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samp.ban not work unbanip :/ - Printable Version

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samp.ban not work unbanip :/ - Tween73 - 13.02.2017

Ban list
Loaded: samp.ban


CMD:unban(playerid, params[])
new string[64],ip[32];
if(pInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
if(sscanf(params, "s[32]", ip)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, F_COLOR_WHITE ,"Usage:{0080FF} /unban [ip]");
format(string,sizeof(string),"You Have Successfully Unbanip: {FF0000}%s",ip);
SendClientMessageToAll( F_COLOR_WHITE , string);
pInfo[playerid][pBanned] = 0;
return 1;

Re: samp.ban not work unbanip :/ - Ryan50 - 13.02.2017

Originally Posted by Tween73
Посмотреть сообщение
Ban list
Loaded: samp.ban
You can't send a string request to rcon.

Re: samp.ban not work unbanip :/ - Luis- - 13.02.2017

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof string, "unbanip %s", ip);
Check this out.

Re: samp.ban not work unbanip :/ - Tween73 - 13.02.2017

samp.ban not work /unbanip

їYou are banned from this server.?

Re: samp.ban not work unbanip :/ - Luis- - 13.02.2017

Either add the code from my last comment or use this /rcon unbanip <insert ip here>

Re: samp.ban not work unbanip :/ - Kwarde - 14.02.2017

First of all, you are sending this RCON command:
You Have Successfully Unbanip: {FF0000}(%IP%)
That is most certainly not a RCON command. Look at Luis-'s post. He gave the answer.
When you re-format 'string' to unbanip %IP% it will be more likely to work.

Also you are doing the following thing:
pInfo[playerid][pBanned] = 0;
Thus you are setting your own ban status to 0.. Not of the one who is banned.