Problem in my VPS - Printable Version
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Problem in my VPS -
Krauser123 - 27.03.2017
Okay so I have a problem in my Linux VPS that when I start a server it logs it says that it's working fine but it's not up for me.. when I type it in my server list.
Re: Problem in my VPS -
yutaruta - 27.03.2017
probably you have the port closed on the firewall. configure the firewall to allow udp and tcp traffic through the port of the server, and you should see it online on your sa-mp client.
Re: Problem in my VPS -
michael2572 - 27.03.2017
These may be useful for you:
Re: Problem in my VPS -
cuddlee - 29.03.2017
The port are probably blocked as the guy above suggested, also the vps service I use has 2 firewalls-1 built-in windows firewall and a service provided by the vps provider.If you have something similar make sure you unblock ports in both and allow both tcp and udp traffic.
Re: Problem in my VPS - Astralis - 01.04.2017
install or unblock ports.