HeadShot System [Explained] - iLearner - 11.01.2017
Tutorial - HeadShot System
Nothing special, just a small tutorial explaining about how to make a "HeadShot" system, i do not claim this as effort, since its pretty easy & quick... But since i could not find any decent tutorial i thought... lets do dis.
- Explaining OnPlayerTakeDamage, since we're going to need it.
- HeadShot system mini-script.
- Team Protection (cant hit same team).
- Enable/Disable HeadShot system.
- Anti-HeadShot spam(looks weired?)
Let's Get Started
For this tutorial we're going to base on callback
Description according to wiki page:
This callback is called when a player takes damage.
That one explains pretty much everything... but lets look at it deeply with its parameters:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
- playerid - player who took damage.
- issuerid - Player who gave damage(The Shooter), can be INVALID_PLAYER_ID if the damage was caused by self.
- Float:amount - Amount in Float, of much damage did player took (not needed in our case actually, but you could use it for other things... such as labels on head "Damage -amount")
- weaponid - ID of the weapon that was used while giving damage.
- bodypart - The bodypart where player got hit (0.3z+)
We will need a global variable called "HeadShotSystem", so lets define it, anywhere outside a callback/function (near includes?)
PHP код:
boolean, server variable not player variable
new bool:HeadShotSystem;
Main Code
PHP код:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
// check if there was a shooter, weaponID was 34(Sniper) and bodypart was 9(Head)
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 9)
//checking if headshot system is ON.
if(HeadShotSystem == true)
// checks if both players have same team, except NO_TEAM. if not procced, otherwise send error message
//*A edit by our genius friend sickattack
if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) | GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid))
//check if player is dead... if not proceed(by Gammix)
if (GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_WASTED)
//variables, first one to format the message, second and third contain player names.
new headmsg[128], dead[24], killer[24];
//on player's screen we show him a message for 3 seconds "HeadShot"
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Head Shot",3000,4);
// same to issuer's screen
GameTextForPlayer(issuerid, "~r~Head Shot!",3000,4);
// we get the victims name with this function and store it into our previously made variable "dead";
GetPlayerName(playerid, dead, sizeof(dead));
// we get the victims name with this function and store it into our previously made variable "killer";
GetPlayerName(issuerid, killer, sizeof(killer));
//format the message, means we put that text into "headmsg".
format(headmsg, sizeof(headmsg), "{FFDC2E}%s (%i) Has Been Killed in a Headshot by %s (%i)!",dead, playerid, killer,issuerid);
// once we've formatted the message we're ready to send the message to all players!
SendClientMessageToAll(0xAA3333AA, headmsg);
//kill the player
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);
//and tell the server that he's dead!
SendClientMessage(issuerid, -1, "That player is in your team!");
return 1;
Command to enable/disable headshot system
Optimized by Sreyas
PHP код:
COMMAND:seths(playerid, params[])
//replace with your admin system
HeadShotSystem = !HeadShotSystem;
new string11[109], pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
format(string11, sizeof(string11), "[Admin] Server admin %s(%d) has %s Headshot system!", pname,playerid,(HeadShotSystem)?("enabled"):("disabled"));
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string11);
return 1;
- SA:MP version 0.3z +(bodypart)
- sscanf (for the cmd we've used)
- SA:MP Team.
- ****** for sscanf
Did i miss something, lemme know with a post, and remember! this is a shit tutorial!
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
Gammix - 11.01.2017
PHP код:
stock IsPlayerDead(playerid)
new Float: health = 0.0;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED && health <= 0.0)
return true;
return false;
You don't need "
playerDead" variable.
The right way for checking teams aren't equal:
PHP код:
if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid))
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
Logic_ - 11.01.2017
OPDeath callback...
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] - iLearner - 11.01.2017
Edited with those changes, thanks.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
RedRex - 11.01.2017
Good Tutoiral
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
saffierr - 11.01.2017
Nice tutorial, though I'm a bit confused with this line (Just the first two checks):
PHP код:
if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM
Can you elaborate this ?
And is NO_TEAM already defined by pawn its self?
Excuse me, but haven't worked with this before, hence the question.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
Logic_ - 11.01.2017
NO_TEAM is pre-defined by the main SA-MP include. The value of NO_TEAM is 255. There is a large difference between Pawn and SA-MP Pawn.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] - iLearner - 11.01.2017
Originally Posted by saffierr
Nice tutorial, though I'm a bit confused with this line (Just the first two checks):
PHP код:
if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM
Can you elaborate this ?
And is NO_TEAM already defined by pawn its self?
