        "Unarmed (Fist)",
        "Brass K"
    #pragma unused a

#define SQL_HOST "localhost"
#define SQL_USER "root"
#define SQL_PASS "" //edit this once im gone and compile.
#define SQL_DB "lof_database"
#define TABLENAME "" // i dont know your sql details, show them up localhost is Host user is root pass nothing DB lof_database t

#define MAX_PLAYERS (51) // 50 - amount of max slots

#define HOSTNAME "Life of Pilot - Come & Fly With us."
new MaxPlayers = 50; //Change this whenever max-slots get changed.
new PlayersOnline = 0;
#define revision "Main English"

//Global Server Variables ------------------------------------------------------
new ServerMOTD[256];
new ServerMaxPlayers = 0;
new ServerMaxPlayersDate[64];
new ServerMaxPlayersTime[64];
new ServerTickets = 0;
new sTrackPlayers = 0; //On LoadStuff() set's to 1.
//---- Flight Streak -----
new ServerMaxFlightStreak,
//---- Flight Streak -----
//End of Global Server Variables -----------------------------------------------

#define MAX_AIRLINES 6
#define MAX_HOUSES 1000
#define aselect 1000
#define showit 1001
#define showit2 1002
#define astats 1003
#define adonation1 1004
#define amembers1 1005
#define afleet1 1006
#define abank1 1007
#define abank2 1008
#define abank3 1009
#define abank4 1010
#define asettings1 1011
#define asettings2 1012
#define asettings3 1013
#define asettings4 1014
#define asettings5 1015
#define afleet5 1016
#define buyfleet1 1017
#define editmember1 1018
#define afleet2 1019
#define buyfleet2 1023
#define motd1 1025
#define motd2 1020
#define motd3 1021
#define rankperm1 1022
#define rankperm2 1024
#define myhouses 1030
#define housemenu 1031
#define housesell1 1032
#define housesell2 1033
#define myvehicles1 1034
#define myvehicles2 1035
#define myvehicles3 1036
#define myvehicles4 1037
#define marketplace1 1038
#define marketplace2 1039
#define vipmenu1 1040
#define vipmenu2 1041
#define vipmenu3 1042
#define vipmenu4 1043
#define vipmenu5 1044
#define radio1 1044
//--- Player Settings [/settings]-----------------------------------------------
#define settings1 1046
#define settings2 1047
#define settings3 1048
#define settings4 1049 // 1050/1051 is used by VIP Sounds below.
#define settings5 1052 // VIP Sounds
#define settings6 1053 // Global Sounds
#define settings7 1054 // Start from 1056 (Connection Messages)
#define settings8 1057 // AutoWork
//--- Player Settings [/settings]-----------------------------------------------
#define vipsounds1 1048
#define namerequests1 1050
#define namerequests2 1051
#define coupon1 1055
#define coupon2 1056 //1057 is TAKEN

#define COLOR_IRC 0xBEB541FF
#define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF80000FF
//new User Colours
#define TEAM_CPILOT 0x008000FF
#define COLOR_VIP 0x84538AFF
#define COLOR_SKIN 0xFFA953FF
#define COLOR_AFK 0xC0C0C0FF
//End of User Colours
static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
//#define TEAM_MILITARY 0xF27900FF
//Textdraw crap - money
forward TextDrawDestroyTimer2(TextDrawID);
new Text:gTextStyle2[128];
new textcountP;
new CreatedCars[MAX_VEHICLES] = {INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, ...};
new gDestroyVehicle[MAX_VEHICLES];
new AdvertisementStatus = 0; //0 = available | 1 = busy.
new BuyingFleetPrice[MAX_PLAYERS];
new BuyingFleet[MAX_PLAYERS];
new NewSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
new OldSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingMemberRank[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingVehicleModel[MAX_PLAYERS];
new FuelWarned[MAX_PLAYERS];
//Prevent fuckup
new GettingBanned[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw0[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw2[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw3[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw4[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw5[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw6[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw7[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw8[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw9[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw10[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw11[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw12[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Textdraw13[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:Clockzz;
new Text:AdTextdraw;

new POTD_Winner = 0;
new POTD_MaximumEarnt = 0;
new POTD_FinalAmount = 0;
new POTD_FinalAmount2 = 0; //To store last winner's cash

new AOTD_Winner = 50; //Default
new AOTD_WinnerName[128];
new AOTD_MaximumEarnt = 0;
new AOTD_FinalAmount = 0;
new AOTD_FinalAmount2 = 0; // To store last winner's cash.
new AOTD_Earnt[MAX_AIRLINES] = 0;

new ClaimingCouponName[64][MAX_PLAYERS];
new ClaimingCoupon[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ClaimingCouponReward[MAX_PLAYERS];

new SessionFlights[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SessionEarnt[MAX_PLAYERS];

new SessionStatus[MAX_PLAYERS];
new RconAttempts[MAX_PLAYERS];
new LookingAtStats[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SkinConfirmation[MAX_PLAYERS];
new VIPSoundWarning[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ActiveAdminSpy[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PreviewingSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PreviewingSkinOld[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PreviewingSkinTime[MAX_PLAYERS];

new NameChangeRequest[MAX_PLAYERS];

new ListeningToRadio[MAX_PLAYERS];

new VIPWarning[MAX_PLAYERS];

new TDLoaded[MAX_PLAYERS];
new IsLocatingVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];

new InHouse[MAX_PLAYERS];
new EditingHouse[MAX_PLAYERS];

new PurelySpawned[MAX_PLAYERS];

new EditingPermissions[MAX_PLAYERS];
new AirlineOffer[MAX_PLAYERS];

new Num1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Num2[MAX_PLAYERS];

new JustRegistered[MAX_PLAYERS];

new DistanceFlown1[MAX_PLAYERS];
new DistanceFlown2[MAX_PLAYERS];

new IsTracingHouse[MAX_PLAYERS];

new Text3D:AirlineText[MAX_VEHICLES];
new gHour = 0;
new gMinutes = 0;
new GlobalStatus = 0;
new PlayerLogged[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerSpawned[MAX_PLAYERS];
new LookingAtAirline[MAX_PLAYERS];
new shifthour;
new ghour = 0;
new gminute = 0;
new gsecond = 0;
new realtime = 1;
new timeshift = -1;
new randomtimer;
new onlinetimer;
new SelectedSpawn[MAX_PLAYERS];
new VehicleDeletionWarning[MAX_PLAYERS];
new tempinterior[MAX_PLAYERS];
new vfuel[MAX_VEHICLES];
new Float:tempX[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:tempY[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:tempZ[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:tempA[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SpectatedID[MAX_PLAYERS];
new WasSpectating[MAX_PLAYERS];
new SpectateType[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Hours[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Minutes[MAX_PLAYERS];
new MissionVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];
new FirstAPName[MAX_PLAYERS][50];
new FinalAPName[MAX_PLAYERS][50];
new WantsRecording[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TimeTakenHrs[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TimeTakenMins[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TypeFlight[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ServerRestarting = 0;
//0 - None
//1 - Andro
//2 - AT400
//3 - Shamal
//4 - Dodo
//5 - Nevada
//6 - Maverick
//7 - News Maverick
//8 - Police Maverick
//9 - Leviathan
//10 - Seasparrow
//11 - Sparrow
//12 - Cargobob
//13 - Raindance
//14 - Hunter
//15 - Skimmer
//16 - Cropduster
//17 - Beagle
//18 - Hydra
new ChosenClass[MAX_PLAYERS];
new MissionStage[MAX_PLAYERS];
//0 - None
//1 - Heading to pickup
//2 - Picked up, heading to drop off
new WorkPay[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:Pos1[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos2[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos3[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos12[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos22[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new Float:Pos32[MAX_PLAYERS];//Make sure random location isn't close to start.
new StartedMission[MAX_PLAYERS];

