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is there a better way of doing this ? - Printable Version

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is there a better way of doing this ? - TheAngryBird - 23.01.2017

hi all.
i havent been coding PAWN for a long time but i started again as i have some free time.

is there a better way of doing this ? basically what i'm doing is a sell / accept command.
the command verify if the item the player want to sell is valid ( so they dont sell a zippo if i dont want a zippo in the game ). i'll add other valid item at a later time as needed.
i'm using Player Inventory fromJoe Staff

everything seems to work , but i dont like how it look and how many lines of code it need.

YCMD:sell(playerid, params[], help)
    if (help)
        new targetid, itemname[20], itemprice, itemamount, HasManyItem;
        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] == 2)
        	if(sscanf(params, "s[20]iiu", itemname, itemamount, itemprice, targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"Syntax error.Correct usage: /sell [itemname] [amount] [price [playerid]]");
			if(!strcmp(itemname, "IRON", true) || !strcmp(itemname, "ALUMINIUM", true) || !strcmp(itemname, "COPPER", true))
				for(new i, len = strlen(itemname); i < len; ++i)
    				itemname[i] = toupper(itemname[i]);
				if(PlayerHasItem(playerid, itemname))
			        HasManyItem = PlayerHasItem(playerid, itemname);
			        if(HasManyItem <itemamount)
						SetPVarString(playerid, "itemname", itemname);
						SetPVarInt(playerid, "amount", itemamount);
						SetPVarInt(playerid, "price", itemprice);
						Offering[playerid] = true;
        				Pending[targetid] = true;
        				SendClientMessageFormatted(targetid, COLOR_ORANGE, "%s want to sell you %i %s for $%i. type /accept to accept.", GetName(targetid), itemamount, itemname, itemprice);
        				SendClientMessageFormatted(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "You offered %s to %s", itemname, GetName(playerid));
	    		SendClientMessageFormatted(playerid, -1, "Invalid item [%s]", itemname);
    return 1;
YCMD:accept(playerid, params[], help)
    if (help)
        new targetid, itemname[20], itemprice, itemamount;
		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] == 3)
        	if(sscanf(params, "s[20]iu", itemname, itemamount, targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"Syntax error.Correct usage: /sell [itemname] [amount] [price [playerid]]");
			for(new i, len = strlen(itemname); i < len; ++i)
    			itemname[i] = toupper(itemname[i]);
        	if(Pending[playerid] == true)
        		if(Offering[targetid] == true)
					if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) <itemprice)
        				if(sscanf(params, "%s[20]u", itemname, targetid)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"Syntax error.Correct usage: /accept [itemname] [playerid]]");
						GetPVarString(targetid, "itemname", itemname, sizeof(itemname));
						itemamount = GetPVarInt(targetid, "amount");
						itemprice = GetPVarInt(targetid, "price");
        				Offering[targetid] = false;
        				Pending[playerid] = false;
        				SendClientMessageFormatted(playerid, -1, "You accepted", itemname, itemamount, itemprice, GetName(targetid));
        				RemoveItem(targetid, itemname, itemamount);
        				AddItem(playerid, itemname, itemamount);
        				GivePlayerMoney(targetid, itemprice);
        				GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -itemprice);
        				DeletePVar(targetid, "itemname");
        				DeletePVar(targetid, "amount");
        				DeletePVar(targetid, "price");
    return 1;

Re: is there a better way of doing this ? - GangstaSunny. - 23.01.2017

the best way is your way.
the only tip i can give is to script "one-liners". which basicly means that you should reduce line likes this;

PHP код:
for(new ilen strlen(itemname); len; ++i)
itemname[i] = toupper(itemname[i]);
// reduceing it to a "one-liner"
for(new ilen strlen(itemname); len; ++i){itemname[i] = toupper(itemname[i]);} 
i can not recommend to do this while working on a command or to do this to lines which need to be changed more often.

Re: is there a better way of doing this ? - TheAngryBird - 23.01.2017

ok thanks. it has no effect on performance right ?
cause i find it way easier to read and work with " multi-liner "

Re: is there a better way of doing this ? - GangstaSunny. - 25.01.2017

Originally Posted by TheAngryBird
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ok thanks. it has no effect on performance right ?
cause i find it way easier to read and work with " multi-liner "
it has effect on your own performance.
if you keep doing this you will be much more professional just because of the look of your good. no joke. trust me.