Asking for help about the samp server hosts. - Printable Version
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Asking for help about the samp server hosts. -
MarkNelson - 27.02.2017
Re: Asking for help about the samp server hosts. -
MarkNelson - 27.02.2017
Re: Asking for help about the samp server hosts. -
Toss - 27.02.2017
Originally Posted by MarkNelson
Hello all, my friend has donated me 2.52USD and i'm looking for a cheap server host, So can you help me by telling me about a cheap host.
don't tell me about Ultra-h it's sucks
To you Ultra sucks and there are alot of hosting company, people will look a this and say "he gonna tell me it sucks as Ultra-H"
Originally Posted by MarkNelson
Hi MarNelson
Re: Asking for help about the samp server hosts. -
MarkNelson - 27.02.2017
Nice useless reply ^^
Re: Asking for help about the samp server hosts. -
Luis- - 27.02.2017
Do people not read the rules these days?