Free for All - INI/Simple -
TopShooter2 - 25.02.2017
So, I had interests into opening a free for all community. This community was giving the players the chance to kill anybody they want, team up with anyone or any group and partipicate into minigames and duels but i'm no longer interested into continuing this and therefore i'm releasing the gamemode, however it's not finished and you won't find much features but it's a good gamemode to start with as far as I know. I'm also planning to update and keep this script up-to-date and update it by the time and keep releasing the new versions.
Registration/Login System: Registration/Login system is based in Y INI.
Administrator System: This system was made from scratch by me and it's definetly basic admin system, it has the necessary commands that you might need to administrate.
Math Quiz system: Every 400 seconds, a new math quiz starts and you receive one quiz point, one coin and one score if you passed the test.
VIP System: There's currently a VIP variable however there is no VIP perks yet, i'm planning to add VIP perks in the next version of this gamemode. (v0.2) IMPROVED, check below for more information.
Custom Coins Currency: In this gamemode, I disabled the regular cash bar/money system and replaced it with coins system, you receive coins by killing, winning minigames, math tests or duels and coins can be used in the shop.
Shop: In the shop you can purchase certain weapons for certain prices, shop is based on textdraws [Not mine]. Edit: Found the author's name, special thanks to SilentSoul.
Duel System: You are able to duel the others using [/duel], full list of commands for the duel system can be found in the /help. Upon winning a match, you will win a duel win point, two coins and two score points. Duel stats can be found in /stats, showing how many wins/loses you got nor what's your wins/loses ratio. (Note: This duel system has been edited and it's not originally mine, author name isn't found. I've edited it until made it compatible with the gamemode)
Skin System: Skin system is simple, it saves your skin upon leaving the server and loads when you login back. You can change your skin using [/skin id].
Minigames Stadium: The minigames stadium isn't finished yet meaning you won't be able to play any minigames until the next update, it's located in Pershing Square beside City Hall.
[V0.2]Headshot System: You can kill somebody by shooting his head, you will receive extra bonus. All your headshots are saved into your userfile and can be found in /stats.
[V0.2]Report System: Nothing special, just a basic report system that sends a report to the administrative team when you report somebody.
[V0.2]VIP Perks: VIPs spawn with extra pack including full weapon set, extra ammo and armour. They receive extra coins/score bonus when killing somebody. Depends on what level they are, there's currently two levels. They spawn with a 3DLabel attached to them aswell saying either 'Bronze VIP' or 'Gold VIP'.
Full list of commands:
All player commands:-
General Commands: /pm - /sendcoins - /skin - /shop - [v0.2] /report
Duel Commands: /duel - /acceptduel - /declineduel /cancelrequest
Other Commands: /kill - /credits - /rules - /sync - /fixvw
Administrator Commands:-
Level 1: (/un)freeze - /kick - /ban - /clearchat - /goto - /slap
Level 1: /get - /sethealth - /givecoins - /setskin - /spec - /specoff
[v0.2]Level 1: /akill
[v0.2]Level 2: /setvip - /setadmin - /setscore - /setkills - /setdeaths - /setcoins
[V0.2]Level 2: /setduelwins - /setduelloses
[V0.2]VIP Commands:-
/vcolor - /vgunpack
[V0.2]VIP Perks
- Spawn with an armour and a full weapon set including extra ammo.
- Extra coins/score bonus when killing someone.
No bugs were found till now, please report any bugs if found any!
TopShooter - Original creator of the gamemode.
Special thanks to Y Less, Kalcor, Zeex, Emmet_ and all includes authors that deserve a good appreciation.
Special thanks to SilentSoul for the Weapon Shop.
Special thanks to Slice42O.
Please remind me if I forgot somebody.
V0.2 Changelog:
(*) Headshot System:
• Headshots now save in the user file and all headshots you gave can be found (/stats)
• You receive extra coins/score if you gave headshot.
(*) VIP Perks were added:
• VIP spawn with armour, more ammo and better weapon set.
• Attached 3D Label to the VIP with either "Bronze VIP" or "Gold VIP" text.
• Extra bonus when killing somebody. (Extra coins and score)
(*) VIP Commands were added:
• /vcolor - Changes your color to the VIP color.
• /vgunpack - Lets you purchase a full weapon set with full armour for only seven coins.
(*) Added New Administrator Commands:
• /setscore - Lets you set somebody's score.
• /setcoins - Lets you set somebody's total coins.
• /setkills - Lets you set somebody's kills.
• /setdeaths - Lets you set somebody's deaths.
• /setduelwins - Lets you set somebody's duel wins that can be found in his record.
• /setduelloses - Lets you set somebody's duel loses that can be found in his record.
• /setvip - Lets you set somebody's VIP rank.
• /setadmin - Lets you set somebody's admin rank.
(*) Added a new player command:
• /report - Lets you report somebody or send a message to the administrative team.
(*)Admin System.
(*)Coins System.
• The textdraws were updated and now look cool.
(*)Typo bug was found in the /credits.
(*)A bug was found within the saving system.
Mediafire - Full folder [Recommended]
Pastebin - .pwn file
Pastebin - .pwn file
I was told to re-post all of my releases I had on this new account as my previous account has been bugged and I'm no longer able to use it, so do not report or reply wondering why did I re-post these releases, thanks.
Re: Free for All - INI/Simple -
TOS - 25.02.2017
You That good cuz you lost your account (nice work )
Re: Free for All - INI/Simple -
Sumit4 - 26.02.2017
Good Job
Re: Free for All - INI/Simple -
RyderX - 26.02.2017
Good job TopShooter2
Re: Free for All - INI/Simple -
TopShooter2 - 26.02.2017
Originally Posted by TOS
You That good cuz you lost your account (nice work )
Thanks, I'm too sad for my old account though.
Originally Posted by Sumit4
Good Job ![Smiley](images/smilies/smile.png)
Originally Posted by RyderX
Good job TopShooter2