new EditingRank[MAX_PLAYERS];

new CanAdvertiseAgain[MAX_PLAYERS];


forward ConnectMySQL();
forward PlaySound(soundid);
forward UpdateSkin(playerid);
forward RegisterAccount(playerid, password[]);
forward PlayerLogin(playerid,password[]);
forward LoadTextdraws();
forward UnloadTextdraws(playerid);
forward DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, dialogid);
forward SaveAccount(playerid);
forward SaveHouse(houseid);
forward SaveVehicle(vehicleid);
forward ReloadHouse(houseid);
forward ReloadVehicle(vehicleid);
forward FixHour(hour);
forward YourOnline(playerid);
forward YourOffline(playerid);
forward SyncTime();
forward ShowVIPMenu(playerid);
forward UpdateTextdraw();
forward ShowAds();
forward HideAds();
forward AntiCheat();
forward UpdateIRC();
forward UpdateClock(); //ANTI CHEAT IN THIS
forward StartMission(playerid);
forward CheckBanned(playerid);
forward IsAtGasStation(playerid);
forward RandomTimer();
forward timer_update();
forward ChangeWeather();
forward RandomMsg();
forward ShowAirlines(playerid);
forward ResetMissionData(playerid);
forward ResetPlayerData(playerid);
forward AdvertisementUpdate(playerid);
forward ShowHouses(playerid);
forward ShowVehicles(playerid);
forward ShowMarketplace(playerid);
forward ShowSettings(playerid);
forward RemoveObjectsForPlayer(playerid);
forward OnlineTimer();
forward LoadObjects();
forward LoadStuff();
forward SaveStuff();
forward CheckIPS(playerid);
forward LoadAirline(airlineid);
forward SaveAirline(airlineid);
forward GetEndLocation(playerid);
forward FinishMission(playerid);
forward RevertSkin(playerid);
forward UpdatePlayerColour(playerid);
forward RestartServer();
forward ShowRole(playerid);
forward HideNotice(playerid);
forward UpdateScore(playerid);
forward PlayerNotice(playerid,notice[]);
forward ABroadCast(color,const string[],level);
forward SendAdminMessage(color, string[]);
forward SendHiddenMessage(string[]);
forward SendVIPMessage(color, string[]);
forward SendAirlineMessage(color, string[], airlineid);
forward KillCar(vehicleid);
forward ShowAirlineStats(playerid);
forward ShowDonations(playerid);
forward ShowMembers(playerid);
forward ShowNCs(playerid);
forward ShowRadio(playerid);
forward ShowVIPSounds(playerid);
forward ShowFleet(playerid);
forward ShowBank(playerid);
forward ShowPlayerSettings(playerid);
forward GiveAirlineBonus(playerid);
forward RespawnPlayer(playerid);
forward PutIntoHouse(playerid, houseid);
forward UpdateMap();
forward SaveComponent(vehicleid,componentid);
//Special Defines
#define COLOR_ERROR 0xFF3300FF
#define COLOR_GREEN  0x14A326FF
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x1B8AE4FF
#define COLOR_ADMIN 0x42CF18FF
#define COLOR_ME 0x8D52A7FF
#define COLOR_HOUSE 0x50AAC5FF
#define MSGBLUE 1B8AE4
#define COLOR_RADIO 0x5F5F5FFF
//Sprint-f SHIT ----------------------------------------------------------------
#if !defined ____sprintf
#define ____sprintf

    #define SPRINTF_MAX_STRING 4092
    #define SPRINTF_DEBUG_STRING "[sprintf debug] '%s'[%d]"



#if defined SPRINTF_DEBUG
    new const _s@V[] = SPRINTF_DEBUG_STRING;
    #define sprintf(%1) (format(_s@T, SPRINTF_MAX_STRING, %1), printf(_s@V, _s@T, strlen(_s@T)), _s@T)
    #define sprintf(%1) (format(_s@T, SPRINTF_MAX_STRING, %1), _s@T)

//Sprint-f SHIT ----------------------------------------------------------------
new spoiler[20][0] = {
new nitro[3][0] = {
new fbumper[23][0] = {
new rbumper[22][0] = {
new exhaust[28][0] = {
new bventr[2][0] = {
new bventl[2][0] = {
new bscoop[4][0] = {
new rscoop[17][0] = {
new lskirt[21][0] = {
new rskirt[21][0] = {
new hydraulics[1][0] = {
new base[1][0] = {
new rbbars[4][0] = {
new fbbars[2][0] = {
new wheels[17][0] = {
new clights[2][0] = {
enum MapSystem_E
	bool:IsPlane[611],//some serious fast checking if a model is a plane
	bool:IsHelios[611],//is a helicopter
	bool:IsAircraft[611],//is a plane of helicopter

