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Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - Printable Version

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Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - faxxe - 16.03.2017

Ahoy friends.

For my pickup system im using 2 for loops to check arrays if they contain the pickupid of the pickup, the player picked up.

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	new index;
		case MONEY_TYPE:
				maxmoney -= 1;
				GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000);
				printf("ID picked up: %d",maxmoney);
		case ACTOR_TYPE:
	return 1;

stock GetPickupType(pickupid, &index)
    for(new i; i<sizeof(MoneyPickups); i++)
        if(MoneyPickups[i] == pickupid) return index=i,MONEY_TYPE;
    for(new i; i<sizeof(ActorPickups); i++)
        if(ActorPickups[i] == pickupid) return index=i,ACTOR_TYPE;
Due to efficiency reasons i want to use binary search instead because the array is sorted, so its the most efficient way.

But unfortutanetly my code doesnt work.

stock GetPickupType(pickupid, &index)
	new mres = binarysearch(MoneyPickups,pickupid,0,sizeof(MoneyPickups)-1);
        if(mres > -1 && MoneyPickups[mres] == pickupid) return index=mres,MONEY_TYPE;
	new ares = binarysearch(ActorPickups,pickupid,0,sizeof(ActorPickups)-1);
	if(ares > -1 && MoneyPickups[ares] == pickupid) return index=ares,ACTOR_TYPE;
If i try it this way, only this part seems to be executed:

	new mres = binarysearch(MoneyPickups,pickupid,0,sizeof(MoneyPickups)-1);
        if(mres > -1 && MoneyPickups[mres] == pickupid) return index=mres,MONEY_TYPE;
So the MoneyPickups work, but the ActorPickups doesnt.

If i change the order and do it this way

stock GetPickupType(pickupid, &index)
	new ares = binarysearch(ActorPickups,pickupid,0,sizeof(ActorPickups)-1);
	if(ares > -1 && MoneyPickups[ares] == pickupid) return index=ares,ACTOR_TYPE;
	new mres = binarysearch(MoneyPickups,pickupid,0,sizeof(MoneyPickups)-1);
	if(mres > -1 && MoneyPickups[mres] == pickupid) return index=mres,MONEY_TYPE;
If i do it this way, the ActorPickups part is being executed, and they work well but MoneyPickups doesnt work anymore
It seems like the the second part is always being skipped for some reason, how can i fix this problem?

The for loop code works fine but i dont know why it doesnt work with binary search.
My binsearch function works fine and the return value should be the index of the found element inside of the array.

stock binarysearch(a[],key,l,r)
	new k;
	while(r >=l)
		k = (l+r)/2;
		if(key == a[k])
			return k;
		if(key < a[k]) 
			r = k-1;
			l= k+1;
	return -1;

Re: Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - NaS - 16.03.2017

Shouldn't this

if(ares > -1 && MoneyPickups[ares] == pickupid) return index=ares,ACTOR_TYPE;
checking ActorPickups[ares] == pickupid instead of MoneyPickups?

Re: Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - faxxe - 16.03.2017

Originally Posted by NaS
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Shouldn't this

if(ares > -1 && MoneyPickups[ares] == pickupid) return index=ares,ACTOR_TYPE;
checking ActorPickups[ares] == pickupid instead of MoneyPickups?
Wut You are right, i will try

Re: Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - faxxe - 16.03.2017

Damn, dude thats it Its working now! Dont know why i didnt find this! +rep

Re: Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - Nero_3D - 16.03.2017

Already saw your last topic but I am still wondering why do you do it in this roundabout way instead of indexing the array with the pickupid
The only advantage I see is that the access to all ActorPickups and MoneyPickups is faster but I think this is rarely needed / or not needed at all in my opinion

Re: Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - faxxe - 16.03.2017

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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Already saw your last topic but I am still wondering why do you do it in this roundabout way instead of indexing the array with the pickupid
The only advantage I see is that the access to all ActorPickups and MoneyPickups is faster but I think this is rarely needed / or not needed at all in my opinion
Yep its really fast! Just O(log n) execution time, so in my array with size of MAX_PICKUPS - sizeof(ActorPickups), around 4000 elemts O(log n) would be 3,64.
The way by using a for loop is O(n) so 4000, so its almost 1000 times faster!

I want to add other pickup types and a pickup streamer so i guess it could be useful in the feature.

Re: Using binarysearch instead of for loop doesnt work - Nero_3D - 16.03.2017

Originally Posted by faxxe
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I want to add other pickup types and a pickup streamer so i guess it could be useful in the feature.
Ah okay, I thought everyone who exceed the sa-mp limit uses the streamer plugin nowadays

Because otherwise if you stay under the limit you simply could have done
PHP код:
new gPickupType[MAX_PICKUPS];
// GenerateRandomPickup
pickupid CreatePickup(modelid,type,rx1,ry2,rz3,virtualworld);
// some security checks to check that pickupid is valid
gPickupType[pickupid] = MONEY_TYPE;
// OnPlayerPickUpPickup