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Expiry - SpaceRP - 17.03.2017

How to create VIP info command, where will write expiry vip


Set vip time

new viptime = gettime() + (mounth * 2592000); 
PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][pVipTime] = viptime;

Re: Expiry - Toroi - 17.03.2017

Like this? Also what does the macro mounth do? And where the value 2592000 came from?

new expiretime = PlayerInfo[playerid][pVipTime] - gettime();

Oh ok, so 2592000 means 30 days.

Then it'd be something like:

new expiretime = (PlayerInfo[playerid][pVipTime] - gettime()) / 86400;
86400 means a day in seconds, you're retrieving the days left here. Or that's what I think it does. I never went to school.

Re: Expiry - SpaceRP - 17.03.2017

(33534) : warning 213: tag mismatch

CMD:vip(playerid, params[])
		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pVip] < 1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Error!");
        new string[100], viptime = PlayerInfo[playerid][pVipTime] - gettime();
		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pVipTime] != 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Expiry: {00A7EE}%d", viptime); }
		else { format(string, sizeof(string), "Perm"); }
		new string1[91];
		format(string1, sizeof(string1), "VIP: %s {FFFFFF}| %s", VIPRank(PlayerInfo[playerid][pVip]), string);
		SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string1);
	return 1;

Re: Expiry - Toroi - 17.03.2017

Hmm, as it is a division it may have decimals and convert it to a float, let's make the inverse:

new expiretime = floatround((PlayerInfo[playerid][pVipTime] - gettime()) / 86400);
If you need explanation on what we just did:


new viptime = gettime() + (mounth * 2592000); 
PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][pVipTime] = viptime;
That code will work for the first time the guy gets a VIP. However, if it's the second time and he has VIP time left, it'll get buggy as you're adding the unix time once again to this variable.

I suggest you to do a previous check before adding it:

if(PlayerInfo[giveplayerid][pVipTime] > 0) viptime = mounth * 2592000;
else viptime = gettime() + (mounth * 2592000);
That way you don't add the unix time twice.