new MapSystem[MapSystem_E];
new Text:TextdrawNotice[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:TextdrawNoticeText[MAX_PLAYERS];
native sscanf(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...);
native unformat(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...) = sscanf;
stock Float:GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:PointX, Float:PointY, Float:PointZ) return floatsqroot(floatadd(floatadd(floatpower(floatsub(X, PointX), 2.0), floatpower(floatsub(Y, PointY), 2.0)), floatpower(floatsub(Z, PointZ), 2.0)));
enum RMessages
new Messages[][RMessages] =
	{"[WARNING] Never ask to be an administrator - You Will Get A Warning!"},
	{"[HELP] If you are ever stuck for help - use /help, or ask in main chat!"},
	{"[AIRLINES] Being in an airline is bonus cash - Ask the airlines staff to join! (/airlines)"},
	{"[FORUMS] Have you visited our /forums? - Be sure to register for the latest news!"},
	{"[FORUMS] The development team is always open for suggestions - Go to the /forums to suggest a feature!"},
	{"[INVITES] Invites Your All Friends To Register in Server And The /Forums!"},
	{"[REPORT] Caught someone breaking a rule? Type /report, or report them on the /forums!"},
	{"[PERSONAL MESSAGE] To talk privately with friends - use /pm to avoid spamming the main chat!"},
	{"[RULES] Dont forget to read the /rules before playing!"},
	{"[EMAIL] Make sure you link your email to your account with /changeemail!"},
	{"[PASS] Make sure you have a secure password - /changepass!"},
	{"[WARNING] LoP Administrators will never ask you for your password - Do not give your password to anyone!"},
	{"[BUG] If you have found a bug - Be sure to report it on the /forums With The Picture!"},
	{"[NEWS] Please Register in /Forums Because We Everyday Changing The Server IP Address!"},
	{"[VEHICLES] To purchase a private vehicle - Take a look around /marketplace to find vehicles for sale!"},
	{"[HOUSES] To purchase a house - Explore San Andreas and find a house for sale!"},
	{"[ADVERTISEMENT] To make an advertisement to the server - Type /advertisement [text]."},
	{"[CALL SIGN] To change your radio callsign, type /changecallsign."},
	{"[ATC] To talk to ATC, and to other pilots - use @(text)."}
enum TLocation
	LocationName[50], // The name of the location
	Float:LocX, // The X-position of the location
	Float:LocY, // The Y-position of the location
	Float:LocZ // The Z-position of the location
//-------- AT.400 + Andromada Compatible ---------------------------------------
new ALocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"LSA Gate A", 1738.3202,-2425.8325,14.4741}, // Location 1
	{"LSA Gate B", 1641.5100,-2423.1333,14.4730},
	{"LSA Gate C", 1562.1697,-2428.0403,14.4765},
	{"LVA Gate A", 1561.0095,1397.6116,11.7708},
	{"LVA Gate B", 1574.6689,1539.6458,11.7481},
	{"SFA Gate B", -1382.1825,-225.9442,15.0717},
	{"SFA Gate C", -1323.3275,-255.5832,15.0703},
	{"Stoneland Int. Gate C", 2717.9512,681.2523,11.2553},
	{"Stoneland Int. Gate D", 2742.9993,679.6970,11.2612}
//-------- Dodo + Shamal Compatible --------------------------------------------
new DSLocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"Prickle Pine Airport Gate A", 1109.0206,2563.8406,10.9826},
	{"Bayside Airport Gate C", -2454.9817,2540.1506,24.7591},
	{"Palomino Creek Airport Gate C", 1919.4451,-483.7521,26.3312},
	{"Palomino Creek Airport Gate D", 1885.7271,-502.4863,26.3312},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional Gate C", 2799.7319,2767.1943,10.8687},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional Gate D", 2815.5737,2757.7551,10.8687},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional Gate F", 2831.6379,2749.2725,10.8687},
	{"Montgomery Airport Gate D", 1277.0098,410.7339,20.3572},
	{"Montgomery Airport Gate C", 1292.0890,431.3974,20.3372},
	{"Angel Pine Airport Gate C", -1798.5845,-2992.4514,8.4916},
	{"Angel Pine Airport Gate D", -1808.1495,-2987.5530,8.4916},
	{"Blueberry Airport Gate C", 11.0526,-95.6858,4.2813},
	{"Blueberry Airport Gate D", 9.1205,-118.0340,4.2433},
	{"Shady Creek Airport Gate D", -1352.9548,-2176.4211,27.6743},
	{"Shady Creek Airport Gate E", -1336.2051,-2182.0254,26.7054},
	{"Shady Creek Airport Gate F", -1313.5453,-2185.2051,26.7054},
	{"Santa Maria Airport Gate D", 43.1413,-1717.3152,4.8812},
	{"Santa Maria Airport Gate F", 38.5412,-1703.2230,4.8205},
	{"Indiana Airport Gate C", -694.9243,1272.1669,12.2733},
	{"Indiana Airport Gate D", -681.6368,1270.1713,12.2733}
	{"Los Santos Airport", 1732.1899,-2418.6309,14.4767},
//-------- Nevada Compatible ---------------------------------------------------
new NLocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"Los Santos Countryside", -112.3393,-1360.7817,360.2108},
	{"San Fierro Field", -2327.2917,197.1902,305.3922},
	{"Whetstone", -2335.9360,-2410.7107,234.1891}
//------- Helicopter Compatible ------------------------------------------------
new HELILocations[][TLocation] =
	// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
	{"Los Santos Airport HP-A", 1765.7803,-2285.3062,26.9636},