Excuse me, but haven't worked with this before, hence the question.
PHP код:
if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid))
It basically means, if both players have no team, then they can kill each other (typically freeroam / dm servers), OR if both players' teams are different (eg: playerid team: 3, issuerid team:2), then proceed, otherwise nope.
And yes, NO_TEAM is pre-defined just like MAX_PLAYERS.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
saffierr - 11.01.2017
Ah, alright I see, thanks both of you.
Keep up the good work, iLearn!
Edit: Wouldn't it be better to have the 'HeadShotSystem check' before the check above?
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
RyderX - 11.01.2017
nice work iLearner :{}
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
PhoneixViper - 11.01.2017
Good Job !! +Rep
And i will use that for my next server
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
Gammix - 11.01.2017
Actually you can directly do this instead of a function "IsPlayerDead(playerid)":
PHP Code:
if (GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_WASTED)
The difference is when you check if health is less than 0.0 then the player is actually in death window, but if you just check if player state is PLAYER_STATE_WASTED, then the player can be in Death state or Class selection. So ya your headshot shouldn't work in class selection so just state check is enough.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] - iLearner - 11.01.2017
Make up your mind and lemme know, Gammix.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
SickAttack - 11.01.2017
"Stock by Gammix"
It's not a stock, it's a function.
"if (HeadShotSystem == true)"
You could just do "if(HeadShotSystem)" instead.
P.S. "if(!HeadShotSystem)" for false.
"else if(HeadShotSystem == false)"
"else" is more than enough. If the first if-then is true then obviously the else below it will be false.
"else SendClientMessage(issuerid, -1, "That player is in your team!");"
A big fail for that as you placed it for this if-then: "if(HeadShotSystem == true)"
I suggest removing the previously mentioned message and placing the 4 if-thens (you can find them below) in just one statement.
"if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 9)"
"if(HeadShotSystem == true)"
"if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid))"
pawn Code:
stock IsPlayerDead(playerid)
new Float: health = 0.0;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED && health <= 0.0)
return true;
return false;
Too overdone, just use a variable (boolean) and set it to true when the player spawns, and to false when the player dies or leaves the server. Simple as that.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] - iLearner - 11.01.2017
I had done that, but gammix suggested that 'function' about the rest I'll adjust.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
SickAttack - 11.01.2017
"if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid))"
can also be written like this:
pawn Code:
if(GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) | GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == NO_TEAM || GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid))
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
saffierr - 12.01.2017
Originally Posted by SickAttack
"Stock by Gammix"
"if (HeadShotSystem == true)"
You could just do "if(HeadShotSystem)" instead.
P.S. "if(!HeadShotSystem)" for false.
"else if(HeadShotSystem == false)"
"else" is more than enough. If the first if-then is true then obviously the else below it will be false.
"else" is indeed more than enough, though I personally prefer to have it included as well.
The things you are pointing out are nothing more than 'personal styles and/or preferences'.
The one prefers to script it like "if(HeadShotSystem == true)" and the other prefers to script it like "if(HeadShotSystem)" They're both not wrong.
So, you pointed out pretty unrelated things.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
SickAttack - 12.01.2017
Originally Posted by saffierr
"else" is indeed more than enough, though I personally prefer to have it included as well.
The things you are pointing out are nothing more than 'personal styles and/or preferences'.
The one prefers to script it like "if(HeadShotSystem == true)" and the other prefers to script it like "if(HeadShotSystem)" They're both not wrong.
So, you pointed out pretty unrelated things.
I don't see how it's not related, because it basically is as for feedback, suggestions and better programming practices.
You won't find "== true/false" being used in "higher level" projects (or however you want to call them) to be honest.
The same thing applies to:
"new bool:Something = false;"
That "= false" is not required, but logically it isn't needed and removing it is most likely considered as better programming practice.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
saffierr - 12.01.2017
Originally Posted by SickAttack
I don't see how it's not related, because it basically is as for feedback, suggestions and better programming practices.
You won't find "== true/false" being used in "higher level" projects (or however you want to call them) to be honest.
The same thing applies to:
"new bool:Something = false;"
That "= false" is not required, but logically it isn't needed and removing it is most likely considered as better programming practice.
How is it considered as 'better' lol, I truly don't see how, as it's different for everyone.
Having "new bool:Something = false;" is just for the sight of your eyes, and yes, I know a boolean is FALSE by default, but as I've said, it's just for the sight.
I do not see how it is possibly considered as better.
Re: HeadShot System [Explained] -
muzammilfreeman - 12.01.2017
Great for beginners!