Sockets wont connect what-so-ever - Printable Version
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Sockets wont connect what-so-ever -
Luis- - 08.02.2017
So I'm trying to get sockets to work on my sever. It's already been coded and shit, so no worries there. Just when I try to connect from the SAMP server to localhost (xampp) it just will not connect. I'm using port 7778, it's been port-forwarded, still no joy.
Anyone have a solution?
Re: Sockets wont connect what-so-ever -
Vince - 08.02.2017
You sure you meant to say "from", not "to"? Is there even anything running on port 7778? HTTP traffic goes through port 80 and 443 (SLL).
Re: Sockets wont connect what-so-ever -
Luis- - 08.02.2017
Well, it's connecting from the SA-MP server, the PHP file is listening for any connections. I'm not 100% sure if anything is actually running on the port, I don't think there is.