	{"San Fierro Airport HP-A", -1222.9742,-11.2715,14.3233},
	{"San Fierro Airport HP-B", -1184.3068,23.9801,14.3240},
	{"Bayside Marina HP-A", -2227.2913,2325.4553,7.7224},
	{"Verdeant Meadows HP-A", 365.3646,2537.9160,16.8347},
	{"Emerald Isle HP-A", 2094.2500,2415.3455,74.7552},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-A", 2822.6416,2671.1785,10.9994},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-B", 2835.0061,2671.4453,10.8909},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-C", 2845.1877,2670.8596,10.8894},
	{"K.A.C.C Regional HP-D", 2854.4290,2670.8481,10.8920},
	{"Angel Pine Airport HP-A", -1759.2014,-2898.6067,10.9281},
	{"Angel Pine Airport HP-B", -1730.4406,-2920.7380,10.9281},
	{"Verdeant Bluffs HP-A", 986.7355,-2155.8159,15.4281},
	{"Santa Maria Beach HP-A", 52.1325,-1770.9048,7.0281}
//----- Skimmer/Boats Compatible -----------------------------------------------
new BOATLocations[][TLocation] =
	{"Bayside Seaport A", -2203.7356,2421.7729,2.5803},
	{"Bayside Seaport B", -2231.7341,2449.0798,2.5744},
	{"Bayside Seaport C", -2250.8843,2429.4451,2.5731},
	{"Bayside Seaport D", -2225.6475,2404.8301,2.5785},
	{"Palisades Seaport A", -2954.1018,497.7353,2.6167},
	{"Palisades Seaport B", -2984.8962,499.0645,2.6183},
	{"Red County Seaport A", 1627.7302,567.9797,1.9596},
	{"Red County Seaport B", 2294.3337,513.1888,2.0050},
	{"Red County Seaport C", 2355.4585,513.1550,1.7950},
	{"Esplande North Seaport A", -1717.2863,1437.0093,1.8961},
	{"Esplande North Seaport B", -1507.2793,1302.3727,1.5326},
	{"Esplande North Seaport C", -1567.7971,1261.4723,2.0222},
	{"Palomino Creek Seaport B", 1973.0605,-248.6441,1.9003},
	{"Palomino Creek Seaport C", 1998.0090,-242.0531,1.9926},
	{"Palomino Creek Seaport A", 2104.1963,-92.8493,1.4733},
	{"Playa del Seville Seaport A", 2950.1167,-2051.3328,1.4801},
	{"Los Santos Seaport A", 2708.5076,-2309.0400,2.2150},
	{"Los Santos Seaport B", 2519.1272,-2269.1116,1.8145},
	{"Los Santos Seaport C", 2309.7991,-2412.6677,1.8298},
	{"Los Santos Seaport D", 2353.7417,-2522.3364,1.7421},
	{"Los Santos Seaport E", 2449.6047,-2718.7253,2.0806},
	{"Fallen Tree Seaport A", -333.0670,-467.9439,1.6440},
	{"Angel Pine Airport Seaport A", -1759.5175,-3006.3638,1.8954},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport A", 116.5295,-1821.3625,-0.6251},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport B", 95.9396,-1804.0206,-0.5448},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport C", 73.8296,-1804.1655,-0.4247},
	{"Santa Maria Seaport D", 52.5124,-1804.2556,-0.2099},
	{"Indiana Seaport A", -608.7407,1277.1222,-1.1850}
//----- Cropduster Compatible [STAGE 1 - PICK UP SEEDS] ------------------------
new CD1Locations[][TLocation] =
	{"Flint County Seed Depot", -1094.9493,-1621.2086,76.3672},
	{"Flint County Seed Depot", -270.5169,-2151.5566,28.7311}
//----- Cropduster Compatible [STAGE 2 - DROP OFF SEEDS @ RACE CHECKPOINTS.] ---
new CD2Locations[][TLocation] =
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -267.6216,-1518.1316,20.2993},
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -264.3980,-1376.5297,24.5172},
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -409.3886,-1328.5957,40.8713},
	{"Los Santos Farmland", -520.2924,-1339.5139,35.1951},
	{"Blueberry Farmland", -136.0905,127.7290,12.6521},
	{"Blueberry Farmland", -176.6971,46.5675,10.8071},
	{"Blueberry Farmland", -234.7424,-33.6160,16.6925},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1927.1514,203.4721,38.8304},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1974.3995,195.8955,34.9598},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1990.7018,215.9787,32.3300},
	{"Red County Farmland", 1945.2769,230.0906,32.9333}
//----- Beagle Compatible [STAGE 2 - DROP OFF CARGO] ---------------------------
new CARGOLocations[][TLocation] =
	{"Los Santos Beach", 289.4194,-1832.4514,44.3939},
	{"Las Venturas Station", 2799.5442,1149.1533,43.9896},
	{"Las Venturas Desert", 2.0027,2452.5654,39.5609},
	{"San Fierro Zombotech", -1953.3134,664.2141,244.1103},
	{"San Fierro Beach", -2894.3640,-99.0863,40.9341},
	{"Angel Pine Gas Station", -1555.9890,-2769.9434,103.7273}
//----- Hydra Compatible -------------------------------------------------------
new HYDRALocations[][TLocation] =
	{"Area 51 Military Base", 309.3832,2038.3633,18.3638},
	{"San Fierro Carrier", -1314.3152,494.5123,18.9576},
	{"Verdeant Meadows", 385.3608,2540.9385,17.4236},
	{"Ocean Docks Military Base", 2741.4343,-2466.0979,14.5982},
	{"Whetstone Carrier", -2956.0918,-2680.8987,15.3136}
//--------------------------END OF ENUM'S FOR MISSIONS--------------------------
enum GPSInfo
public KillCar(vehicleid)
	DestroyVehicle(vehicleid);                      // destroy vehicle
	gDestroyVehicle[vehicleid] = 0;
	return 1;
stock IsAirVehicle(carid)
    new AirVeh[] = { 592, 577, 511, 512, 593,
		  			 520, 553, 476, 519, 460,
					 513, 548, 425, 417, 487,
					 488, 497, 563, 447, 469
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(AirVeh); i++)
        if(GetVehicleModel(carid) == AirVeh[i]) return 1;
    return 0;

