if(pLogged[playerid] == false)
return Error(playerid, "You must be registered to use this command! (/register)");
new count;
foreach(Player, ii)
if(pAdmin[ii] > 0 && pHidden[ii] == 0) count++;
if(count == 0)
//SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, ""OSF" "GREY_E"There are no administrators online.");
//SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, ""OSF" "GREY_E"Use /report if you suspect a player of cheating.");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~Y~NO ADMINS ONLINE",2000,3);
if(pAdmin[playerid] >= 1) ShowHiddenAdmins(playerid);
return true;
new line3[900], displayed;
if(count == 1)
str = ""BLUE_E"OSF: {FFFFFF}Admins";
line3 = ""WHITE_E"Total of "YELLOW_E"1 "WHITE_E"Admin online:\n";
format(str, sizeof(str), ""BLUE_E"OSF: {FFFFFF}Admins");
format(line3, sizeof(line3), ""WHITE_E"Total of "YELLOW_E"%d "WHITE_E"Admin online:\n", count);
foreach(Player, ii)
GetPlayerName(ii, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
if(pAdmin[ii] > 0 && pHidden[ii] == 0)
case 1: tmp = ""WHITE_E"(Moderator)";
case 2: tmp = ""WHITE_E"(Administrator)";
case 3: tmp = ""WHITE_E"(Lead Administrator)";
case 4: tmp = ""WHITE_E"(Head Administrator)";
case 5: tmp = ""WHITE_E"(Executive Administrator)";
if(displayed == 0)
if(cAFK[ii] > 20)
format(line3, sizeof(line3), "%s\n"YELLOW_E"%s %s "WHITE_E"[AFK]", line3, PlayerName, tmp);
else format(line3, sizeof(line3), "%s\n"YELLOW_E"%s %s", line3, PlayerName, tmp);
if(cAFK[ii] > 20)
format(line3, sizeof(line3), "%s\n"YELLOW_E"%s %s "WHITE_E"[AFK]", line3, PlayerName, tmp);
else format(line3, sizeof(line3), "%s\n"YELLOW_E"%s %s", line3, PlayerName, tmp);
displayed = displayed + 1;
format(line3, sizeof(line3), "%s\n\n\n"WHITE_E"To report a hacker, use "YELLOW_E"/report!\n\n"GREY2_E"Do not PM any admins for no reason.\nThe server is also being watched from IRC.", line3);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 16, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, str, line3, "Close", "");
if(pAdmin[playerid] >= 2) ShowHiddenAdmins(playerid);
return true;
This isn't script for you, this is scripting help... If you need a scripter, go find the Looking for Scripter/Helper thread.