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Despanwing a car - Coicatak - 23.01.2009

Ok, I use CW:RP script which is SQL based. I've made a car system which allows you to own 3 different vehicles but only to have one spawned at once. So, I've made the command /park, using DestroyVehicle, to despawn a car if you own it and then the commands /getcar1, /getcar2 and /getcar3 to spawn it using CreateVehicle if your car key matches with the vehicle ID. /getcar will only works if you have no vehicle spawned (my cars table has a spawned column working perfectly (0=not spawned, so no AddStaticVehicleEx added on server restart or reloading the cars table, 1=spawned)

The problem is that when I despawn my car and then try to respawn it I get "You already have a car spawned" (which I added myself, but as I just despawned my car it shouldn't happen). So I looked at my script, it was ok, then I looked at my stats and mt car keys hadn't changed, but when I used /gotocar <my car key, so car ID> it teleported me to another car and I saw that I owned it...

In conclusion:
Actually each time I /park, all car IDs are changed, if I owned car 200 it will disappear from the server and the car 201 or 199 will become car number 200, mine. So each time I'll /park my car it will make it disappear and i'll just be the owner of another car. Whereas in my database no car has been deleted.

I think this is due to the DestroyVehicle thing, so do you know a way to despawn a car using another function?

Here is a part of my script: (in my .pwn, it's well indented)

if(strcmp("/park", cmdtext, true) == 0)
new car = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
if(CarInfo[car][cOwned] == 1 && strcmp(CarInfo[car][cOwner], playername, true) == 0)
new Floatark_x, Floatark_y, Floatark_z;
park_x = CarInfo[car][cLocationx];
park_y = CarInfo[car][cLocationy];
park_z = CarInfo[car][cLocationz];
if(PlayerToPoint(3.0, playerid, park_x, park_y, park_z))
CarInfo[car][cSpawned] = 0;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Vйhicule despawned. Tapez /getcar pour le respawn");
format(sql, 256, "UPDATE cars SET spawned=0 WHERE id=%d", car);
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Vous n'кtes pas а votre place de parking.");
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, park_x, park_y, park_z, 5.0);
return 1;

SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Ce vйhicule ne vous appartient pas.");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Vous n'кtes dans aucun vйhicule.");
return 1;


if(strcmp("/getcar", cmdtext, true) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Utilisez /getcar1, /getcar2 ou /getcar3 pour spawn un de vos vйhicules.");
return 1;

if(strcmp("/getcar1", cmdtext, true) == 0)
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] == 999)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Vous n'avez aucun vйhicule а cet emplacement.");
return 1;
new car = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey];
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Vous avez dйjа un vйhicule spawned.");
return 1;
new Floatark_x, Floatark_y, Floatark_z, Floatark_a;
park_x = CarInfo[car][cLocationx];
park_y = CarInfo[car][cLocationy];
park_z = CarInfo[car][cLocationz];
park_a = CarInfo[car][cAngle];
CreateVehicle(CarInfo[car][cModel],park_x,park_y,park_z,park_a, CarInfo[car][cColorOne],CarInfo[car][cColorTwo], 99999999);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Vйhicule spawned.");
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, park_x, park_y, park_z, 5.0);
CarInfo[car][cSpawned] = 1;
format(sql, 256, "UPDATE cars SET spawned=1 WHERE id=%d", car);
return 1;
return 1;
Thanks in advance, this problem really annoys me...

Ok, forget what I wrote above. Here is my problem: I use a SQL DataBase for my cars, and I wan't a way to despawn a car from the server, I found it but there's an effect that I don't like... When I do /park it perfectly despawn the car but it also REMOVE it from the database...

So could someone tell me how to despawn a car without using DestroyVehicle please?
Here is my command (simplified, just to show you how it works):
pawn Код:
if (strcmp, "/park", cmdtext, true) == 0)
    if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return 1;
    new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "You have despawned your car.");
    return 1;
In my script, it's more complex (if it's your car, if you're at the right place, etc) but the main point here is that I use DestroyVehicle.

Help me please I really need this command to work...

Re: Despanwing a car - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 24.01.2009

Aks in the CWRP thread

Re: Despanwing a car - Coicatak - 24.01.2009

Originally Posted by JeNkStAX
Aks in the CWRP thread
It isn't related to CW:RP, I could have done it on any other GM

Re: Despanwing a car - Coicatak - 27.01.2009

1st post updated, re-read and help me please

Re: Despanwing a car - Coicatak - 31.01.2009

Dudes, I really need this working, could someone give me an answer please?

Re: Despanwing a car - pspleo - 31.01.2009

You really need to spam that much?

You want the vehicle to be in the server but not appearing? I would do SetVehiclePos somewhere else.

Re: Despanwing a car - Coicatak - 01.02.2009

Originally Posted by [K4L
Leoprune ]
You really need to spam that much?

You want the vehicle to be in the server but not appearing? I would do SetVehiclePos somewhere else.
Nah, it wouldn't reduce lag... Or would it if i'd set its pos in the skies?

Re: Despanwing a car - pspleo - 03.02.2009

Ya sure, i don't think players can see that far :P.

Re: Despanwing a car - Joe Staff - 03.02.2009

why not just use the database to save their positions, instead of the actual vehicle, so you can do destroy vehicle without loss of it's position then respawn whenever

Re: Despanwing a car - Coicatak - 03.02.2009

I got it work, but I need a hint please.

What's the command (to put in the script) to delete a record from the SQL DB?

Thanks in advance