new Float:Zones[][GPSInfo] = {
{ "Unknown",               		  -410.00,  1403.30,    -3.00,  -137.90,  1681.20,   200.00},
{ "Aldea Malvada",               -1372.10,  2498.50,     0.00, -1277.50,  2615.30,   200.00},
{ "Angel Pine",                  -2324.90, -2584.20,    -6.10, -1964.20, -2212.10,   200.00},
{ "Arco del Oeste",               -901.10,  2221.80,     0.00,  -592.00,  2571.90,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2646.40,  -355.40,     0.00, -2270.00,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2831.80,  -430.20,    -6.10, -2646.40,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2361.50,  -417.10,     0.00, -2270.00,  -355.40,   200.00},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2667.80,  -302.10,   -28.80, -2646.40,  -262.30,    71.10},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2470.00,  -355.40,     0.00, -2270.00,  -318.40,    46.10},
{ "Avispa Country Club",         -2550.00,  -355.40,     0.00, -2470.00,  -318.40,    39.70},
{ "Back o Beyond",               -1166.90, -2641.10,     0.00,  -321.70, -1856.00,   200.00},
{ "Battery Point",               -2741.00,  1268.40,    -4.50, -2533.00,  1490.40,   200.00},
{ "Bayside",                     -2741.00,  2175.10,     0.00, -2353.10,  2722.70,   200.00},
{ "Bayside Marina",              -2353.10,  2275.70,     0.00, -2153.10,  2475.70,   200.00},
{ "Beacon Hill",                  -399.60, -1075.50,    -1.40,  -319.00,  -977.50,   198.50},
{ "Blackfield",                    964.30,  1203.20,   -89.00,  1197.30,  1403.20,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield",                    964.30,  1403.20,   -89.00,  1197.30,  1726.20,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Chapel",            1375.60,   596.30,   -89.00,  1558.00,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Chapel",            1325.60,   596.30,   -89.00,  1375.60,   795.00,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1197.30,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1277.00,  1163.30,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1166.50,   795.00,   -89.00,  1375.60,  1044.60,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1277.00,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1315.30,  1087.60,   110.90},
{ "Blackfield Intersection",      1375.60,   823.20,   -89.00,  1457.30,   919.40,   110.90},
{ "Blueberry",                     104.50,  -220.10,     2.30,   349.60,   152.20,   200.00},
{ "Blueberry",                      19.60,  -404.10,     3.80,   349.60,  -220.10,   200.00},
{ "Blueberry Acres",              -319.60,  -220.10,     0.00,   104.50,   293.30,   200.00},
{ "Caligula's Palace",            2087.30,  1543.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1703.20,   110.90},
{ "Caligula's Palace",            2137.40,  1703.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "Calton Heights",              -2274.10,   744.10,    -6.10, -1982.30,  1358.90,   200.00},
{ "Chinatown",                   -2274.10,   578.30,    -7.60, -2078.60,   744.10,   200.00},
{ "City Hall",                   -2867.80,   277.40,    -9.10, -2593.40,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Come-A-Lot",                   2087.30,   943.20,   -89.00,  2623.10,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1323.90, -1842.20,   -89.00,  1701.90, -1722.20,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1323.90, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1440.90, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1370.80, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1384.90,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1463.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1667.90, -1430.80,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1583.50, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1758.90, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Commerce",                     1667.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1430.80,   110.90},
{ "Conference Center",            1046.10, -1804.20,   -89.00,  1323.90, -1722.20,   110.90},
{ "Conference Center",            1073.20, -1842.20,   -89.00,  1323.90, -1804.20,   110.90},
{ "Cranberry Station",           -2007.80,    56.30,     0.00, -1922.00,   224.70,   100.00},
{ "Creek",                        2749.90,  1937.20,   -89.00,  2921.60,  2669.70,   110.90},
{ "Dillimore",                     580.70,  -674.80,    -9.50,   861.00,  -404.70,   200.00},
{ "Doherty",                     -2270.00,  -324.10,    -0.00, -1794.90,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Doherty",                     -2173.00,  -222.50,    -0.00, -1794.90,   265.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1982.30,   744.10,    -6.10, -1871.70,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1871.70,  1176.40,    -4.50, -1620.30,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1700.00,   744.20,    -6.10, -1580.00,  1176.50,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1580.00,   744.20,    -6.10, -1499.80,  1025.90,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -2078.60,   578.30,    -7.60, -1499.80,   744.20,   200.00},
{ "Downtown",                    -1993.20,   265.20,    -9.10, -1794.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1463.90, -1430.80,   -89.00,  1724.70, -1290.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1724.70, -1430.80,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1250.90,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1463.90, -1290.80,   -89.00,  1724.70, -1150.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1370.80, -1384.90,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1170.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1724.70, -1250.90,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1150.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1370.80, -1170.80,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1378.30, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1463.90, -1026.30,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1391.00, -1026.30,   -89.00,  1463.90,  -926.90,   110.90},
{ "Downtown Los Santos",          1507.50, -1385.20,   110.90,  1582.50, -1325.30,   335.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2632.80, -1852.80,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1668.10,   110.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2632.80, -1668.10,   -89.00,  2747.70, -1393.40,   110.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2747.70, -1668.10,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1498.60,   110.90},
{ "East Beach",                   2747.70, -1498.60,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1120.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2421.00, -1628.50,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1454.30,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2222.50, -1628.50,   -89.00,  2421.00, -1494.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2266.20, -1494.00,   -89.00,  2381.60, -1372.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2381.60, -1494.00,   -89.00,  2421.00, -1454.30,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2281.40, -1372.00,   -89.00,  2381.60, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2381.60, -1454.30,   -89.00,  2462.10, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "East Los Santos",              2462.10, -1454.30,   -89.00,  2581.70, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "Easter Basin",                -1794.90,   249.90,    -9.10, -1242.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Easter Basin",                -1794.90,   -50.00,    -0.00, -1499.80,   249.90,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1499.80,   -50.00,    -0.00, -1242.90,   249.90,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1794.90,  -730.10,    -3.00, -1213.90,   -50.00,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1213.90,  -730.10,     0.00, -1132.80,   -50.00,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1242.90,   -50.00,     0.00, -1213.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1213.90,   -50.00,    -4.50,  -947.90,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1315.40,  -405.30,    15.40, -1264.40,  -209.50,    25.40},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1354.30,  -287.30,    15.40, -1315.40,  -209.50,    25.40},
{ "Easter Bay Airport",          -1490.30,  -209.50,    15.40, -1264.40,  -148.30,    25.40},
{ "Easter Bay Chemicals",        -1132.80,  -768.00,     0.00,  -956.40,  -578.10,   200.00},
{ "Easter Bay Chemicals",        -1132.80,  -787.30,     0.00,  -956.40,  -768.00,   200.00},
{ "El Castillo del Diablo",       -464.50,  2217.60,     0.00,  -208.50,  2580.30,   200.00},
{ "El Castillo del Diablo",       -208.50,  2123.00,    -7.60,   114.00,  2337.10,   200.00},
{ "El Castillo del Diablo",       -208.50,  2337.10,     0.00,     8.40,  2487.10,   200.00},
{ "El Corona",                    1812.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  1970.60, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "El Corona",                    1692.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1842.20,   110.90},
