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Compiling error - Printable Version

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Compiling error - XBrianX - 22.01.2017

(1829) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
(1830) : error 021: symbol already defined: "split"

PHP код:
stock split(const strsrc[], strdest[][], delimiter)
<= strlen(strsrc))
strsrc[i] == delimiter || == strlen(strsrc))
len strmid(strdest[aNum], strsrclii128);
strdest[aNum][len] = 0;
li i+1;

This only happens when i add
PHP код:
#include <mysql>
#define MYSQL_HOSTNAME  ""
#define MYSQL_DATABASE  "fuckme"
#define MYSQL_USERNAME  "root"
#define MYSQL_PASSWORD  "" 

Re: Compiling error - StrikerZ - 22.01.2017

Try changing split to any other word

Re: Compiling error - XBrianX - 22.01.2017

i disabled it and now it complies fine wtf

Re: Compiling error - Sew_Sumi - 22.01.2017

Originally Posted by XBrianX
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i disabled it and now it complies fine wtf
Because obviously you either had it defined in your script a second time, or one of your includes already had it.

Re: Compiling error - XBrianX - 22.01.2017

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Because obviously you either had it defined in your script a second time, or one of your includes already had it.
Yeah i guess but hey thanks

Re: Compiling error - Crystallize - 22.01.2017

Sunehildeep already told you to rename it and it would've been fixed.

Re: Compiling error - Sew_Sumi - 22.01.2017

Originally Posted by Crystallize
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Sunehildeep already told you to rename it and it would've been fixed.
Removing the define is the better option as otherwise you'll end up with 2 functions, doing exactly the same thing.

That is what the error was referring to in the first instance.