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Report - Loinal - 09.02.2017

How to get the latest 5 reports?

PHP код:
sscanf(params,"us[178]",idreason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"USAGE: /report [playerid] [reason]");
format(string,sizeof(string),"[Notice]: Player %s (Id: %d) reported By %s(Id: %d) For: %s"GetName(id), idGetName(playerid), playeridreason);
lastreport string;
pData[i][Admin] >= || IsPlayerAdmin(i))
format(string,sizeof(string),"Player %s (Id: %d) reported By %s(Id: %d) For:  %s"GetName(id), idGetName(playerid), playeridreason);
pData[playerid][Admin] >= 3)
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_YELLOW"Last report was:");
    } else return 
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"Only +level 3 can use this command");

Re: Report - Type-R - 10.02.2017

Make an array out of lastreport. And start storing the reports for example: lastreport[1], lastreport[2] etc. So when you get a new report make lastreport[5] = lastreport[4], lastreport[4] = lastreport[3], lastreport[3] = lastreport[2], lastreport[2] = lastreport[1] and lastreport[1] = string. Also i am pretty sure that is not how you save strings into a variable. So lastreport would have to be a 2D array, so lastreport[number of reports][size of the string]. So format(lastreport[1], sizeof(lastreport[1]), string); would be an example how to save the string into the first report, but like i mentioned above you would want to start from the other end.

Re: Report - Loinal - 10.02.2017

Originally Posted by Type-R
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Make an array out of lastreport. And start storing the reports for example: lastreport[1], lastreport[2] etc. So when you get a new report make lastreport[5] = lastreport[4], lastreport[4] = lastreport[3], lastreport[3] = lastreport[2], lastreport[2] = lastreport[1] and lastreport[1] = string. Also i am pretty sure that is not how you save strings into a variable. So lastreport would have to be a 2D array, so lastreport[number of reports][size of the string]. So format(lastreport[1], sizeof(lastreport[1]), string); would be an example how to save the string into the first report, but like i mentioned above you would want to start from the other end.
i do not understand so if i made this arrays when i do /report how to check that the lastreport[1] is done so it set the string on lastreport[2]?

Re: Report - Loinal - 10.02.2017


Re: Report - BiosMarcel - 10.02.2017

Wait at least 24 hours before bumping please, also, if you get no help, you might start thinking about why you get no help

Re: Report - Yousha - 13.05.2017

new reportLog[5][128];

CMD:report(playerid, params[]) 
reportLog[4] = reportLog[3];
reportLog[3] = reportLog[2];
reportLog[2] = reportLog[1];
reportLog[1] = reportLog[0];
reportLog[0] = string;

CMD:reports(playerid, params[])
   #pragma unused params

   if (strlen(reportLog[0]))
   	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Last report(s):");
   	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, reportLog[0]);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, reportLog[1]);