{ "El Quebrados",                -1645.20,  2498.50,     0.00, -1372.10,  2777.80,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade East",              -1620.30,  1176.50,    -4.50, -1580.00,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade East",              -1580.00,  1025.90,    -6.10, -1499.80,  1274.20,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade East",              -1499.80,   578.30,   -79.60, -1339.80,  1274.20,    20.30},
{ "Esplanade North",             -2533.00,  1358.90,    -4.50, -1996.60,  1501.20,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade North",             -1996.60,  1358.90,    -4.50, -1524.20,  1592.50,   200.00},
{ "Esplanade North",             -1982.30,  1274.20,    -4.50, -1524.20,  1358.90,   200.00},
{ "Fallen Tree",                  -792.20,  -698.50,    -5.30,  -452.40,  -380.00,   200.00},
{ "Fallow Bridge",                 434.30,   366.50,     0.00,   603.00,   555.60,   200.00},
{ "Fern Ridge",                    508.10,  -139.20,     0.00,  1306.60,   119.50,   200.00},
{ "Financial",                   -1871.70,   744.10,    -6.10, -1701.30,  1176.40,   300.00},
{ "Fisher's Lagoon",              1916.90,  -233.30,  -100.00,  2131.70,    13.80,   200.00},
{ "Flint Intersection",           -187.70, -1596.70,   -89.00,    17.00, -1276.60,   110.90},
{ "Flint Range",                  -594.10, -1648.50,     0.00,  -187.70, -1276.60,   200.00},
{ "Fort Carson",                  -376.20,   826.30,    -3.00,   123.70,  1220.40,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2270.00,  -430.20,    -0.00, -2178.60,  -324.10,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2178.60,  -599.80,    -0.00, -1794.90,  -324.10,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2178.60, -1115.50,     0.00, -1794.90,  -599.80,   200.00},
{ "Foster Valley",               -2178.60, -1250.90,     0.00, -1794.90, -1115.50,   200.00},
{ "Frederick Bridge",             2759.20,   296.50,     0.00,  2774.20,   594.70,   200.00},
{ "Gant Bridge",                 -2741.40,  1659.60,    -6.10, -2616.40,  2175.10,   200.00},
{ "Gant Bridge",                 -2741.00,  1490.40,    -6.10, -2616.40,  1659.60,   200.00},
{ "Ganton",                       2222.50, -1852.80,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1722.30,   110.90},
{ "Ganton",                       2222.50, -1722.30,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1628.50,   110.90},
{ "Garcia",                      -2411.20,  -222.50,    -0.00, -2173.00,   265.20,   200.00},
{ "Garcia",                      -2395.10,  -222.50,    -5.30, -2354.00,  -204.70,   200.00},
{ "Garver Bridge",               -1339.80,   828.10,   -89.00, -1213.90,  1057.00,   110.90},
{ "Garver Bridge",               -1213.90,   950.00,   -89.00, -1087.90,  1178.90,   110.90},
{ "Garver Bridge",               -1499.80,   696.40,  -179.60, -1339.80,   925.30,    20.30},
{ "Glen Park",                    1812.60, -1449.60,   -89.00,  1996.90, -1350.70,   110.90},
{ "Glen Park",                    1812.60, -1100.80,   -89.00,  1994.30,  -973.30,   110.90},
{ "Glen Park",                    1812.60, -1350.70,   -89.00,  2056.80, -1100.80,   110.90},
{ "Green Palms",                   176.50,  1305.40,    -3.00,   338.60,  1520.70,   200.00},
{ "Greenglass College",            964.30,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1197.30,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Greenglass College",            964.30,   930.80,   -89.00,  1166.50,  1044.60,   110.90},
{ "Hampton Barns",                 603.00,   264.30,     0.00,   761.90,   366.50,   200.00},
{ "Hankypanky Point",             2576.90,    62.10,     0.00,  2759.20,   385.50,   200.00},
{ "Harry Gold Parkway",           1777.30,   863.20,   -89.00,  1817.30,  2342.80,   110.90},
{ "Hashbury",                    -2593.40,  -222.50,    -0.00, -2411.20,    54.70,   200.00},
{ "Hilltop Farm",                  967.30,  -450.30,    -3.00,  1176.70,  -217.90,   200.00},
{ "Hunter Quarry",                 337.20,   710.80,  -115.20,   860.50,  1031.70,   203.70},
{ "Idlewood",                     1812.60, -1852.80,   -89.00,  1971.60, -1742.30,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1812.60, -1742.30,   -89.00,  1951.60, -1602.30,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1951.60, -1742.30,   -89.00,  2124.60, -1602.30,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1812.60, -1602.30,   -89.00,  2124.60, -1449.60,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     2124.60, -1742.30,   -89.00,  2222.50, -1494.00,   110.90},
{ "Idlewood",                     1971.60, -1852.80,   -89.00,  2222.50, -1742.30,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    1996.90, -1449.60,   -89.00,  2056.80, -1350.70,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2124.60, -1494.00,   -89.00,  2266.20, -1449.60,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2056.80, -1372.00,   -89.00,  2281.40, -1210.70,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2056.80, -1210.70,   -89.00,  2185.30, -1126.30,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2185.30, -1210.70,   -89.00,  2281.40, -1154.50,   110.90},
{ "Jefferson",                    2056.80, -1449.60,   -89.00,  2266.20, -1372.00,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2623.10,   943.20,   -89.00,  2749.90,  1055.90,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2685.10,  1055.90,   -89.00,  2749.90,  2626.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2536.40,  2442.50,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2542.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway East",          2625.10,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2442.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         2498.20,  2542.50,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2626.50,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         2237.40,  2542.50,   -89.00,  2498.20,  2663.10,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         2121.40,  2508.20,   -89.00,  2237.40,  2663.10,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1938.80,  2508.20,   -89.00,  2121.40,  2624.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1534.50,  2433.20,   -89.00,  1848.40,  2583.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1848.40,  2478.40,   -89.00,  1938.80,  2553.40,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1704.50,  2342.80,   -89.00,  1848.40,  2433.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway North",         1377.30,  2433.20,   -89.00,  1534.50,  2507.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway South",         1457.30,   823.20,   -89.00,  2377.30,   863.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway South",         2377.30,   788.80,   -89.00,  2537.30,   897.90,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway West",          1197.30,  1163.30,   -89.00,  1236.60,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Julius Thruway West",          1236.60,  2142.80,   -89.00,  1297.40,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Juniper Hill",                -2533.00,   578.30,    -7.60, -2274.10,   968.30,   200.00},
{ "Juniper Hollow",              -2533.00,   968.30,    -6.10, -2274.10,  1358.90,   200.00},
{ "K.A.C.C. Military Fuels",      2498.20,  2626.50,   -89.00,  2749.90,  2861.50,   110.90},
{ "Kincaid Bridge",              -1339.80,   599.20,   -89.00, -1213.90,   828.10,   110.90},
{ "Kincaid Bridge",              -1213.90,   721.10,   -89.00, -1087.90,   950.00,   110.90},
{ "Kincaid Bridge",              -1087.90,   855.30,   -89.00,  -961.90,   986.20,   110.90},
{ "King's",                      -2329.30,   458.40,    -7.60, -1993.20,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "King's",                      -2411.20,   265.20,    -9.10, -1993.20,   373.50,   200.00},
{ "King's",                      -2253.50,   373.50,    -9.10, -1993.20,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1457.30,   863.20,   -89.00,  1777.40,  1143.20,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1375.60,   919.40,   -89.00,  1457.30,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1277.00,  1087.60,   -89.00,  1375.60,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1315.30,  1044.60,   -89.00,  1375.60,  1087.60,   110.90},
{ "LVA Freight Depot",            1236.60,  1163.40,   -89.00,  1277.00,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Las Barrancas",                -926.10,  1398.70,    -3.00,  -719.20,  1634.60,   200.00},
{ "Las Brujas",                   -365.10,  2123.00,    -3.00,  -208.50,  2217.60,   200.00},
{ "Las Colinas",                  1994.30, -1100.80,   -89.00,  2056.80,  -920.80,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2056.80, -1126.30,   -89.00,  2126.80,  -920.80,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2185.30, -1154.50,   -89.00,  2281.40,  -934.40,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2126.80, -1126.30,   -89.00,  2185.30,  -934.40,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2747.70, -1120.00,   -89.00,  2959.30,  -945.00,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2632.70, -1135.00,   -89.00,  2747.70,  -945.00,   110.90},
{ "Las Colinas",                  2281.40, -1135.00,   -89.00,  2632.70,  -945.00,   110.90},
