Weird stuffs going on with my server -
henkas - 13.03.2017
So i'm rly confused what going on with my server so if i test systems with localhost on my pc everything is okay zero bugs or something like that. Bat if i put my server on host its get bugged rly hard, maps doesn't load, crashing, systems didn't work correct like if you kill someone he should set as zombie bat he didn't, start flood messages, timers stop working. So thinks like this happen sometimes, like today i don't rly have any idea whats wrong. So i open hosting loge and i see this
sh: 1: /home/ogpbot/OGP_User_Files/38/announce: not found
P.s with localhost everything ok.
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
Snich - 13.03.2017
Did you re-update your whole server on host? Try to re-update plugins...
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
henkas - 13.03.2017
Yes i did everything.
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
henkas - 13.03.2017
P.S some times map didn't load full like its load only half its really weird think to me because i saw only
totally not load or load fine bat not half maps.
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
ElMaestro123 - 13.03.2017
Update includes and recompile the script, adding reupdated plugins in plguins folder will do it.
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
henkas - 13.03.2017
Originally Posted by ElMaestro123
Update includes and recompile the script, adding reupdated plugins in plguins folder will do it.
Ok i will try it
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
henkas - 14.03.2017
Yea couple thinks fixed when i updated include/plugins bat with map is still problem, sometimes its didn't load fine.
Part of server-log
[17:50:39] lsbeachzma Loaded
[17:50:39] --------------------------------------
[17:50:39] Filterscript 'lsbeachzma.amx' loaded.
[17:50:40] Selected humans
[17:50:40] Finished Selecting teams
[17:51:52] loading Map /Maps/1.ini
[17:51:52] Map ID 1's Information Has Been Loaded.
[17:51:52] hoodzma Loaded
[17:51:52] --------------------------------------
[17:51:52] Filterscript 'lshoodzma.amx' loaded.
[17:51:52] Filterscript 'lshoodzma.amx' load failed.
[17:52:04] Selected humans
[17:52:04] Finished Selecting teams
[17:52:13] [part] Test_Test has left the server (0:1)
[17:51:52] Filterscript 'lshoodzma.amx' loaded.
[17:51:52] Filterscript 'lshoodzma.amx' load failed.
At this part it says load failed bat map is loaded fine.
This is how look those filescripts
P.S I didn't load it twice.
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
henkas - 14.03.2017
Up up up
Re: Weird stuffs going on with my server -
henkas - 14.03.2017
Fixed! Problem was with CreateObject because it have limits so changed to CreateDynamicObject