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Help - daniel2516 - 06.01.2017

{1, {-1474.8071, 1488.8768, 8.2501}, {-794.9675, 490.1811, 1376.1953}, {-788.3607, 497.5167, 1371.7422}, 1, 4000, 8000, 3, 1, "Liberty city inside", 0, 10000000, -1, {-782.329528, 498.319580, 1371.749023, 2.251684}, 172},

That's a robbery store line. On that lines which one is the robbery points or robbery cash prize? I want to increase the robbery points/prize in every stores. which line is it?

Re: Help - Sithis - 06.01.2017

That completely depends on which script you're using. Try providing some more information about your script so we can help you.

Re: Help - daniel2516 - 06.01.2017

It's the full line of the robbery... There's a line there which is the robbery points..

Re: Help - Sithis - 06.01.2017

Originally Posted by daniel2516
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It's the full line of the robbery... There's a line there which is the robbery points..
Are you using a downloaded script? If yes, which one? Unless you provide some code that shows us what you're using, we won't be able to assist you.

Re: Help - PhoneixViper - 06.01.2017

Ur using Cz CnR so thats is /include/cnr/cnr_robberycheckpoint right ?
Read below enum and U will se what every Thing means

Re: Help - iLearner - 06.01.2017


- storeID - this is the store ID, continue the pattern.
- checkpointLoc - x, y, z location for entering the interior (this is also the place the player ends up being after leaving the interior)
- exitpointLoc - x, y, z location for leaving the interior (this is also the place the player ends up being after entering the interior)
- robpointLoc - x, y, z location for the actual robbery checkpoint
- storeStatus - leave it at 1, server will modify this on the fly.
- lowestCash - certain interiors will give more than others, this is how you define the lowest amount that store will ever produce from a robbery.
- highestCash - same as above, just this is the highest amount.
- virtualWorld - this tells the server which world to throw you in, this is so you only get player markers of people who are in the same store as you.
- interiorWorld - this tells the server which interior to put you in.
- storeName - this defines the name of the store for the text labels, and robbery reports "Jake has robbed Cluckin' Bell" etc.
- lastRobbed - this tells the server when the store was last robbed.
- storePrice - store price
- storeOwner - (-1 for manual load / 0 for "CZCNR Server")

The thing explain everything.

PS: last time i got a forum warning for posting this :/

Re: Help - Ihabou - 06.01.2017

Originally Posted by iLearner
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The thing explain everything.

PS: last time i got a forum warning for posting this :/
iLerner Can i use this With Pawn ? and What i include Please I need it Want to make Some stores