{ "Las Payasadas",                -354.30,  2580.30,     2.00,  -133.60,  2816.80,   200.00},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1236.60,  1203.20,   -89.00,  1457.30,  1883.10,   110.90},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1457.30,  1203.20,   -89.00,  1777.30,  1883.10,   110.90},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1457.30,  1143.20,   -89.00,  1777.40,  1203.20,   110.90},
{ "Las Venturas Airport",         1515.80,  1586.40,   -12.50,  1729.90,  1714.50,    87.50},
{ "Last Dime Motel",              1823.00,   596.30,   -89.00,  1997.20,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Leafy Hollow",                -1166.90, -1856.00,     0.00,  -815.60, -1602.00,   200.00},
{ "Lil' Probe Inn",                -90.20,  1286.80,    -3.00,   153.80,  1554.10,   200.00},
{ "Linden Side",                  2749.90,   943.20,   -89.00,  2923.30,  1198.90,   110.90},
{ "Linden Station",               2749.90,  1198.90,   -89.00,  2923.30,  1548.90,   110.90},
{ "Linden Station",               2811.20,  1229.50,   -39.50,  2861.20,  1407.50,    60.40},
{ "Little Mexico",                1701.90, -1842.20,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1722.20,   110.90},
{ "Little Mexico",                1758.90, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1812.60, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Los Flores",                   2581.70, -1454.30,   -89.00,  2632.80, -1393.40,   110.90},
{ "Los Flores",                   2581.70, -1393.40,   -89.00,  2747.70, -1135.00,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1249.60, -2394.30,   -89.00,  1852.00, -2179.20,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1852.00, -2394.30,   -89.00,  2089.00, -2179.20,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1382.70, -2730.80,   -89.00,  2201.80, -2394.30,   110.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1974.60, -2394.30,   -39.00,  2089.00, -2256.50,    60.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     1400.90, -2669.20,   -39.00,  2189.80, -2597.20,    60.90},
{ "Los Santos International",     2051.60, -2597.20,   -39.00,  2152.40, -2394.30,    60.90},
{ "Marina",                        647.70, -1804.20,   -89.00,   851.40, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Marina",                        647.70, -1577.50,   -89.00,   807.90, -1416.20,   110.90},
{ "Marina",                        807.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,   926.90, -1416.20,   110.90},
{ "Market",                        787.40, -1416.20,   -89.00,  1072.60, -1310.20,   110.90},
{ "Market",                        952.60, -1310.20,   -89.00,  1072.60, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Market",                       1072.60, -1416.20,   -89.00,  1370.80, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Market",                        926.90, -1577.50,   -89.00,  1370.80, -1416.20,   110.90},
{ "Market Station",                787.40, -1410.90,   -34.10,   866.00, -1310.20,    65.80},
{ "Martin Bridge",                -222.10,   293.30,     0.00,  -122.10,   476.40,   200.00},
{ "Missionary Hill",             -2994.40,  -811.20,     0.00, -2178.60,  -430.20,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery",                   1119.50,   119.50,    -3.00,  1451.40,   493.30,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery",                   1451.40,   347.40,    -6.10,  1582.40,   420.80,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery Intersection",      1546.60,   208.10,     0.00,  1745.80,   347.40,   200.00},
{ "Montgomery Intersection",      1582.40,   347.40,     0.00,  1664.60,   401.70,   200.00},
{ "Mulholland",                   1414.00,  -768.00,   -89.00,  1667.60,  -452.40,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1281.10,  -452.40,   -89.00,  1641.10,  -290.90,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1269.10,  -768.00,   -89.00,  1414.00,  -452.40,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1357.00,  -926.90,   -89.00,  1463.90,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1318.10,  -910.10,   -89.00,  1357.00,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1169.10,  -910.10,   -89.00,  1318.10,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    768.60,  -954.60,   -89.00,   952.60,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    687.80,  -860.60,   -89.00,   911.80,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    737.50,  -768.00,   -89.00,  1142.20,  -674.80,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                   1096.40,  -910.10,   -89.00,  1169.10,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    952.60,  -937.10,   -89.00,  1096.40,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    911.80,  -860.60,   -89.00,  1096.40,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland",                    861.00,  -674.80,   -89.00,  1156.50,  -600.80,   110.90},
{ "Mulholland Intersection",      1463.90, -1150.80,   -89.00,  1812.60,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "North Rock",                   2285.30,  -768.00,     0.00,  2770.50,  -269.70,   200.00},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2373.70, -2697.00,   -89.00,  2809.20, -2330.40,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2201.80, -2418.30,   -89.00,  2324.00, -2095.00,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2324.00, -2302.30,   -89.00,  2703.50, -2145.10,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2089.00, -2394.30,   -89.00,  2201.80, -2235.80,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2201.80, -2730.80,   -89.00,  2324.00, -2418.30,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2703.50, -2302.30,   -89.00,  2959.30, -2126.90,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Docks",                  2324.00, -2145.10,   -89.00,  2703.50, -2059.20,   110.90},
{ "Ocean Flats",                 -2994.40,   277.40,    -9.10, -2867.80,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Ocean Flats",                 -2994.40,  -222.50,    -0.00, -2593.40,   277.40,   200.00},
{ "Ocean Flats",                 -2994.40,  -430.20,    -0.00, -2831.80,  -222.50,   200.00},
{ "Octane Springs",                338.60,  1228.50,     0.00,   664.30,  1655.00,   200.00},
{ "Old Venturas Strip",           2162.30,  2012.10,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2202.70,   110.90},
{ "Palisades",                   -2994.40,   458.40,    -6.10, -2741.00,  1339.60,   200.00},
{ "Palomino Creek",               2160.20,  -149.00,     0.00,  2576.90,   228.30,   200.00},
{ "Paradiso",                    -2741.00,   793.40,    -6.10, -2533.00,  1268.40,   200.00},
{ "Pershing Square",              1440.90, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1583.50, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Pilgrim",                      2437.30,  1383.20,   -89.00,  2624.40,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "Pilgrim",                      2624.40,  1383.20,   -89.00,  2685.10,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "Pilson Intersection",          1098.30,  2243.20,   -89.00,  1377.30,  2507.20,   110.90},
{ "Pirates in Men's Pants",       1817.30,  1469.20,   -89.00,  2027.40,  1703.20,   110.90},
{ "Playa del Seville",            2703.50, -2126.90,   -89.00,  2959.30, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1534.50,  2583.20,   -89.00,  1848.40,  2863.20,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1117.40,  2507.20,   -89.00,  1534.50,  2723.20,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1848.40,  2553.40,   -89.00,  1938.80,  2863.20,   110.90},
{ "Prickle Pine",                 1938.80,  2624.20,   -89.00,  2121.40,  2861.50,   110.90},
{ "Queens",                      -2533.00,   458.40,     0.00, -2329.30,   578.30,   200.00},
{ "Queens",                      -2593.40,    54.70,     0.00, -2411.20,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Queens",                      -2411.20,   373.50,     0.00, -2253.50,   458.40,   200.00},
{ "Randolph Industrial Estate",   1558.00,   596.30,   -89.00,  1823.00,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Redsands East",                1817.30,  2011.80,   -89.00,  2106.70,  2202.70,   110.90},
{ "Redsands East",                1817.30,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2011.90,  2342.80,   110.90},
{ "Redsands East",                1848.40,  2342.80,   -89.00,  2011.90,  2478.40,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1236.60,  1883.10,   -89.00,  1777.30,  2142.80,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1297.40,  2142.80,   -89.00,  1777.30,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1377.30,  2243.20,   -89.00,  1704.50,  2433.20,   110.90},
{ "Redsands West",                1704.50,  2243.20,   -89.00,  1777.30,  2342.80,   110.90},
{ "Regular Tom",                  -405.70,  1712.80,    -3.00,  -276.70,  1892.70,   200.00},
{ "Richman",                       647.50, -1118.20,   -89.00,   787.40,  -954.60,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       647.50,  -954.60,   -89.00,   768.60,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       225.10, -1369.60,   -89.00,   334.50, -1292.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       225.10, -1292.00,   -89.00,   466.20, -1235.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                        72.60, -1404.90,   -89.00,   225.10, -1235.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                        72.60, -1235.00,   -89.00,   321.30, -1008.10,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30, -1235.00,   -89.00,   647.50, -1044.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30, -1044.00,   -89.00,   647.50,  -860.60,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30,  -860.60,   -89.00,   687.80,  -768.00,   110.90},
{ "Richman",                       321.30,  -768.00,   -89.00,   700.70,  -674.80,   110.90},
{ "Robada Intersection",         -1119.00,  1178.90,   -89.00,  -862.00,  1351.40,   110.90},
{ "Roca Escalante",               2237.40,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2536.40,  2542.50,   110.90},
{ "Roca Escalante",               2536.40,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2625.10,  2442.50,   110.90},
{ "Rockshore East",               2537.30,   676.50,   -89.00,  2902.30,   943.20,   110.90},
{ "Rockshore West",               1997.20,   596.30,   -89.00,  2377.30,   823.20,   110.90},
{ "Rockshore West",               2377.30,   596.30,   -89.00,  2537.30,   788.80,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                          72.60, -1684.60,   -89.00,   225.10, -1544.10,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                          72.60, -1544.10,   -89.00,   225.10, -1404.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         225.10, -1684.60,   -89.00,   312.80, -1501.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         225.10, -1501.90,   -89.00,   334.50, -1369.60,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         334.50, -1501.90,   -89.00,   422.60, -1406.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         312.80, -1684.60,   -89.00,   422.60, -1501.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         422.60, -1684.60,   -89.00,   558.00, -1570.20,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         558.00, -1684.60,   -89.00,   647.50, -1384.90,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         466.20, -1570.20,   -89.00,   558.00, -1385.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         422.60, -1570.20,   -89.00,   466.20, -1406.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         466.20, -1385.00,   -89.00,   647.50, -1235.00,   110.90},
{ "Rodeo",                         334.50, -1406.00,   -89.00,   466.20, -1292.00,   110.90},
{ "Royal Casino",                 2087.30,  1383.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1543.20,   110.90},
{ "San Andreas Sound",            2450.30,   385.50,  -100.00,  2759.20,   562.30,   200.00},
{ "Santa Flora",                 -2741.00,   458.40,    -7.60, -2533.00,   793.40,   200.00},
{ "Santa Maria Beach",             342.60, -2173.20,   -89.00,   647.70, -1684.60,   110.90},
{ "Santa Maria Beach",              72.60, -2173.20,   -89.00,   342.60, -1684.60,   110.90},
{ "Shady Cabin",                 -1632.80, -2263.40,    -3.00, -1601.30, -2231.70,   200.00},
{ "Shady Creeks",                -1820.60, -2643.60,    -8.00, -1226.70, -1771.60,   200.00},
{ "Shady Creeks",                -2030.10, -2174.80,    -6.10, -1820.60, -1771.60,   200.00},
{ "Sobell Rail Yards",            2749.90,  1548.90,   -89.00,  2923.30,  1937.20,   110.90},
{ "Spinybed",                     2121.40,  2663.10,   -89.00,  2498.20,  2861.50,   110.90},
{ "Starfish Casino",              2437.30,  1783.20,   -89.00,  2685.10,  2012.10,   110.90},
{ "Starfish Casino",              2437.30,  1858.10,   -39.00,  2495.00,  1970.80,    60.90},
{ "Starfish Casino",              2162.30,  1883.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  2012.10,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1252.30, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1378.30, -1026.30,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1252.30, -1026.30,   -89.00,  1391.00,  -926.90,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1252.30,  -926.90,   -89.00,  1357.00,  -910.10,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                        952.60, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1096.40,  -937.10,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1096.40, -1130.80,   -89.00,  1252.30, -1026.30,   110.90},
{ "Temple",                       1096.40, -1026.30,   -89.00,  1252.30,  -910.10,   110.90},
{ "The Camel's Toe",              2087.30,  1203.20,   -89.00,  2640.40,  1383.20,   110.90},
{ "The Clown's Pocket",           2162.30,  1783.20,   -89.00,  2437.30,  1883.20,   110.90},
{ "The Emerald Isle",             2011.90,  2202.70,   -89.00,  2237.40,  2508.20,   110.90},
{ "The Farm",                    -1209.60, -1317.10,   114.90,  -908.10,  -787.30,   251.90},
{ "The Four Dragons Casino",      1817.30,   863.20,   -89.00,  2027.30,  1083.20,   110.90},
{ "The High Roller",              1817.30,  1283.20,   -89.00,  2027.30,  1469.20,   110.90},
{ "The Mako Span",                1664.60,   401.70,     0.00,  1785.10,   567.20,   200.00},
{ "The Panopticon",               -947.90,  -304.30,    -1.10,  -319.60,   327.00,   200.00},
{ "The Pink Swan",                1817.30,  1083.20,   -89.00,  2027.30,  1283.20,   110.90},
{ "The Sherman Dam",              -968.70,  1929.40,    -3.00,  -481.10,  2155.20,   200.00},
{ "The Strip",                    2027.40,   863.20,   -89.00,  2087.30,  1703.20,   110.90},
{ "The Strip",                    2106.70,  1863.20,   -89.00,  2162.30,  2202.70,   110.90},
{ "The Strip",                    2027.40,  1783.20,   -89.00,  2162.30,  1863.20,   110.90},
{ "The Strip",                    2027.40,  1703.20,   -89.00,  2137.40,  1783.20,   110.90},
{ "The Visage",                   1817.30,  1863.20,   -89.00,  2106.70,  2011.80,   110.90},
{ "The Visage",                   1817.30,  1703.20,   -89.00,  2027.40,  1863.20,   110.90},
{ "Unity Station",                1692.60, -1971.80,   -20.40,  1812.60, -1932.80,    79.50},
{ "Valle Ocultado",               -936.60,  2611.40,     2.00,  -715.90,  2847.90,   200.00},
{ "Verdant Bluffs",                930.20, -2488.40,   -89.00,  1249.60, -2006.70,   110.90},
{ "Verdant Bluffs",               1073.20, -2006.70,   -89.00,  1249.60, -1842.20,   110.90},
{ "Verdant Bluffs",               1249.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  1692.60, -1842.20,   110.90},
{ "Verdant Meadows",                37.00,  2337.10,    -3.00,   435.90,  2677.90,   200.00},
{ "Verona Beach",                  647.70, -2173.20,   -89.00,   930.20, -1804.20,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                  930.20, -2006.70,   -89.00,  1073.20, -1804.20,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                  851.40, -1804.20,   -89.00,  1046.10, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                 1161.50, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1323.90, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Verona Beach",                 1046.10, -1722.20,   -89.00,  1161.50, -1577.50,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      787.40, -1310.20,   -89.00,   952.60, -1130.80,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      787.40, -1130.80,   -89.00,   952.60,  -954.60,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      647.50, -1227.20,   -89.00,   787.40, -1118.20,   110.90},
{ "Vinewood",                      647.70, -1416.20,   -89.00,   787.40, -1227.20,   110.90},
{ "Whitewood Estates",             883.30,  1726.20,   -89.00,  1098.30,  2507.20,   110.90},
{ "Whitewood Estates",            1098.30,  1726.20,   -89.00,  1197.30,  2243.20,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  1970.60, -2179.20,   -89.00,  2089.00, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2089.00, -2235.80,   -89.00,  2201.80, -1989.90,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2089.00, -1989.90,   -89.00,  2324.00, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2201.80, -2095.00,   -89.00,  2324.00, -1989.90,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2541.70, -1941.40,   -89.00,  2703.50, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2324.00, -2059.20,   -89.00,  2541.70, -1852.80,   110.90},
{ "Willowfield",                  2541.70, -2059.20,   -89.00,  2703.50, -1941.40,   110.90},
{ "Yellow Bell Station",          1377.40,  2600.40,   -21.90,  1492.40,  2687.30,    78.00},
// Main Zones
{ "Los Santos",                     44.60, -2892.90,  -242.90,  2997.00,  -768.00,   900.00},
{ "Las Venturas",                  869.40,   596.30,  -242.90,  2997.00,  2993.80,   900.00},
{ "Bone County",                  -480.50,   596.30,  -242.90,   869.40,  2993.80,   900.00},
{ "Tierra Robada",               -2997.40,  1659.60,  -242.90,  -480.50,  2993.80,   900.00},
{ "Tierra Robada",               -1213.90,   596.30,  -242.90,  -480.50,  1659.60,   900.00},
{ "San Fierro",                  -2997.40, -1115.50,  -242.90, -1213.90,  1659.60,   900.00},
{ "Red County",                  -1213.90,  -768.00,  -242.90,  2997.00,   596.30,   900.00},
{ "Flint County",                -1213.90, -2892.90,  -242.90,    44.60,  -768.00,   900.00},
{ "Whetstone",                   -2997.40, -2892.90,  -242.90, -1213.90, -1115.50,   900.00}

Re: Help in coords - Ayyash - 30.03.2017


Please Someone Help me i am waiting like 35 hours

Re: Help in coords - princejeet1510 - 30.03.2017

No idea but try removing that " , " cause it's a last.